Chapter 30: Never Ending Doors

Start from the beginning

"A hero in this current system only cares about money and glory. And since society buys into those idiotic rules, anyone deemed a loser is shoved aside. So we want to pose some questions. What is a hero? What is justice? Is this society truly fair? Soon, everyone will be asking. That's when we'll know we've won. And you like winning. Don't you?" Shigaraki monologued.

Bakugo growled lowly.

"Dabi. Let him go," Shigaraki ordered.

"You know he'll just fight."

"It's fine," Shigaraki put his hands up, "We're recruiting him, so we should treat him as an equal," Shigaraki said. "Besides, he's smart enough to know he can't take us all, right? After all, UA students are so clever."

"Hey, Twice. You do it," Dabi said bored.

"Sure thing! No way."

"Do it"

"Oh, man," Twice said as he took a step forward.

"I do apologize for such forceful methods. But please understand that we aren't some kind of unruly mob committing crimes without a third act in mind," Mr Compress said as Twice worked to unlock the large cuffs that prevented Bakugo from using his quirk. "We didn't kidnap you by accident."

Shigaraki stood up from the bar stool, "Even though our backgrounds are different, everyone here has suffered. Because of people. Rules. And heroes who try and hold us back," He walked forward slowly towards the blonde whose face was shadowed as he rubbed his wrists of which were finally free. "I'm sure you're the same."

Suddenly, Bakugo lunged forward, knocking Twice back as he let out a large explosion. He slammed an explosion filled fist at Shigaraki's face, and made the hand which covered it fall off.

"Shigaraki!" Twice yelled.

"I'm done listening to your endless talking," smoke came from his hands and palms as he crouched down in a defensive pose like a wild animal, awaiting to lunge again, "Can you not get to the point or do you just like your own voice? Basically, what you're saying is that you wanna cause some trouble and you want me to join you. Well, screw you," He growled.

"I like to win. I wanna win just like All Might. No matter what you have to offer me, that will never change, do you understand?"

Shigaraki stood as the TV blared to life again and showed the press conference once more. Viewing Nezu, who explained how they were working to get back the explosive blonde.

Bakugo smiled, a smile full of cheeky pride, and taunted the villain once more, "Hah! Did ya hear the teachers? They get me more than I thought. I'll never join your league of bastards!

"We may not be a camp, but I'm still allowed to fight!" Bakugo declared.

"He must've figured out he's important to us. What a clever boy," Magne spoke up. She had been in the back and was now in a defensive pose.

"No. He's a fool," Dabi said.

Toga clapped her hands together and grinned ear to ear, "Let me stab him like I did Kuro."

"A clever performer would've acted like we were winning him over. Now that he's broken character, he's finished," Mr Compress said as he put his hands on his hips.

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