Surprise!- Tom Holland x reader

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warnings: pregnancy stuff 

Telling Tom

"Oh my god." You whispered to yourself as you stared at the stick in your hand. The word 'pregnant' was shown on the test of the test and you felt your stomach doing flips. Never in a million years did you think you'd be sitting in your bedroom with a positive pregnancy test in your shaking hands. Tom wasn't even home- he was out to dinner with the twins and Harrison. The first thing that came to mind was how on earth to tell your husband the news. The two of you had been trying for months and each time you took a test and it came back negative you were heartbroken and Tom saw that.

You immediately downloaded a pregnancy tracker app onto your phone, your hands still shaking and hot tears filling your eyes. After putting in all your information, you decided to write Tom a short letter, taping the positive test to the paper. Glancing at the clock, you knew you had some more time before Tom got home so you decided to run to the store, getting a card and envelope, as well as a small gift bag for the letter and test.

Upon arriving home, you shakily put the letter and test in the bag before throwing in some white tissue paper for decoration. You sealed the envelope after writing another little message to Tom in the card, before placing it on the counter and sitting at the island with Tessa at your feet.

"You're gonna be a big sister, Tess." You told the dog, petting her head. The nerves in your stomach grew as you heard the front door click open and Tom hang his keys up by the door.

"Darling, 'm home!" He called. It wasn't late, he wasn't expecting you to be asleep, but he certainly wasn't expecting to come home to see his wife sitting at the island with a gift bag on the table.

"I have a present for you." You mumbled, making Tom nervous as well. Was it your anniversary? Did he forget a special date? Was it his birthday and he forgot?

He watched as you picked up the bag, ignoring the envelope which presumably held a small card inside of it and handed it to him silently.

He took the bag from you and moved the tissue paper around, confusion taking over his features as his eyes settled on the neatly folded paper.

"Sweetheart.." He started, but you cut him off.

"Read the letter." Your voice cracked. "Please."

He opened the paper and wordlessly read the letter, his brown eyes scanning over the words.

Dear Tommy,

I don't even know what to say. We've been trying for so long and I didn't think I'd be writing this letter for a while.

But I have some good news! We'll be expecting a little one in November! I just took the test because I had been feeling a bit off but I'm so overjoyed to tell you this, I hope you're excited too.

Love, Y/N (and baby!!)

P.S. the test is attached xo

You watched as his eyes filled with tears as he finished the letter before taking a good look at the positive test before looking to you.

"Holy shit." He whispered putting everything down and wrapped his arms around your waist while yours went around his neck. "We're having a baby."

"We're having a baby." You grinned, resting your forehead against his.

Tom dropped to his knees, resting his forehead against your stomach.

"Hi little one." He whispered, pressing soft kisses all over your tummy. "It's your daddy here and I love you so so much."

Telling your family (12 weeks)

"Tom I'm so scared." You mumbled as he wrote out the card to your parents. It was their anniversary and the two of you were going up to visit them for the day. You were beyond nervous about telling them despite knowing they'd be overjoyed at the news of a grandchild.

Nearly the entire ride up, Tom's free hand was either on your thigh or laced with yours, assuring you constantly that you had nothing to worry about.

You pulled up to your parents' house, letting out a final breath as Tom squeezed your hand and pressed a soft kiss to your forehead.

"Ready, love?" He asked, grabbing the card.

"Ready as I'll ever be." You breathed out, a small smile on your lips as the two of you headed inside.

The two of you were immediately greeted with lots of hugs and kisses from both of your parents, embracing you and Tom separately before switching.

"Happy anniversary, mom and dad." You smiled, Tom's arm going around your shoulders.

"We have a little card for you." Tom finished, handing your mom the card as she grinned adoringly at you and Tom.

You watched with anticipation as your mom read the card, her jaw dropping as she read the end.

"What is it?" Your dad asked, trying to read over your mom's shoulder.

"It's signed Tom, Y/N and the baby!" Your mom cried, moving to embrace you before embracing Tom.

"No way! That's terrific news, sweetheart!" Your dad told you, embracing the two of you next.

"Little one's due in November." You smiled softly, hands going around your tiny bump that was just starting to form.

Your mom grinned, tears in her eyes before asking Tom if his family knew.

"Not yet. We're planning on telling them tomorrow." He responded.

"Let us know how it goes!" Your dad told you, Tom agreeing immediately.

"We will! I'm really looking forward to it." He replied, smiling when you pressed a soft kiss to his cheek.

"This is the best anniversary gift ever. Who wants to celebrate with a lovely dinner?"

Telling Tom's family (12 weeks)

There was no special occasion like a birthday or anniversary for the two of you to slip your announcement into a gift, Tom's mom had just invited you over for a family dinner. So you were just going to do it old school, just announce it verbally.

You were just sitting down for dinner and Nikki was coming over with a bottle of wine, pouring everyone a glass (or their second glass) before noticing you didn't even have a wine glass.

"Y/N would you like a glass of wine, love?" She asked sweetly.

"Oh no thanks, alcohol isn't good for the baby." You froze when you realized what you just said, the words slipping right through your lips.

"Well we were gonna do this once we all sat down, but surprise! We're having a baby!" Tom announced, taking your hand in his under the table.

His brothers looked shocked while Nikki had tears in her eyes and Dom had a smile on his face.

"Are you really?" Nikki asked, her voice so quiet it was nearly a whisper.

You and Tom nodded, prompting everyone to jump up and give you hugs and ask how far along you were.

"12 weeks." You responded, Tom putting his hand over your small bump. "Little one's due in November."

"And we can't wait to meet the little bean." 

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