Chapter 14

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"Holly, you need to wake up!" Angelina shakes me over and over again. I groan and pull my covers over my head.

"What time is it," I sleepily ask, a small snore escaping as I bounce back and forth from sleep to consciousness.

"3:45am." Angelina says simply.

"Then why the fuck are you trying to fucking wake me up you fucking fucker?" I ask angrily. When I'm tired and loopy, I tend to loosen up a bit and the swears really start to slip out.

"Fred's in the hospital wing, he fell seriously ill last night." I sigh, too tired to comprehend that my best friend is ill.

"What the fuck. What the fuck." I say throwing the covers off me. "Thanks, Fred, really fucking appreciate you falling fucking ill in the middle of the bloody night." I say to myself, groggily, my words slurring. 

"I don't know, Holly. I only know Mcgonagall asked me to wake you up."

"Of course, fucking Mcgonagall did. You know I'd probably be still fucking sleeping right now if I didn't love Fred. Fucking love. Fuck." I ramble on, currently peeing.

"We all love Fred-"

"No, no" I laugh, cutting Angelina off. "I Loooooove Fred. I wanna fuckin kiss his fuckin lips." I laugh again.

"Oooh. Maybe I should wake you up in the middle of the night more often." Angelina teases. I scoff, waving my hand. I stand up to brush my teeth.

"I want Fred to throw me on his fucking bed, and put it in my fucking-"

"Woah! Holly, I get it. I don't need your detailed fantasy. Just hurry up and get dressed and I'll walk you down to the infirmary, since you obviously are not in your right mind." I laugh, then lazily spit out my toothpaste. I stumble out of the bathroom, only for Angelina to catch me. I break out into a laughing fit once again. "My Godric, it's like you're drunk!" Angelina jokes. I throw my arm around her shoulder as we set towards the infirmary. When we finally got there, Mcgonagall has a sour look on her face.

"Took you long enough, Potter." She realizes the state I'm in and lets out a small chuckle.

"Sorry, Professor, Holly gets a little- a lot loopy when she's tired." Angelina says catching me from falling once again.

"What seems to be the problem, Minerrrrvvaaa?" I ask, breaking free of Angelina's grip and swaying to Mcgonagall.

"Professor or Professor Mcgonagall in these times, okay, Miss Potter?"

"Affirmative, Minerva." She rolls her eyes and lets out a small laugh.

"Miss Johnson, you may return to your dorm." Mcgonagall says to Angelina. That's when I notice Georgie sitting in a chair beside Freddie's bed.

"Hiya Georgie!" I say loudly, only to be shushed by Minerva. I skip over to George and sit in his lap. "I said hi George." 

"Hi," George gives me a confused look and looks to Mcgonagall for explanation. 

"She gets loopy when she's tired. Same thing with Harry. They got it from James." She laughs a little at the memory of my father. I throw my arms around George's neck.

"Sooooooo no one told me what's going on yet." I say expecting a prompt answer. 

"Freddie fell into the sweats, really really sweaty. Then he threw up all over our floor, and then he fainted, so I had to carry the oaf on my back to get him here." George says this in a tone as if he's a father talking to his little girl. Probably because of the way I'm acting.

"Well, that was very sweet of you, Georgie." I plant a kiss on his cheek and bounce off his lap. I grab a chair and place it on the opposite side of Fred's bed.

"You should get some rest-" Before he can finish his sentence, I'm already curled up in the chair, drooling.


I was awoken to someone dabbing the drool off my chin. I slowly open my eyes.

"Hi, Hchee." Fred's voice says.

"Freddie!" I exclaim, jumping up and throwing my arms around his neck. When we break from our hug, I notice it's still extremely dark. "What time is it?" I ask Fred.

"4:15. When did you get here?" 

"Four." I laugh a little while sitting back down, finding my position again.

"Woah, woah, woah. You aren't sleeping on that chair." Fred says a matter of factly.

"Then where? On one of these other occupied beds?" I ask, gesturing towards the full beds around us. "And I'm not going back to my dorm. I'm not sure I could make the trip." I say, dozing off. Just then, Fred picks me up while I'm curled up. "Hey! Put me down! You're supposed to be resting!"

"Relax, Hchee." I uncurl when I realize I've been placed on a bed. Suddenly, the weight shifts when Fred lies beside me. My face turns a little scarlet, but I'm too tired to really comprehend what's going on.

"What about Georgie?" I ask groggily, turning towards Fred.

"He already went back to his dorm. Now relaxxx." Fred says, closing his eyes. I could do anything but relax right now. I was next in bed to Fred Weasley, who, not to mention, was shirtless. To keep my mind off the beautiful ginger lying next to me, I try to remember the events of the night.  That's another downfall of my tiredness. My mind tends to be turned off when I'm tired and I forget what happens in that time. That's when Fred flung a limp arm over my body, a soft snore leaving his mouth as he does. When the 'limp' arm realizes my presence, it's grip tightens and his other arm joins, puling me right up against his chest, his grip tight, but comfortable around my waist. I freeze. My breathing speeds up and my heart starts to flutter, and I notice a certain heartbeat I didn't before. My eyes go wide. I put a soft hand on Fred's chest, causing him to gain a sleepy smile. His smile brings me confidence, as I rest my head in the crook of his neck. Nothing feels better than this. I always thought it would take me a long time to be like this with anyone, due to what's been my past, but somehow with Fred, it was so easy. With that in mind, I drift off.


a/n: lots of sleeping in this chapter haha! anyways, thank you for 500 reads! if you see this, comment your fav colour <3

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