Chapter 21: Engagements

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Savannah's Point of View

   Screaming...that was the only sound she could recognize. Was she in a dream? She must have been since her brother and sister were the ones screaming. It wasn't screams of pain, but more of screams of enjoyment. Savannah's dream self opened her eyes and met her reflection in a nearby mirror. For some reason, her face was caked with makeup and her hair was up in a messy bun. As she looked down, she noticed that she was wearing a white gown that was covered in pearls, varying in size. What's going on? It took her a moment to process, but eventually she realized she was dreaming about her and Jareth's wedding. If she was the bride, then where was the groom?!

   Apparently, Savannah was in this sort of tent thing. Matty was sitting on a bench sleeping. She taped her shoulder and watched as the goblin woman jolted awake. "Ah! I fell asleeps!" Matty grabbed her hand "It's about time for da wedding to starts!" Really? Now! Was she really ready? More importantly, was this really a dream! Everything seemed so real. She could even feel the silky smoothness of her dress's fabric. It was weird though, Jareth said that the wedding was the day after her arrival. Plus, she didn't remember waking up!Yea, this has to be a dream!

   Anyways, Matty led her through a crowd of guest. Music began to blare out from the orchestra section of the pavilion. Everyone stood. Enrique held out his arm. She figured he would play the role of the 'father walking his daughter down the isle' since her father wasn't around. Savannah happily accepted and locked his arm in hers. They began to walk and finally she started to catch a view of the groom. Wait, wasn't the groom supposed to be facing her? Jareth was faced towards the priest (an elfian priest). As Enrique walked her closer to her groom, an uneasy feeling consumed her. She had to quickly get rid of that feeling since she was now at the alter; however, he still wouldn't turn towards her. What's his problem? Quietly she spoke "Jareth, you can turn around now..." Finally, the groom began to turn. "Jareth? He's been dead for a year now?" The man continued to turn. "William!" She screamed. The crowd (including William) gasped before they started laughing. What the hell was going on! It only got weirder. Savannah knelt on the floor and covered her ears. Before she knew it, it was like the crowd (including William) was laughing, but no noise was escaping their mouths. "Help!" She repeated before screaming...


   "Hey! -Savannah!- Wake Up!" She sprung up clenching her chest. "Dumble? I didn't know you could see my dreams as well."

"I can't see the images in your dreams, but I could hear your thoughts during the dream..."

   Savannah sat up and rubbed her eyes "Oh, I'm sorry you had to hear that... You probably didn't get any sleep..."

"It's alright. Just remember it was just a nightmare. Quick question though, who is William?"

   "Ah, I'll have to answer that later, Matty is supposed to come in here and help me get ready to talk to Jareth about his wedding." Not a moment sooner, there was a knock on the door and in shuffled Matty.

"Oh yea... well after that, I can take you to this waterfall I found while you were away!"

   As Matty sat a tray on her bedside table, she told Dumble that the waterfall sounded interesting and she wouldn't mind going. Matty didn't say good morning to her. She just came straight in and sat her breakfast down. "Good morning Matty" she beamed as she did the morning before she left for the elf kingdom. There was no reply. "Matty?" It was like the goblin woman came out of a daze. "Ah! Lady's! I'm sorry, Matty's been feeling out of da weather lately..."

   "Well then, I guess we are switching places today. Come and rest in my bed, I can get dressed on my own today." Matty's eyes popped "Oh no no Lady's, I can nots! I'm a maid!"

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