Chapter 32: The Truth

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Omni King's Planet (3rd Person Pov)

???: Hmm a forbidden child that has the power of Ultra Instinct that is certainly interesting.

The figure took a step forward as he then was covered in a bright light

???: I'll have to visit this boy


Rycon's Planet (3rd Person Pov)

It's been two weeks since Team CLTL and Team RAKK were taken by Rycon and Whis for training, currently Y/n was stuck on the ground whilst the others were doing pushups in suits that weighed about 20 tons 

Y/n: What kind of training is this? 25 tons on my arms and legs? That makes 100 tons! I can't even move without using super saiyan which I'm not being allowed to use!

Rycon: The stronger you become in your base form, the stronger you become in your other forms 

Y/n: That's certainly rich coming from you seeing as your in a mutated super saiyan 3/4 form

Rycon: Yet I'm much stronger than you

Y/n: Do you wanna test that out?

Whis: Now now let's not start destroying this place please

Rycon: Whatever... right let's see the results Kazane, Y/n your up!

Kazane stopped doing her pushups and took of her suit then summoned her staff Demeter

Y/n: You want me to fight... with 100 tons, no forms against a second generation Angeloid, who has no weights on whatsoever, has a staff that shoots any kind of elements and can distort time and space itself!?

Rycon: Yes... begin!

Y/n slowly got to his feet, the weights causing him to crack the ground underneath him, he slouched over 

Y/n: How do you expect me to hit her?

Rycon: Gate of Babylon?

Y/n looked surprised for a moment then grinned

Y/n: Hell yeah now I feel much better

Multiple portals formed behind Y/n, weapons then started shooting out of it, Kazane seeing this put up Aegis to block all his weapons then pointed her staff towards him as a ball of fire formed before shooting it at him, Y//n directed all his portals to the wave as they shot towards it blocking the attack.

Y/n: Can you like lower the weights down? Or at least let me transform?

Rycon: Fine... only to super saiyan 2

Y/n: Better than nothing... HAAA!

Y/n's black hair sticks up and turns golden, one of his bangs stick up as well as his aura now has electricity flowing around it

Y/n: Man it's been time since I've used this form

Y/n started to fly, he was slow but he was still fast enough to now attack any of Kazane's attacks.

Y/n and Kazane flew high into the sky, Kazane raised her staff and made a thunderbolt strike down onto Y/n, dodging it he made his portals shoot weapons out at Kazane who raised Aegis once more

Y/n flew towards her, she then put down her shield and shot ince from her staff, Y/n narrowly dodged it with the beam hitting his weights freezing them

Kazane: Even with the weights your still pretty agile

Y/n: Heh yeah but now I'm going to get serious. 

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