The Doctor Nods and turns around J follows as she hears Graham "In, Out, soak up the atoms."

"Witness some of the enlightened minds of a generation at the Pinnacle, the absolute zenith of their creativity..." The Doctor stops talking when they get to the room door.

The man opens the door it creaks. When the door is opened everyone is making some sort of laughter on the floor as they mess around having fun.

It is clear to J her Pa is disappointed in not seeing their minds work the way she expected.

The man from earlier who opened the door stands up "What would you all care to drink."

"Wine" J points stepping inside the room joking. She is surprised the Doctor didn't say anything.

One of the woman "We shall teach them the Dance"

J looks at the Doctor. She seems more confused than happy now to see them not working on writing.

Soon enough everyone is up teaching them all a dance. However J decided she'd sit by the man playing the piano she was not one for dancing with strangers. She didn't actually herself know who these people were sure her Pa said who they were but she doesn't know them or who's who. And she doesn't really like people very much.

She listens into everyone's conversations for once, but when she sees her Pa trying to 'Dance' and her arm just fails today hold onto the man's shoulder she cracks up. The man playing the piano turns to her.

"Miss. Do you mind? I'm trying to concentrate so they have the best music to Dance with." He was not pleased at all.

J shakes her head feeling embarrassed she crosses her arms and turns looking out the window. She gets bored and slips out the room without anyone noticing.

The Doctor however did notice this gave her an excuse to stop dancing to get everyone back on track here she senses something is odd.

Meanwhile J walks along a corridor she looks around taken in every little detail she turns a Corner and sighs.

"What the heck?" She says out to herself. "Didn't I just yes what? Hello?" She is so confused and notices she already walked down this hallway.

She tries again walking down and she finds the room they were in and goes in. There sits Graham by a fire eating sandwiches.

"Oh yum. Food." She sits on the couch beside grabbing a sandwich "Mhm. weird in here ain't it?"

"Yeah I had to go to the bathroom but kept walking in circles." Graham looks over his shoulder. J follows his eyes.

"Who are they? Hi" she greets and turns back to Graham.

"Unsure but they brought the sandwiches." He turns back and they are gone. "Weird" he says they had disappeared just before J came through then reappeared when she sat down. But at least he knows he's not the only one that sees the woman and young child.

"I walked around for ages and didn't find anything but the same hallway over and over." J groans.

"This house seems to do that." Graham nods.

"Where are the others?" She wonders

"Went to Chase a skeleton hand that came to life." Graham eats another sandwich.

"Excuse me?" J puts her feet on the couch. "That is disgusting." She shakes her head.

"Why is he sleeping then?" J wonder just noticing.

Graham shrugs "Doc said was to keep and eye on him"

The man suddenly wakes. Graham stands up "You're going nowhere, pal. You're staying right there. I'm on guard." The man turns "Oh.." Graham was confused. J just stared confused as well.

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