Chapter 2

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I land in the Weasley's fireplace with a loud thump. I groan and attempt to get up, when Harry lands directly on my legs and stomach. "Ow! You bloody git!" I yell at Harry, similar to how he insulted me this morning. Harry quickly gets up and helps me up, both of us not wanting to be the victims of the twins and Mr. Weasley falling in the fireplace. Ron was already upstairs with our trunks.

"Harry! Holly!" Mrs. Weasley exclaims, rushing over to me and Harry, enfolding us in very tight hugs.

"Nice to see you, Mrs. Weasley." Harry says.

"Yes, thank you for having us Mrs. Weasley." I say gratefully.

"Aw, call me Molly, loves." Molly says, still squeezing the air out of me and Harry.

"Mum! You're strangling them!" Fred laughs, obviously home from the Dursley's. Molly lets us go. We hear a swearing Mr. Weasley and George having a massive laughing fit.

"Fred and George Weasley!" Mr. Weasley yells, with a crimson face. Fred and George stop their laughing fit immediately. "That poor boy!"

"What happened?" Mrs. Weasley asks, concerned and already scolding the twins.

"Fred and George thought it would be funny to give Harry's and Holly's cousin one of their candies! His tongue grew five feet before they let me shrink it!" Mr. Weasley exclaims. Harry and I were trying our hardest not to laugh. The Dursley's were on a very strict diet, and Dudley would've taken anything from anyone. I slip up a bit and start to laugh. Molly shoots me a look and I stop laughing instantly. Fred and George seems amused by my slip up, but were still terrified by their mother.

"Harry, Holly, would you mind going upstairs?" Molly says as calmly as she can in the moment. Harry and I nod and make our way upstairs. I lock eyes with Fred before walking up, and he winks. I feel my face turn hot. Before Fred can see, I dash up the stairs. What was that? I've never blushed at Fred. Anyone but Fred. Whatever. I bet it was just a one time thing. Harry jabs me in my side.

"What was that?" Harry wiggled his eyebrows at me. I turn red again. Great. "You're turning red! You fancy him don't you?"

"Shhh Harry! Do you know how paper thin these walls are?!" I whisper shout at him.

"So you do fancy him?" Harry says smiling like he caught me red handed.

"No Harry! Remember that time Ginny winked at you? You turned red and blamed it on your awkwardness. Well guess what. We're from the same family Harry. I'm awkward too." Harry's now the one that's red. I secretly know he fancies Ginny, he just doesn't do anything about it.

"Erm, yeah. Okay. I guess." Harry says flustered. I laugh quietly to myself. Oh how the tables have turned. I continued making my way up to Ginny's room where I assume my trunk is. I knock on Ginny's door and it swings open immediately. 

"Holly!" She shouts, enfolding me in a hug. I may be three years older, but Ginny  is one of my best friends. She's like a little sister to me. The door pushes open more and Hermione jumps into the hug.

"I missed you guys too," I laugh. "Can we continue this inside though?" 

"Yes, yes of course." They both say, backing up and letting me in the room. I try to ignore the mass shouting getting louder by the second. That's when I hear the creaking of the stairs and Ginny's door opening the slightest bit.

"Holly?" The voice whispers. Ginny peers to see who it is. She waves me over.

"It's Fred." She whispers. I carefully walk over to the door .

"Can I give you half of mine and George's joke shop stuff? Harry's taking the other half for safe keeping. Mum wants to destroy it." Fred asks. I nod my head and hold out my hands. He dumps a heavy amount of bits and bops, much of what I've never seen before.

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