Chapter 13

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A/N: hi guys, sorry for the extremely short and abrupt ending that was the last chapter. The ending was cut off somehow and I actually cut off some of the content there. 


I'm studying in the library, while Fred, Lee and George mess around, when Hermione slams her books on the table.

"Honestly! Harry needs to get his act together! It's a week before the first task and he hasn't even been practicing defensive spells!" Hermione exclaims frustrated.

"Mhm.." I nod, uninterested. Sure, he's my little brother. It couldn't be that dangerous of a task that could kill him, so I'm not too worried.

"And Ronald! He's such an ass!"

"What did Ickle Ronnikins do this time, Granger?" Fred asks, interrupting Hermione's rant.

"He's completely ignoring Harry because he still thinks Harry put his name in and is doing it for attention." 

"Oh, that's not too bad, I'm sure he'll get over it soon." George reassures.

"I wouldn't be too sure. Even if Ron did, I don't think Harry would. Not after what Ron's doing." 

"What's he doing?" I ask, lifting my nose from my book.

"Wearing and helping to hand out those awful badges." Hermione crosses her arms.

"What badges?" I ask, but my question was answered by a group of Ravenclaw's at the table beside us, chucking one at my head. I shoot them a dirty look, then examine the circular badge. It's green with a horrid photo of Harry saying "Potter Stinks." It then morphs into and orange and yellow colour, reading  "Cedric Diggory, the real Hogwarts Champion." Anger swells up in my body, but I don't want to give them the reaction they want. I toss it back tot them with a smile.

"What's your name, love?" One of guys asks me with their thick Scottish accent. Oh, so they don't know me.

"Holly Potter, love." I respond with a smirk, mimicking his accent. They all break out in laughter.

"Oh my God! She's so in love with Potter she changed her last name!" The only girl screams, the whole group roaring with laughter. I rolled my eyes, and mutter the stinging jinx under my breath. Their faces started to swell up, and their laughter died down as they held their faces for dear life and ran out of the library.

"Dickheads." I mumble, turning back to my book.

"Hope that wasn't about us." The twins say in unison. I small smile creeps onto my face.

"Alright, boys, and girl. I'm going to go do some damage control." With that, I strut out of the library, on my way to find Ickle Ronnykins. First, I check the kitchens. If Ron's going to be anywhere, it's probably there. Ron has an extreme addiction to food. I don't think I've ever seen that boy without a chicken wing in his mouth. Sure enough, he's asking the house elves to make him a stack of banana pancakes. I creep up behind him.

"Ah!" I yell, grabbing his shoulders. Ron jumps and screams like a little girl, and I burst out laughing.

"Oh look, it's another Potter." He sneers, exactly like Draco Malfoy. I'm taken aback by the attitude change, when I'm about to explode on him, I calm myself down and approach it a different way.

"Someone's been hanging out with Malfoy I see." I say, he whips his head around.

"I have not! He is vial and cruel." Ron says in anger.

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