No interior damage. Tail lights broken, scratched edges and a bruised bumper, but she's ready to drive! I hop in the drivers seat, throwing my bags beside me. Everything has to be in reaching distance. If I can't reach it, leave it.

That's my rule.

Closing and locking the doors, I start the ignition, hearing the engine roar to life as a smirk finds it's way to my face. I could run over so many zombies with this and still be able to drive it.

The tank was half full. I guess I'm getting gas.

The only reason I avoided it before was because I was scared. I was almost killed at the gas station once, I won't let it happen again.

Turning the sharp corner, I see the empty main road, deserted with crashed cars still lined up neatly. Like kids lining up outside a classroom.

Taking a deep breath, I step out of the car, my converse hitting the ground. I finger my gun in my holster, feeling it against my finger tips. Doing a quick check of the gas ground, I pump normal gas into the engine, popping the boot as I wait for it too fill.

Holy pregnant cow!

My eyes are wide as I open the boot. It's not exciting to a normal person. But to me, a person going through a zombie apocalypse... it's exciting!

Two big, red plastic containers used for storing fuel! And they're full! Score!
Rope, a handgun, tape, a hammer and three rounds of bullets.

I feel faint. It's almost like- it was made for me.
I pull everything out, shoving it into the duffel bag in the front seat.

After closing the boot, securing the gas lid and putting the gas pump back in it's place, I felt pretty confident. But that didn't last long.

I heard the familiar sound of groaning and heavy breathing to my left. I wasn't close enough to get to the car so I had to shoot them from where I was standing.

But when I turned around, I nearly shit myself.

Four old, rotten and gory zombies were making their way too me. I pulled out my gun, flicking the magazine open. My eyes went wide, 6 bullets? That leaves me with one? Fuck!

I started my aim, peering through the target and shooting once, twice and then a thud to the floor. After the third one dropped dead, I holstered my gun and jumped in the jeep, locking the doors. But I opened the drivers window, re-filling the magazine with 12 bullets as I shot it square in the face, twice.

Blowing on the barrel like a cowboy I closed my window, doing U-turn as I drove down the main road. With no destination.

I grabbed my journal, stopping on the side of the road.

I killed 3 zombies. They ambushed me in the gas station, again. I think they're breeding, which isn't true otherwise I'd 100% be dead.

I hit the jackpot though. I found a jeep with full gas containers, rope and other survival things. I know it's stupid to say I'll survive this, because I won't.

I'll die alone, a virgin. A sad, lonely virgin.

Closing the journal, I slipped it inside my bag, starting on the road again. It was only midday, which meant I had til 5 or 6 to find somewhere to sleep.

I contemplated in my head just driving to New York, it's only an hour. But that place is literally infested with zombies. Just before the last ever news report cut out, the only humans was the camera man and the reporter.

Scary shiz.

But after driving for a while, I come across a grocery store. It looks fairly new. Obviously it's raided. I can tell by the broken glass and a sign that is no longer there.

Parking as close as I can, I hope out. Slipping the handgun into my pocket as I feel for the other gun. Both knives are tucked away in my socks. My pack, weapons and everything else is in the jeep. It's locked. I always lock the cars I steal.

Most zombies just want to eat you. They're incredibly stupid. They can't even walk in a straight line let alone open unlocked car doors, but I still want to take precautions.

As I entered the store, cringing at the bell at the top of the door. That's going to get me some customers. I strolled down the aisles. This place is untouched. So many food items remain stocked. Magazines, tampons, shampoo, band aids, everything is here! I hit the freaking mother load.

The back end of the store is dark. Completely dark, I go to my gun, feeling the cool metal on my finger tips. I don't want to kill anything today. I turn around, eyeing the jeep through the broken glass. I could make a run for it, but there's so much food here.

But the cock of a gun makes me stop in my tracks.

"Die fucking zombie."

And next thing I know, I'm on the ground, a bullet inside me.

* * *


this is some scary shiz!!
i can promise you it's going to get so much more interesting, just trust me!!

happy reading!

Don't Talk To Strangers | BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now