Chapter 12: Business

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   "Up up lady" Matty said as she pulled the covers off Savannah. The tired girl let out a loud moan and slammed a pillow over her head. "Now now lady, we's dont's wants to keeps the king wait'in do we?". Ugh! What does he want now. All she wanted was to get some good sleep, but no...she had to "take care of business". Realizing that her snooze time was clearly over, Savannah got up and looked at her crystal ball. Her siblings were off at school. She smiled and sat it down on her pillow. Horridly, she went to the bathroom where she found a tube full of warm water. She stripped and plopped down sighing as she felt the water cover her body. The goblin woman entered with a towel "Now you's hurry up's, today's another big days".

   When she was finished Savannah walked out to find Matty holding a velvet colored dress and flats to go with it. "That's a pretty dress" she commented. Matty smiled and began to work her magic. She pulled and tugged until finally Savannah was ready. "Boys yous sure looks right pertty!" Savannah looked in her mirror. Today her hair was curled in the same familiar fashion. Her hair was pulled back from her face with ruby hairpins. The dress she was wearing flowed really well with her curves and she felt confident now that she was wearing flats. "Oh! I's almost forgotten. I's mades ya breakfast" Matty claimed bringing her a tray of food. "Well at least this looks normal!" She replied picking up a piece of toast. "Here Matty have some, you deserve it!" Savannah handed Matty some of her toast and slices of apples. "Well thanks ya lady!" The goblin woman happily ate beside Savannah. Once they were both done Matty escorted her through the Escher room to Jareth's study.

   Before opening the door, Matty tugged on Savannah's sleeve "Please dont's argue with him!" She pleaded. Savannah nodded and opened the door. "Ah I see you are awake" said Jareth "Come sit, we have business to attend to". The girl went and sat directly across from the man. She looked at him "I'm all ears". "As you know, my kingdoms laws state that we can not get married until you are sixteen. With your birthday being next week, I figured we could hold a ball both welcoming you and celebrating your birthday" he began "All the kingdoms will be there, so you need to know as much as you can about this kingdom and all the other kingdoms. Your knowledge will show everyone that you are fit to be queen. That being said, I have scheduled for you to start history lessons with Mr. Chauve. Lessons will begin tomorrow." He paused and looked at her.

   This was so much information to take in! She didn't really want to be queen, but she didn't want her siblings to be brought back here either. "Ok. I was at the top of my class in history, so this should be a breeze". The king smiled and continued "I'm putting you in charge of the decorations and the food for the ball..." Savannah's eyes widened "Me! I mean I know how to cook and I'm pretty good with decorating, but are you sure you want me to do it?" Jareth smirked " is your birthday" He was right, but she had never made that much food for that many people. She didn't even know what kind of food they would eat or more importantly what recipes to use! "What kind of food will I fix them!" He paused then replied "you may not know this, but down in the underground we do have all the basic human food. We normally don't eat it because it's very fattening..."

   Well, she could think about what to make later. "What about entertainment?" She asked. "I will get one of the best fortune tellers in all the kingdoms and if they get board with that, then we will think of something" he answered. Savannah nodded. "Now we will discuss the marriage" Jareth began. Oh boy! "The wedding will be held once I get the approval from the other kingdoms. There are something's you will need to know once you become queen, but for now I will give you the basics. First, you will have to sign a contract to your duty as queen which I will show you once we are wed. Second, when we are wed, you will obtain a small amount of power" Savannah interrupted "What kind of power?" He eyed her and continued "You will be able to transform into a bird of my choice, but you can only fly within this kingdoms boundaries. You will be able to transport anywhere within the kingdom. Finally, you will be able to create crystals just like me".

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