Chapter 17

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The after party in the Gryffindor common room was quite chaotic, to say the least. I probably would've had more fun if I was allowed to eat the junk and drink the firewhiskey like the rest of my friends, but I was on extremely strict diet for my hastily approaching tryout for the Holyhead Harpies.

"Come on, Hchee, have a lil firewissey." Fred pushes, obviously extremely drunk.

"Like I said Freddie, I'm on a crazy diet." I sighed. I did really want some.

"Come on, Holly. It's a celebration. Live a little!" Hermione says, further convincing me to let loose for one night. Hermione probably was one of the only sober people in this room right now. You're technically not allowed to drink below fifth year, but that didn't stop most of the fourth years. Harry and Ron had their arms on each other's shoulders, rocking back and forth, bellowing some Irish tune. Some first years thought it would be funny to practice Wengardium Leviosa on them, so they were levitating while their drinks splished and splashed in their hands. I smiled and shook my head at the sight of my drunk brother.

"Alright. Fine. Just because it's a celebration." I say, getting up and pouring myself a heaping glass of firewhiskey, and chugging it right away. It burned going down my throat, but I didn't care. I threw some crisps in my mouth, and got up to going Harry and Ron in their singing, the fire whiskey already kicking in.

"I'll drink 'till it's empty, stay out 'til it's late! I wake up at midday and marry my bed! I'll kiss all the women, get punched in the head! You could offer the world, baby, but I'll take this instead, yeah, yeah." (bonus if you can name the song and artist ;)) Harry and Ron roared out, falling quickly to the ground due to the lost attention of the first year. They didn't seem phased by the fall at all, as they got up immediately, screaming with laughter. Mcgonagall poked her head in the room, but left with a smile not bothering the party.

"Hemioneneney!" Ron called, swaying over ti Hermione, throwing a loose arm around her shoulder. She turned red, but got her emotions under control.

"Hello, Ronald." She said politely.

"Wanna dance, beautiful lady?" Ron asked confidently, getting up and pulling her to the middle of the common room, where Ron started leading Hermione in an extremely well done salsa due to the Spanish music that rung throughout the room. I started laughing uncontrollably, and made my way over to where the twins were sitting on the couch, next to a making out couple.

"EXCUSE ME!" I yelled at the couple to make room. They ignored me. "EXCUSE ME, CAN YOU TAKE THAT UP TO YOUR DORM BECAUSE I WOULD LIKE TO SIT!" They ignored me again, but it caused a good laugh out of Fred and George. I shrugged. "Guess I'll just have to sit here." I say, plopping down on Fred's lap, catching him off guard. 

"Woah!" He said surprised.

"HEyyyyy!" Harry bellowed from across the room. He stomped over to the twins and I.

"Harry, this was my only option as the two dimwits over there wouldn't make room." I shift my position on Fred's lap to point out the heated couple, almost causing me to fall. He wrapped his arms around my waist to keep me from falling, and I adjusted them so I could be more comfy. "Keep them right dere, Freddie, ogey? I don't want to fAAHHAHHa." Before I could finish my sentence, George started tickling me. "GEORGIE STAPPP!" I screamed for dear life, laughing. I squirmed and squirmed on Fred's lap, trying to get out of his grasp and George's ambush, when I felt something poky on my butt. "Hey Freddie! What's so fugging poky!" I screamed, causing him to release his grasp on me and immediately cross his legs. 

"Just my pen, sticking out cause of all the moving you we're doing." Fred says in explanation. Harry was laughing at the scene of me getting brutally attacked by George, but his smile quickly faded and his expression became very angry.

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