Chapter 8

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"So boys," I say, slamming my books down at a library desk, making them jump. "I think I've found my thing for this year." 

"What do you mean, thing?" Lee asks.

"I do a memorable thing every year." I say bashfully.

"Of which you mostly never tell us!" Fred steps in, offended that I didn't tell him about the spells before.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'll tell you everything from now on."

"Great because I want to know every single memorable thing you did, since I didn't even know you did that." George steps in, also offended.

"Fine," I sigh as I sit down, opening my book, their eyes not leaving me. "Oh you mean right now?" The throw back their heads and groan. "Okay! Alright! So first year, and I swear if you boys tell anyone this I'll have your-"

"Yes, death threat we get it. Go on." Fred says annoyed.

"First year, was the first time I came out on top of all my classes,"

"Which you do regularly. What's so special about first year?" Lee asks.

"Because it was the first time! Anyway, Quidditch in second year, I learned how to use magic without a wand in third,"

"Hold up, you can do magic without a wand?" Lee asks exasperated. "I heard it takes people until they're at least 25 to do that!"

"Yes Lee, I can."

"Prove it." He says not believing me. I wave my hand and mutter the thread spell, causing Lee's lips to sew themselves together. He started humming similar to how Draco was. I mutter a different spell I created, causing a fish to appear out of nowhere and slap Lee across the face on one side, and then the other. The twins burst out in laughter, clutching their stomachs.

"Shut it, Jordan, or I'll bring out the butter-sock spell." I laugh.

"What's a butter-sock?" George asks confused.

"It's some thing I saw in a muggle show. Some nutter would put butter in a sock and beat her friends with it. Only now I have perfected it and made it a spell. Not only does it hurt like hell, it follows you around until you say the counter-curse." That seemed to shut all the boys up while I continue. "Fourth year I created my spells, and fifth year I wrote a spell book on it." The boys eyes lit up at the fact I have a book with all my spells in them. "Which, is so amazingly hidden you will not be able to find it, and if you so possibly do it will take you years to learn, and by that time I will have a million birds poop on your head, then have a butter-sock follow you around, and then watch you slip and slide on the everlasting ice that is almost impossible to get off of your shoe!" Again the boys face fall. I notice that I left Lee with a thread around his mouth, which I quickly get rid of. Lee takes a fulfilling breath.

"Anyway, what are you doing this year, love?" Fred asks me.

"I'm going to become an animagus." I whisper. 

"YOU'RE GONNA BE AN A-" Lee starts before the thread ties his mouth together, once again.

"You never know when to shut up, do you Jordan? If the teachers find out, I'll be expelled!" I whisper-shout."

"Sorry," He says, rubbing his lips from where the thread snapped.

"I have to start looking for book, so if you lot wouldn't mind keeping it down." I get and start pursuing the books. Exactly what I suspected. Nothing about it. They mostly have the book and Animagi in the restricted section. I guess I'm going to have to borrow Harry's cloak. I start to leave the library when Fred catches up to me.

"Quidditch tryouts, tomorrow night. Don't forget, Potter." Fred says.

"As if I would forget. I'm trying out for the Holy-" I stop myself. I forgot he doesn't know. I was about to make some smart remark about not ever forgetting about Quidditch because I was trying out for the Harpies, but I just outed myself. "Gryffindor team." Fred gives me a surprised look, telling that he totally caught me."

"You're trying out for the Holyhead Harpies?" Fred asks excitedly in a hushed voice.

"Yes but you can't-"

"Holly this is amazing!" He laughs. He hugs me and picks me up, spinning me around. I laugh along with him. "Why didn't you tell us?"

"Well, I- I didn't want you guys to make fun of me.." I admit shyly, looking down. Fred put his finger under my chin and lifted my head up. Butterflies raged in my stomach.

"Now why would we do that, love?" He asks with soft eyes. My knees go weak, and I almost fall, catching myself before my knees can give out all together.

"Um-uh- because I want to be a pro player and make the England team someday and that's a ridiculous dream." I accidentally spill every thing to him. My eyes never left his. His eyes are so seductive I could just kiss- No! Stop! He doesn't think of you like that.

"Hchee, Georgie and I want to create a joke shop. Now THAT's ridiculous dream." Fred chuckles, his finger still under my chin. I giggle slightly. For a moment, Fred and I were staring into each others eyes, when we were so rudely interrupted by Mcgonagall. Fred and I both go equally red.

"Miss Potter, will you join me in your office, regarding your NEWT classes, of course." She says trying to conceal a giddy smile.

"Sure, professor." I mutter. I turn around to Fred. "See you back in the common room Freddie!" Minerva holds the door from me. She lets her smile loose.

"How much did you see of that?" I blush.

"All of it. I almost say you fall as well." She snickers.

"Hey! Don't act like you don't swoon over Dumbledore!" I say back. Now It's her turn to go red.

"Enough about me." She says warningly. "Make sure you ease Harry into that, he's not going to be too happy about that."

"Oh, please, Minerva. I won't have to tell him anything because there's nothing going on." She looks at me like 'bitch, please' "I'm serious! He doesn't like me like that."

"Mhm, whatever."

"Anyway, I found my thing for this year. But you have to promise me you won't expel me." I say changing the subject.

"Well that's always a promising start." Minerva says, rolling her eyes.

"I want to become an animagus, and I was wondering if you could help me."

"Holly, dear, that's extremely dangerous and without the proper help of someone whose already been through-"

"But you have, that's why I'm asking for your help. Look, Minerva, I'm going to do it with or without your help." With that, she sighs. 

"Fine, fine. But on one condition. You teach me the lip-threading hex."

"Of course," I laugh.


Quidditch tryouts went by swiftly, considering I held them. I'm captain of the Quidditch team, I mean, how could I forget about tryouts when I set the date? Maybe Fred just wanted an excuse to talk to me? Don't be silly, Holly. He doesn't think of you like that.

Later that night at dinner, Dumbledore announced that classes will be shortened Friday due to the arrival of Durmstrang and Beauxbatons. 


A/N: Sorry guys, this chapter was shorter and more of a filler.

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