Black and White- Tom Holland x reader

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warnings: angst, so much angst, drunk driving, fluff in the beginning 


Black and white. That's the only color scheme you saw in until you met your soulmate. It was frustrating in some aspects, but it was kind of nice. You didn't have to worry about which colors looked good on you or which ones didn't, it was either black or white, or some shade of grey.

People would wait for years for their soulmates. Some people never found them, and you felt bad for them. Your grandparents would tell you how when they met each other, not only did their world switch from black and white to color, they just knew deep down that the other person was the one for them. They didn't always know it at first, but overtime they came to realize it.

You waited 24 years to meet your soulmate. You first had a feeling when you went to see Spiderman: Homecoming in theaters. There was a tingle at the back of your head whenever Peter Parker was on the screen but you brushed it aside. There was no way your soulmate was the Tom Holland.

But then you met him. You met him in the grocery store, of all places. He was going grocery shopping (duh) for the week, whereas you were only picking up some food you had developed a craving for recently. Neither of you were looking where you were going, too consumed in reading a text on your phone or looking at your list of food, when you bumped into each other, causing all your food to fall out of the baskets and onto the floor.

You noticed it immediately. All the bursts and flashes of color, the way Tom's deep brown eyes widened in shock, his chestnut curls flopped loosely against his forehead.

"Holy shit." You whispered, keeping your eyes on him. "I'm-I'm so sorry I wasn't looking. My name's Y/N."

"Me neither, love. 'S okay, nice to meet you Y/N." He smiled gently, his eyes still fixed on yours. "Um, are you my-, can you see in color?"

You nodded, stepping closer to him. Your grandparents were right. The beating of your heart and the tingle in the back of your head, the same one you got in the movie theater let you know that he was the one. He was your soulmate.

"You're my soulmate.." Your voice trailed off, allowing him to take your hand in his gently.

"Yeah, I am." He replied softly, running this thumb over your knuckles softly. "This okay?"

"Yeah." You nodded. "Um, should we, do you want to get to know each other a little bit? Is that how this works?"

Tom chuckled at your question. He found it (and you) adorable. "Sure, love. Wanna come to my place?"

"Okay. Sure, yeah, that sounds good." You let out, the reality of the food scattered around you and people giving you weird looks setting in. "Should we pick this up?"

"Guess so." He crouched down to help you, chuckling at your food choices. Pasta, ice cream, frozen pizzas.

"I really wanted pasta." You mumbled, growing shy under his gaze.

"Pasta for dinner it is, then!"
Two years after that and Tom was still your best friend. Not only was he your boyfriend, but he was the one you turned to when you needed help picking out an outfit, even if he insisted you looked good in all of them. He was the one you turned to if you needed a shoulder to cry on, the one you danced with in the kitchen when you made dinner with disney music blaring throughout the apartment.

The two of you spent nights cuddled on the couch, wrapped up in each other and keeping each other warm when it was cold.

It hurt when he left to film, but he always left you your favorite shirt of his, the one you wore to sleep when he was gone because it brought you comfort to have his scent surrounding you if he couldn't physically be there.

It was a normal night. You were getting ready to welcome Tom back from filming, putting in the last minute ingredients to the homemade pizza and salad you were preparing. And unlike every other time, you had the news on in the background along with chasing cars by snow patrol playing lightly in the kitchen. The news was the next program to come on after the show you were previously watching and knowing you'd watch something when Tom came home, you opted to leave the tv on.

Everything came crashing down when the world around you suddenly went back to black and white, followed by the news broadcaster and it became that the story that was being reported was all you could hear. You made your way to the living room, your hand pressed to your mouth as sobs uncontrollably fell from your lips.

"On his way home from the airport, actor Tom Holland, known best for his role as Peter Parker in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, was involved in a serious car accident. I regret to inform you he was pronounced dead at the scene. Police confirm that the driver of the other car was highly intoxicated."

As much as you wanted to, you couldn't bring yourself to turn off the tv.

Picking up your phone, you dialed the number you knew by heart shakily, waiting impatiently as the phone rang before you were greeted by Tom's cheery voicemail message.

"Tom please pick up. Did you see the news? They're saying you're dead but that can't be. It can't be, Tom. That wouldn't be fair! We had a future ahead of us, we had so much to look forward to! You have to pick up the phone, you have to, Tommy please!" You sobbed. There was a burning in your chest, an aching because the one person you wanted to be held by right now wasn't there. It was like someone had physically ripped your heart out of your chest, but the only way to make it better was if Tom was there to hold you. He was the other half of you, you'd argue that he was the better half of you. You hung up and tried calling again and again, each time the burning and aching in your chest getting stronger and stronger.

Everything else seemed to fade away, the only thing you could focus on was how much it hurt. God, it was unbearable. And it wasn't fair. Life wasn't fair. It wasn't fair that you waited so long to meet your soulmate and that he was ripped from you in a matter of seconds.

It wasn't fair that because of one person, you had to go back to seeing things in black and white.


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