Bad Idea- Peter Parker x reader

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Halloween was approaching, and you were beyond excited. Halloween was your favorite time of the year, all the spookiness, the costumes, the movies, you looked forward to it every year. For the past two years, you spent every Friday night in October watching a Halloween movie with your boyfriend, Peter. Most of the time it was something that wasn't scary, like The Nightmare Before Christmas or Halloweentown. The two of you would cuddle up on his couch with popcorn and ice cream and enjoy the movie(s) you picked out. Most of the time it ended with May coming in and waking you off if you both fell asleep, and sometimes it ended with you shaking Peter awake because he fell asleep with his head in your lap while you ran your fingers through his curls.

Approaching your boyfriend at his locker, you gave him a kiss on the cheek making him smile. "Morning, baby. You ready for tonight?" He asked, giving you a quick hug and kiss, but holding on to your free hand. "Always! I'll bring the popcorn!" You cheered, leaning your head on his shoulder as you walked to class. Pausing in front of the doorway, your face got serious for a moment, worrying Peter. "Everything alright?" He asked gently, rubbing his thumb over your knuckles. "You have ice cream, right?" You asked, making him chuckle. "Yes, love, I have ice cream." He smiled. "Good. See you at lunch, Pete." "See you at lunch, Y/N." He said, giving you one last kiss before walking away.

The rest of the day went by far too slowly for your liking, you just wanted to be at Peter's, curled up with him watching a movie. You looked at movies throughout the day, noticing The Conjuring movies were both available. At your apartment, you laid on your bed, watching trailers for movies while you waited for Peter to say he was ready for you. A slight vibration on your bed ripped you from the trailers and a smile spread across your face when you saw a message from Peter saying to head over now. Grabbing the box of movie theater style popcorn you grabbed from the store earlier, you gave your mom a kiss goodbye, letting her know you wouldn't be home until late or you'd spend the night at Peter's.

Knocking on Peter's door, you were greeted by your boyfriend opening it and the sound of Halloween music blasting through the kitchen. "What's this?" You asked, placing the popcorn on the counter. "I'm hungry so I'm making a frozen pizza. Want any?" He offered, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his head on your shoulder. "If you don't mind. I haven't had much to eat since I got home." You smiled, pressing a kiss to his soft cheek. "Did you think I was gonna eat the whole thing by myself? I'm still saving room for movie snacks!" He grinned, taking the pizza out.

As the two of you ate the pizza, you discussed movies. "The Conjuring movies are available!" You said, mouth full of pizza. "Babe that's perfect! May isn't home either so it'll be just us." He said, the excited boy already going to the couch. "Ice cream or popcorn first?" You asked, while he found the movie and turned the lights off. "Popcorn. We can break for ice cream if it gets scary." He said happily.

"Here. Thanks for waiting." You mumbled, climbing under the blankets and into his lap and handing him the big bowl of popcorn. "Why do you get to cuddle into me? Where am I supposed to hide?" Peter whined as you cuddled into his chest. "You're Spiderman. You can protect me." You smiled, eating popcorn as Peter huffed but started the movie.

Halfway through the movie, both of you had your eyes glued to the screen, paralyzed with fear. The empty popcorn bowl was in your lap and you were too scared to move it while Peter was laid down, cocooned in the blankets. You quickly threw the empty bowl on the ground, repositioning yourself to lay next to Peter, who wrapped an arm around you.

You noticed your feet were exposed, making you realize your boyfriend had all the blankets. And he was asleep, which meant it was only you in the pitch dark, with The Conjuring on. Sighing, you tried to just cuddle back up to him, however it didn't help your fear. "Peter," you whispered, shaking him a little and shaking in fear at the slow footsteps that echoed through the apartment and at the scenes playing out in front of you. "Peter, hey, stop hogging all the blankets!" You whisper yelled, trying to get some of the blankets for yourself, as the footsteps got closer. Just as Peter was waking up, the lights in the room turned on and you jumped up and screamed, causing Peter to fully wake up and May to gasp and hold her hand over her heart.

"What's going on?" Peter asked, his voice laced with sleep. "I-I, sorry May, I just, we were watching The Conjuring and you scared me." You said, still trembling a little bit as the end credits played on the screen. "That's fine, dear! Don't worry about it. Did Peter fall asleep?" She smiled, running her hand through her nephew's curls as he pouted. "Yeah. And he stole all the blankets." You giggled, feeling yourself relax. "Heyyyy. Not fair." Peter whined, May placing a kiss on his head. "I just figured I'd check up on you guys. See what movie you're watching. Night guys, love you both." She said, making you both smile, mumbling a "love you too," in response.

"I-I should get going." You muttered, making Peter shake his head. "Nope. You're staying with me. No way am I letting you walk home after that." He said, laughing when you threw yourself into his chest. "Oh thank god. I'm too scared to walk home right now." You mumbled into his chest, grinning when he picked you up and brought you to his room. He placed you gently on his bottom bunk, smiling softly when he noticed you curling up under the covers. "I'll be on the top bunk, my love, okay?" He whispered against your forehead, making you shake your head. "Stay with me." You mumbled, reaching for him. "You sure?" He asked, wanting to make sure you were completely okay with sharing a bed. Sure, you guys had fallen asleep on couches, but beds brought a new level of intimacy and while you guys had done it before and May was okay with it, he always made sure you were 100% comfortable with it. "Yeah. Just don't steal all the blankets again." You muttered, smiling when you felt him getting into the small bed with you, pulling you closer to him. "Next movie night we're not putting on anything scary." Peter mumbled. "Yeah that was a bad idea. Not happening again for a very long time."

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