Happier- Tom Holland x reader

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a/n: part 2 to good enough!!

Tom texted and called you all day- it was apparent he was not giving up. You ignored him, choosing to put your phone on silent and remain in the park, watching people go by. As much as he wanted to talk, you couldn't bring yourself to face him. You planned to go back to the apartment later when he would be gone to pack your stuff and head to you friend's place until you found one of your own.

You stayed at the park until the sun went down and the sky got dark. The stars were shining you were tempted to stay to admire them but your hands were freezing and you were sure your lips would be blue if you stayed out any longer, so you reluctantly went back to your car, preparing to drive back to the apartment. James Bay's music played softly through your speaker, making you sigh. His music was always so soothing but the only thing you could concentrate on right now was how much of a disaster you were.

Opening the door, you were greeted by Tom jumping off the couch, concern all over his features and the smell of pizza coming from the kitchen. "I've been calling you all day." He mumbled, his eyes trying to find yours. "Didn't want to talk." You muttered, going to the kitchen.

"Can we talk over pizza?" He asked, his eyes filled with sadness but a bit of hope in them. "Sure." Tom smiled softly, going to get you both plates and pizza.

Once you both sat down, an awkward silence came over you. Neither of you wanted to address the elephant in the room. "Um, I- do you still like me?" Tom asked. You shrugged, keeping your gaze down. "I dunno. My thoughts are a bit jumbled about that topic. I need to sort them out." You mumbled. "Talk to me, Y/N, you know you can talk to me about it." He pleaded.

"I thought I was done, I thought I was over you but uh, whenever I think about you with her it's like salt in a cut." You whispered, getting up to get more pizza when Tom didn't say anything.

Sitting back down, you picked at the crust of the pizza before speaking again. "I'm gonna move out."

"What?" Tom asked, his eyes widening. "I can't stay here and see you with her or listen to you on the phone with her or be a shitty friend." You blurted out. "How could you ever be a shitty friend?" He asked, eyes pleading for answers.

"I..dunno I just thought you're gonna wanna talk to someone about her and if that person is me, then you're not going to want to talk to me because you'll think you can't because of my feelings."

Tom felt his heart break, part of what you said had some truth to it, he didn't want to hurt you further by talking to you about his girlfriend. But he would never think you were a bad friend for that.

"Is...is that really what you think?" He asked, making you shrug. "Maybe. I just think it'd be better for both of us if I left."

"No. No Y/N that wouldn't make anything better, it really wouldn't. I could just bring her over when you're not here or I could just go to her place-"

"Tom I can't be the reason you avoid coming back here or why you can only make plans under certain circumstances." You cried. "I just want you to be happier." You whimpered.

"Don't you get it, Y/N? I'm happiest with you. If you left me I don't even know what I'd do with myself." He said, tears filling his eyes.

"Don't say stuff like that." You muttered, your pizza now cold as you continued to focus your gaze on it. "You should say that to your girlfriend, not me."

Tom didn't say anything. He knew you were right.

"I'm done with this conversation. I'm gonna go pack." You said, going to go to your room.

"Can we compromise?" He called, making you pause.

"Compromise on what?" You responded, your back still facing him.

"You stay here. Please- at least for a month. See if you really can't handle it and if you can't I'll let you go. But please," he breathed. "Please don't leave me just yet."

"Tom, I don't know."

"Please." He whimpered. His expression was genuine, his eyes filled with desperation with a glint of hope.

You stayed quiet, your eyes on the ground. On the one hand, you knew it would be a hard month. On the other hand, it was only a month. Tom could tell you were weighing the options in your mind, trying to pick the best choice.

"Fine. I'll stay for a month." You finally decided, Tom's face lighting up as he brought you into a tight hug.

You couldn't help the pounding of your heart or the butterflies in your stomach while your face was buried in his chest, his arms holding you tightly.

"Thank you! Thank you Y/N I promise you won't regret it." He smiled brightly.

"Please don't make me regret it." You smiled softly, half joking, half serious.

"Do you really have that little faith in me? C'mon Y/N I'm your best friend!" He snorted, wincing when he realized what he said. "Sorry, sorry-"

"It's fine. Uh, what do you want to do?" You mumbled.

"Movie night sound good?" He responded softly. You nodded, moving past him quickly to get to the couch.

Tom sat next to you as he usually did, threw his arm around you as he usually did and picked up the remote as he usually did.

Everything was as it was as if the past day didn't happen, which, you guessed was what was best.

Tom was on his phone for the majority of the movie, smiling from ear to ear. You knew exactly who he was texting and as much as you loved to see him happy, it made your heart hurt.

So you did what you did best.

Bury your feelings and tell yourself that you were just friends.

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