Great Perhaps- Peter Parker x reader

Start from the beginning

"I got some ice cream, figured we could have a little movie night before you go." She offered, Peter getting the ice cream scooper out.

"Just like old days, yeah?"
"Just like old days."


The next morning, Peter woke up with a pit in his stomach. He was so ready to get a fresh start, but he was leaving his home. He was leaving May, Ned, MJ.

"Honey? Ned is here!" May called, knocking on Peter's door, before opening it and letting Ned in, who couldn't get more than two feet with the boxes everywhere.

"Hey man." Peter greeted, getting out of bed.

"Hey Peter, I know you're leaving soon, but I wanted to stop by and say goodbye. Again." He said, his voice cracking.

"Aw man, it's okay. I'll be back before you know it!" Peter comforted his best friend, giving him a hug.

"Yeah, but, I'll miss you." Ned whispered.

"I'll miss you too. Facetime me?" Peter asked, his voice low.

"Yeah. Yeah of course. Good luck, man. Go save the world." Ned smiled sadly, giving Peter one last hug before Peter walked him out.

"Well, Peter. Today's the day." May sighed. "How do you feel?"

"Nervous. 'M scared to leave you. But I'm excited." He answered honestly, chuckling when May pulled him into a tight hug. "I love you, you know that right? A-And you can always call me. Or Tony. He may get to you faster but both of us are here for you." She rambled, the tears she had built up finally spilling over.

"It's okay, May, I know. I'll call you a lot, I promise." Peter comforted.

May pulled away, cupping her nephew's cheeks and pressing a kiss to his forehead. "Let's go pack the car, okay? We have a long drive."

After a three hour and twenty eight minute drive, May was finally pulling up to MIT. "Why don't you go to your residence hall and check in? I'll wait here and see if we can park here or if I have to move." May suggested, Peter nodding in response. He hesitated before he opened the car door and heading over to his residence hall.

"Hey! Welcome to MIT, what's your name?" The student asked.

"P-Peter. Peter Parker." He answered.

"You're on the second floor. 218." The student smiled, handing Peter his ID.

"Thanks." Peter mumbled, before going out to find May, when someone approached him. "Hey, you Peter Parker?" He asked. Peter nodded in confusion.

"I'm Thomas, your roommate. I just heard you check in." Thomas introduced, extending his hand, Peter shaking it.

"Hey- have you heard about a girl? Supposedly her name's y/n, she knows one of my friends, Oliver. I'm sure she's nice but apparently she's super well known." Tom told Peter, who shook his head.

"No I haven't. Hey, Thomas-"

"Call me Tom!" Tom interrupted.

"Alright, Tom! I'm gonna go find my aunt, I'll see you back here." Peter told him, earning a nod from his roommate.

Peter made his way back to May, who had already began unpacking. "Peter! You all checked in?" May asked, wiping some sweat from her forehead.

"Yeah. Met my roommate too. Said something about a girl named y/n who knows his friend Oliver." Peter relayed the information Tom told him to his aunt while helping her unpack the boxes.

"Hopefully they're nice, honey."
"Yeah, I can't wait to meet them."

Hours later and Peter was moved in with Tom and all of them were drenched in sweat. Tom and his parents had gone to see what the rest of the evening entailed, while May and Peter hung out in the dorm. "Alright well, you're moved in. Anything else you need?" May asked.

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