Chapter 28: The Fall

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Beacon (3rd Person Pov)

It was true terror, Atlesian Paladins were overrunning the place, Grimm was around every corner, the students of Beacon were fighting but it wasn't enough. One of the paladins punched Nora who blocked it from attacking Ren as she flew to the ground

Ren: Nora, no!

Coco had her machine gun out as she was shooting it only for it to carry on advancing towards her

Neptune: Uhh this is bad.

Coco: Well I guess now's a better time than any. Velvet!

Velvet: Really?

Coco: Just make them count.

Velvet approached the Paladin as Weiss struggled to her feet

Weiss: What are you doing? She's going to get hurt!

Coco: Just watch

Velvet stuck her hand out as a hologram of Ruby's scythe appeared, she then jumped in the air as she slashed at the Paladin, a hologram of Weiss's blade appeared as she struck the Paladin multiple times before forming Yang's Ember Celica and punching the Paladin she then created Blakes Gambol Shroud and tied it up making it fall over, before creating Killua's yo-yo's and smashing it's head in destroying it.

Velvet turned to get punched in the face by another Paladin as everyone started shooting at it again until it exploded the paladin tried to attack Velvet again when Weiss suddenly appeared in front of her with a glyph that had a sword coming out of it which then cut it in half. 

Another Paladin then ran across as they all took a sigh

Sun: You have got to be kidding me!

The paladin soon exploded as they saw Y/n flying through it then landing on the ground in front of them

Neptune: Y/n?

Y/n: Oh... hey guys

Ikaros and Kazane landed next to him as they put up Aegis to block a dragon shot from Oren

Oren: Hahaha! This body is amazing!

Y/n: Yeahhh... shut up

The two Angeloids put down the shield as Y/n attacked Oren, the two caused the winds to blow the two looked as if they danced about with every punch they threw the other dodged it. Oren then threw a heavy punch as Y/n took flight with Oren following close behind

Y/n spins and kicks Oren's face who looked to take almost no damage at all from his attack

Oren: To think I was excited about fighting you

Oren punched Y/n's gut as he went flying into Xenovia

Xenovia: Y/n?

Oren: Move bitch get out the way!

Xenovia looks up as Oren prepares a blast and fires it, Xenovia then picks up Y/n and moves out of the way

Y/n: Xenovia... I can... take him

Xenovia places Y/n down and readies Durandal as Koneko joins her 

Xenovia: Just leave this to us Y/n, take a breather 

Y/n: Huh... yeah... sure... whatever

Irina runs towards Y/n and jumps over him slashing a Grimm about to attack 

Irina: You don't happen to have enough energy to put up a shield do you?

Y/n: Huh... who knew... a destroyed moon... could look beautiful 

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