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hana: Jimin are you awake

hana: I'm bored

hana: And I can't sleep

jimin: Now I am

jimin: Can I do anything
for you?

hana: Can we FaceTime?

jimin: For what

hana: Uhh to talk?

jimin: Right now?

hana: Nvm forget it

jimin: No wait

jimin: I'll call you if you

hana: I just realized
it's really late

hana: It's okay go back
to sleep

jimin: No Hana it's fine

hana: I'll go to sleep soon
don't worry

jimin: I don't believe you

hana: Fine if you wanna
call me thAt bad

jimin: Did you just-

hana: Hehehe

would like FaceTime...

When Jimin pressed accept, he was taken back by how quickly her face took up the entire screen. A pang of guilt hit Hana when she instantly saw his eyelids about to fall, keeping them open just for her. "Hi." He started, voice low and deeper than usual, coated by fatigue.


"Can you see me?" He asked, inching closer to the small lamp on his nightstand. Hana chuckled, nodding, letting her messy bun bounce on her head, "Yeah, I can." Jimin forced his body to slide up as his back now rested against his pillow.

Even in low lighting and keeping in mind the fact that he just woke up, Jimin still managed to look handsome with his sharp facial features. His plump lips that were parted ajar and his glimmering eyes that stared at the screen made Hana weak in her knees, thankful that she was laying down. She had her elbows propping up her body, and to Jimin, she looked rather energetic to be up at 3 in the morning.

"Why can't you sleep?" He asked, rubbing his eyes in hopes to open them wider. "I think I'm just worried about my job's promotion. They're going to pick someone in a couple of weeks, and I've been working really hard and I just hope I get it." Hana sighed a little, letting her face sink into her palm and admiring him a little more.

"I hope you get what you want, Hana. You've worked hard, so you deserve it." He genuinely said, curving his lips to a smile. Hana couldn't help but to giggle a little once she noticed the absurd bed hair that his head presented. It was clear he truly did wake up in the middle of the night, making her feel worse.

"What's so funny?"

"Nuh-Nothing." She said in between her giggles, smile still intact. Her toothy smile and giggles were what fluttered Jimin's heart, and he'd wake up at 3 am any day just to hear and see her. The two started to chat away for a few minutes about random things— mainly her talking about her day while he patiently listened. It wasn't until mid sentence of her story when Hana saw him pathetically trying to suppress a yawn. "Jimin, go to sleep."

"Why? I'm not tired anymore. Keep telling your story." He said in the midst of another incoming yawn. He quickly blinked the tears away, "I'm fine." He smiled, letting his eyes disappear into lines.

She chuckled, rolling her body over so that her back was on the bed now, "Don't lie, Jimin. Stories can be told later. I'll see you tomorr- I mean later today." She chimed. "Thanks for talking to me."

"Of course." He mumbled, feeling exhaustion take over again. "I'm hanging up now." She sang, waving at the camera while scrunching her nose like a kid.

She looks so cute. Jimin gave her a shy smile, waving silently too until he saw her face moving closer to the camera to finally hang up.

[call ended 00:32:13]

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