Chapter 40: Raided

Start from the beginning

Ophis: Are you scared of my presence?

Kuroka: What? Of course not, I'm just shocked that a dragon God is here that's all

Ophis: Why? Y/n's a God and Vegito is the Queen of Celestial Beings, Serafall and Gabriel ae also residing here as well as two dragon emperors who are basically dragon gods in their own respective ways, so surely me being here shouldn't affect you 

Kuroka: I-I...

Tia: Daddy! I'm hungry!

Tia gets out of Ophis's hold and tugs on my pants, I sigh and walk with her to the kitchen where I see Serafall and Issei talking with each other

Tia: Aunty!

Serafall: huh?

She turns only to get tackled by the young girl who nuzzles her face into her neck

Issei: Do you even know where she came from?

Y/n: Nope, you were there weren't you? All we saw was her coming out of a crack

Ophis: She's Trihexa

I jumped from Ophis's sudden appearance whilst Issei jumped from the mention of Trihexa

Issei: Your telling me that little girl is Trihexa!?

Ophis: Yes only a part of her since Y/n and Ikaros destroyed most of her 

Serafall: Does that mean we sent Sirzechs and the rest to the pocket dimension for nothing?

Ophis: She can't access her Beast form without all her cores which all but two are gone, this is just what's left of her essence 

Y/n: Doesn't explain why I'm her "Dad"

Ophis: She chose the strongest male 

Issei: False!

Y/n: Issei please I could probably beat you with my eyes closed

Issei: Wanna bet!? 

He activates his boosted gear as he points his gauntlet towards me with it glowing green for a second

Ddraig: {BOOST!}

I smirk and was about to retaliate when Tia pulled on my hand 

Tia: I'm hungry

Y/n: Oh right we came for food

I walked to one of the drawers and pulled out a chocolate bar and gave it to Tia who adopted a happy look on her face and teared off the wrapper before munching on the chocolate 

Serafall: You might be a good father *Walks up to him and brings her face close to his* Maybe you could be a good father to our child~

Y/n: Maybe next time, I got to Artoria and teach her the next level of the Kaioken, oh by the way where's Ikaros

Issei: Where do you think? She's outside tending to her... watermelon farm, I still have no idea how she's so powerful 

Y/n: Long story, come on Tia

Tia: Huh where are we going?

Y/n: Uhh how should I put this, we're going to see your future step-mother

Issei: Did you just indirectly say you plan on marrying Artoria?

Y/n: None of business, let's go Tia

The Forbidden Child (M Saiyan Reader x DxD x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now