Chapter 12: Destruction of Synapse

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Flashback 15 Years Ago (3rd Person Pov)

The world above Earth, Synapse a place where all Celestial beings lived, they all lived in Harmony with each other it ranged from Celestial Humans to Celestial Saiyans and Celestial Gods. 

Their protectors the Angeloids watched over the lands and kept it safe, there wasn't much of them only three Angeloids but even with their small number they were a force to be reckoned with.

There was Delta otherwise known as Astraea

She was known as the best close quarters Angeloid, she wielded a super- oscillating photon blade called Chrysaor which can penetrate even Aegis, she has the upgraded version of Aegis known as Aegis L though it can only deflect frontal attacks and ...

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She was known as the best close quarters Angeloid, she wielded a super- oscillating photon blade called Chrysaor which can penetrate even Aegis, she has the upgraded version of Aegis known as Aegis L though it can only deflect frontal attacks and takes up massive energy. Her wings were made for Hyper Acceleration which makes her accelerate faster than any other Angeloid, these wings grant her extreme aerial maneuverability allowing her to dodge attacks and change her direction quickly. She was finally equipped with the Pandora also known as the Self-Evolution Program similar to the saiyans who have their zenkai boost, she can grow in power through time and absorption of other thing. It even repairs broken systems and functions

There was an Angeloid named Beta otherwise known as Nymph

She had a powerful if not the most powerful radar of all the Angeloids, she has the ability to hack computer systems, other Angeloids and can even block and unblock human memories and abilities

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She had a powerful if not the most powerful radar of all the Angeloids, she has the ability to hack computer systems, other Angeloids and can even block and unblock human memories and abilities. She has a move named Paradise Song that fires a powered energy sound beam from her mouth that is powerful enough to clear a small circular depression in the ground. With this move she can bust through several planets and chip the sun. She's equipped with the Fundamental Particle-Jamming System also known as Aphrodite which allows her to become immune to hacking and her wings grow into a butterfly shape. She has a cool guy jammer which alters pheromones in a body to the point any man/woman (depending on the gender used on) are considered an idea person for them. 

She has the ability to upload data and utilize it perfectly, it's worth mentioning that she can upgrade weapons within her hacking field though it only lasts for a certain time, like Delta she is equipped with Pandora which allows one to grow through time and absorption and finally she has the P-Stealth system which allows her o be invisible without being detected by any other Angeloid 

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