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hana: Jimin!!

hana: Are you done with
your shift yet 

jimin: Yeah just finished

hana: Ok great! I just
wanted to make sure cuz
I didn't wanna text u
during ur shift

jimin: Oh ok

hana: I really liked the
honey glazed chicken so
thanks for the suggestion :)

jimin: You're welc|

Hoseok abruptly snatched Jimin's phone, sighing at the lad before the younger got a chance to react, "Hey wha-"

"Oh my god. Oh my god." Hoseok groaned, putting his left palm on his forehead, shaking his head in disappointment. Jimin frowned a little, trying to get his phone back, "What, hyung?" He asked as Hoseok pushed his arm away.

"Your texts are so dry. How do you expect to score her like this?" The elder spared him a glance, attacking him for his lack of flirting skills and game.

"Well, she asks me straightforward questions so I just answer them. How else am I supposed to text her?" Jimin grumbled, lower lip jutting out, feeling a sprinkle of annoyance.

"Why don't you take her out to dinner?" Hoseok suggested with a small smile creeping to his lips as he began to type something on his phone. "No! Don't send anything, please!" Jimin pleaded, pulling onto his arm to try to get his phone back.

Hoseok pressed the send button despite the younger's cries. "Hoseok-hyungggg," Jimin whined in his passenger seat. When he got his phone back, his eyes widened in horror seeing what he texted Hana.

jimin: You can get even more
suggestions from me if
you grab dinner with me
on Saturday 😉

hana: [•••]

Seeing the three dots pop up on the left, his heart hammered against his chest, "Oh god, she's typing." Jimin groaned, shutting his phone off, desperate to climb in a hole and hide there forever. Hoseok chuckled, "You gotta be bolder than that, Jimin." He said, starting his car as he rested his palms on the wheel.

The sound of the notification occupied their ears, and Hoseok nudged his shoulder. "Check it." He pestered, causing a sigh to escape Jimin's lips. He slowly turned his phone over as the light of his screen illuminated the inside of the car.

hana: Oh really? I would love
to! When and where?

"Oh my god, she said yes." Jimin loudly muttered, typing out a response, moving his phone away so that Hoseok could not reach him. "Did Park Jimin just score his first date in 24 years?" Hoseok exaggeratedly asked, gasping dramatically as he turned the corner. Jimin's shy smile appeared on his face again, "Maybe."

"That's my man."

Park Jimin's clammy hands rested by the sides of his body as he occasionally rubbed his palms against his jeans to get rid of the collected sweat. His heart dropped here and there, feeling anxious about this date. He has never been on one, and he didn't want to mess anything up. It wasn't even a big deal, but here he was, acting like he was having a meal with the president.

So now there he was, sitting across from Hana, losing himself by the second. "Jimin." Hana called after seeing him space out on the menu. His head lifted up from the book, looking up, "Hm?"

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