Chapter 11

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Unfortunately for me, having to stay a week in the hospital prior to the switch, I wasn't able to make it to the feast where the champions names were pulled. Nor was I able to help the twins get past the age line. I was reading one of the muggle books I nicked from Aunt Petunia's shelf, called The Outsiders, when Fred burst in. I smiled, welcoming his presence.

"Hiya, Freddie." I say cheerfully, folding up my book. When he doesn't return my cheerfulness, my face falls. "What, Fred. What?" I ask frantically, standing up. Fred starts to catch his breath, like he just finished a marathon.

"Harry-" He takes a breath.

"What about him?" Oh no. This can't be good.

"Fleur, Krum and Cedric-" He gasps for breath. "The champions! But then the goblet got angry- spit out- Harry."

"WHAT?!" My words come out as a shrill scream. Harry's, a champion? "Harry's-" Just then, George and Lee burst in, not nearly as tired as Fred. "You two." I say standing up, my boss bitch side taking play. "What the fuck happened because Freddie here can't seem to spit it out." I place my hands on my hips.

"The goblet chose Harry as a forth champion." Lee says calmly. How can he be calm?

"Forth, champion? That's not possible. It's called the TRI wizard champion for a reason."

"I guess it is." George shrugs.

"Where's Harry." I demand.

"With Dumbledore, I presume," 

"Bring both of them to me." I go over to Fred, who has finally calmed down.

"Malfoy's taking bets that you do something bat-shit mental." Fred informs me. 

"That little bitch... doesn't know how to help himself." I mutter under my breath and grab my wand. "Pucketero," A butter sock appears in front of me. "Draco Malfoy." I annunciate, making sure it gets the right person, and then its off. 

"Lucky I heard that one." Fred says amused. I laugh at him.

"Freddie, this is probably one of the hardest spells I've developed. Go ahead, try it." Fred pulls out his wand.

"Pucketera." He says sharply. I wince. That, is a completely different spell I didn't create. A pale of water appears over his head, drenching him in water. 

"Arificus," I say, as a whirl of wind dries him off. "Had to deal with a few of them myself." I smile. Just then, Harry and Dumbledore decide to join us, along with George and Lee. "I'll have a word with you first." I say angrily, grabbing Harry's arm. "Albus, you wait here." I say to our headmaster. The twins and Lee make a mocking 'oooh' you're in trouble sound. Harry and I reach a safe enough distance.


"What in the name of Godric Gryffindor were you thinking Harry James Potter!" I yell at him like a mother.

"I didn't put my name in."

"You're not lying to me?" I ask skeptically.

"No, when have I ever?"

"Summer, when you said Fred and George weren't outside my door, ready to flood me with a sea of paint balloons." Harry smirks slightly.

"About important stuff."

"Never," I admit. I remember Harry's dream from earlier this summer about You Know Who, Wormtail and some man, that he claimed to be very real. "How can that even happen," I think out loud. "First your dream with You Know Who-"

"Voldemort." Harry corrects, he thinks it's silly to be afraid of a name.

"You're the one whose stopped him three times, I'm not." I say as my defence. "Anyway, your dream with him, Wormtail, the muggle and that strange man, and then this? A forth champion? Harry, I don't like this. At all. It's too much of a coincidence." My worry starting to build up. Harry nods. I start back towards the hospital, to grill Dumbledore of course. "You're next." I fold my arms. I lead Dumbledore away. I wait for him to talk. "So?" I ask, after he doesn't.

"So what?"

"What are you going to do about this?" I demand.

"Well, there isn't much I can-"

"It's called a Tri-Wizard tournament for a reason. There shouldn't be allowed a forth champion. Especially my fourteen year old brother." I say firmly.

"He has to compete. It's a magical contract and I cannot be undone. He will die if he doesn't go through with it." Dumbledore says grimly.

"You're fucking joking me, you're-" I grab my hair in shock. "Sorry-"

"I have suddenly become temporarily deaf, Miss Potter." Suddenly, a distressed Draco Malfoy with a black eye and a butter sock continually beating him up comes screaming around the corner. Dumbledore gives me a knowing smile. "I think you better tend to that." I smile and run after Malfoy.

"Malfoy!" I summon. He comes running up to me.

"Stop this at once!" I mutter the counter curse. "Watch your back, Potter!" He says getting all up in my face. He turns around to leave.

"Malfoy?" I ask as softly as I can.

"What?" He asks rudely. I swing my waiting fist, connecting to his  nose.

"That should keep you behaved for a bit." I say leaving.

"My father will hear about this!" I roll my eyes and flip him off, not bothering to turn around to see his ugly face.


The past week in the hospital, Avery and I got to know each other more. I also did a fair amount of reading, and decided to postpone my Quidditch workouts to not disturb the baby. However, I started making Harry do multiple workouts to make sure he'd be safe. I have just been informed by Madam Pomfrey that Snape has just finished the potion.

"Both of you, drink it all." Snape has ultimately returned to his foulness, but there still is a hint of sympathy. I take a sip out of the potion, and gag immediately. He raises an eyebrow at me. "What did you think it would taste like, butterbeer?" I shake my head and finish the potion. I grab Avery's hand, and feel my eyes begin to feel heavy. 

"Miss Potter, it is essential you stay awake for this portion of the process. You will have all of the next week to rest." Dumbledore says, preparing to perform the spell.

"See you on the other side." Avery says sleepily. 

"Yeah," I say absent-mindedly. I feel a shock around my stomach, and something being drained out of me.

"Miss Potter, you are free of child." Someone says. I don't really care, sleep taking over me. I lift up a thumb, to alert my comprehending.


A/N: Sorry for the shorter chapter, I'm extremely tired and didn't have much motivation.

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