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Hana planned to tell her parents about the unfortunate news, but she wanted to do it in person. She believed that she should it soon, so she chose today to do it. Jimin asked her earlier if he should drive her, but she told him that she just wanted some alone time. It still rattled him a little because she seemed unstable to drive yet she was here insisting she can and will.

After leaving Jimin's house to go alone, she sat in her car silently. She bit her lip, starting the engine. Her nose stung as she gripped the wheel, knowing her parents would be upset. She continued to go over how she was going to tell her parents as she drove, and before she knew it, she had already arrived.

Her parents were excited to see her again, but after seeing her look so exhausted and drained, they immediately knew what was going on. Her weary eyes and lost smile gave it all away. Hana didn't even need to say it. Her mother already knew. She was led to the couch, and all 3 of them were silent, waiting for Hana to say something.

Hana gulped, rubbing her hands together, "I.. um... I.. I had a miscarriage." She sharply exhaled, feeling shaky again. Her mother immediately brought her into her arms, "Oh honey. I'm so sorry." She said, squeezing her daughter in empathy. Hana couldn't hold in her tears anymore, letting them spill out like a waterfall.

"It'll be okay, kiddo. We're here to support you. Just know that these things happen to other women too. It wasn't your doing." Her dad said with his head down, unable to watch her daughter cry.

After a whole 30 minute conversation of it, Hana felt thankful for her parents. They knew so much. They didn't blame her. They supported her. They gave her some advice on what to do next, and she felt safe. Hana's cries died down, and they were now in peace.

"How's Jimin-ah taking it?" Her mother asked, worry flashing in her eyes for the young man.

And that simple question left Hana stunned. It left an empty hole in her heart, and her mind became blank. All this time, it was Jimin who was checking up on her, it was Jimin who was making sure she ate meals even if she didn't want to, it was Jimin who was making sure she was stayed hydrated, it was Jimin who was cooking for her, it was Jimin who was tucking her into bed every night, it was Jimin who was worried sick about her.

But what about Jimin? Who's taking care of him?

"Oh my god." The woman breathed out, immediately getting up. "Jimin- I-I have to go." She hurriedly said, grabbing her bag. Her parents nodded, sensing her panic, letting her go.

Hana felt so guilty and so selfish to have let him suffer alone when he was doing all his best so that she didn't have to. Tears pooled in her eyes as she drove, feeling like a boulder was pressing on her heart. She whimpered, squeezing the wheel as she stopped to a red light. How could I have been so ignorant? She exhaled deeply, speeding through the highway until she got home.

Hana parked the car and rushed into his house, going straight into his hallway. Jimin became alert, hearing the ruckus and the hurried footsteps. "Hana?" He called out, standing up and opening the door wider to see her, running towards him and crashing into his arms, crying.

"W-What's going on?" He worriedly asked, unable to understand why she was crying right now after leaving her parents' house. Did they yell at her? Did they say something to offend her? Did they blame her? These irrational questions bombarded his mind, and it soon felt suffocating.

"I'm so sorry. I've been so selfish." She sobbed out, squeezing his shirt inside her fists as she held onto him for life. The man was confused, rubbing her back, "What are you talking about? Are you okay? Why are you crying?" He quickly asked, wanting some answers already.

"You've done nothing but suh-support me and help me and t-take care of me- and I-I haven't even asked you once on how you were doing.." She breathed between sobs, feeling like someone punctured her heart.

Jimin closed his eyes, tightening his embrace. "Hana.. this has hit you harder than it hit me.. okay? I mean that both physically and mentally. You couldn't take care of yourself, so I did. Don't feel selfish. You couldn't even pay attention to yourself. I'm okay. If I weren't, I'd be falling apart and I wouldn't be able to take care of you, right?" He softly replied, caressing her hair. "Nobody blames you for this. It wasn't anyone's fault. It just happened by chance, so please don't blame yourself for this. It hurts to see you resent yourself for something that you couldn't control." He continued, noticing that her cries and sobs slowly came to a halt.

Hana shook her head slowly against his body, "I'm so sorry. You must've been so tired and upset." She shakily said again, gulping. Jimin pulled away, wiping her tears with his hands, "Look at me." He ordered, seeing her eyes lowered and her head down. She shook her head again, sniffling. "Hana."

"Just say you do or don't forgive me and that'll be it!" She exclaimed, feeling frustrated at herself and at fault. Jimin pulled his hands away, sighing, "I can't forgive you if I didn't feel like you had any fault in the first place." He explained, heart cracking again at the sight of her crying.

"Hana.." Jimin sighed, wondering why it was so difficult for her to just admit that she wasn't in the wrong. He didn't know if she was still unstable due to the miscarriage or just because she felt a sense of remorse for everything, but whatever it was, he just wanted to fix it for her.

"Jimin." Hana whimpered, stepping forward to fall into his arms again. Jimin pecked the top of her head, "I'm here. I'm always here." He assured, closing his arms around her body. Feeling his shirt dampen further, he patted her back, "C'mon... stop crying. Please, baby." He cooed, pursing his lips.

The woman pulled away after some time to wipe her eyes dry. She took a deep breath, clearing her throat. She finally looked up to Jimin who gazed at her with a loose smile hanging on the side. He noticed her red, bloodshot eyes and her eye bags that yearned for some mental rest already.

"I love you." She blurted, feeling her nose sting again. She made sure to swallow the lump again, shakily breathing in. Jimin smiled, leaning down to connect their lips into a passionate one. It's been a while since they've kissed, so it was nice to feel that euphoric spark again. He backed her up to the nearest wall, not ruining the kiss at all. His hand climbed to her jaw, holding it for better access as her lips delved perfectly into his. He pulled away after some time to regain air for the both of them.

Jimin moved the strands that were in her face and smiled sheepishly. "I love you more." He gently caressed her cheek, wiping away any dampness that stayed on her skin.

"We can get through anything together. Don't dwell on this so much. Just think about all the fun that we're going to have when we try again." Jimin smirked, feeling his heart burst when he saw her smile.

That gorgeous curvature on her face was absent for a long time. He felt ecstatic to see it again. To hear her softly laugh again was like winning the lottery despite it being only for a small duration. It caused him to grin widely, his eyes creasing into lines. Jimin loved her smile- more than anything in the world.

"Gosh." Hana muttered, letting her smile break through while he snickered. She tiptoed, pulling his face down to kiss him again. She missed Jimin. Despite him being there every single second of the day, the last few days made her feel so distant from him. It felt so much more different now.

Is this what healing felt like?

Jimin felt Hana pressing her lips harder against his, making him laugh and pull away, "Hey hey hey, I don't mean right now." He annoyingly commented, giggling when the woman playfully shoved him away. "I wasn't trying to!" She defended, trying to smack away his hands that reached for hers. "Okay okay." He simpered, enveloping her whole. The two stay like that for a while as Jimin started to gently sway her.

"I'm feeling a lot better." Hana mumbled, closing her eyes, finding comfort in his warm embrace. He sighed in relief, "I'm glad, Hana." He lightly pecked her head. "Thank you for being here." Hana said as she pursed her lips, feeling grateful to have a partner like Jimin.

What did I even do in my past life to deserve him?

"As long as we're under the same sky-"

"You'll always be there for me."

UNDER THE SAME SKY | PJMDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora