Chapter 11: The First Day

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   "Purrrr" gave the little cat rubbing her face against Savannah's. She sat up and patted the little creature on its head. "What a horrible dream!" She said with a yawn. The girl stood up from her bed and stretched. Walking to her window she noticed that everything in her room had changed. wasn't her room at all! "Where the hell am I!" Savannah ran to the window and peered out over the labyrinth. She let out a sigh as the memories of the previous day played through her mind.

   Her cat was perched on her bed, so she went and scooped it up as she sat down. "I'm a prisoner now..." Savannah fell back onto the soft sheets and took in her surroundings. Her "new" room was a light shade of green. It had a forestry feel to it. Her bed was made of some kind of dark wood and it twisted and turned as it wrapped around the bed. It's sheets were the same color as the walls. She liked it though, it felt like her room. Savannah sat in silence until she was interrupted by a small voice. "S'cuse me?" Said the voice. Sitting up Savannah noticed that it was a little goblin woman who was smiling at her. "Yes?" She replied. The woman jumped up onto the bed and sat beside her. "Yous very pretty" the woman commented "It's a shame that a youngin like you has to live here with such a cruel man like him" she continued dropping her eyes to the floor.

   Savannah patted the woman's hand "Everything will be fine" she assured her. The woman perked back up and jumped to the floor. "So's what's your name?" She asked as her smile returned. "It's Savannah, and you?" "I'm Matilda, but you can call me Matty. I'ms gonna be your maid from now on. Anything yous need I'll gets". Wow! She had her own maid now and from what she could tell she was very nice. Now she had at least four friends and she was sure she would make more. "Well Matty, I'd like to get changed, so if you could show me to my closet that would be great!" Matty laughed "Kings gonna show yous around the castle, so's I'm picking your outfit" "ugh..." Thought Savannah. The little lady ran to a huge wooden closet and opened the door.

   Matty pulled out a baby blue gown that had white swirls covering it. "Oh yeah...I forgot I won't be wearing "normal" clothes anymore" Matty looked up at her in surprise. "You no like it! It's made from the most expensives materials. King hads me pick it's out myselfs!" Savannah bit her lip. "No it's beautiful, I'm just not used to wearing such fancy clothes". Matty shrugged and proceeded to put together the outfit. "Oh!" She said in surprise "you goes take bath. Ya don't want to be dirty for his majesty!" Savannah didn't really feel comfortable taking a bath. Who knows that pervert of a king could be watching her, but she did feel dirty, so she followed the woman to the bathroom.

   Once inside Savannah's eyes widened. Everything was white. It all looked like it was made of pearls. When she looked closer she noticed that they really were made from pearls. "Wow" Matty looked at her. "Only da best for my lady" she said laughing. "Well yous go on and takes ya bath. Knock on da door and I'll come get ya ready" Matty said sitting a towel on the toilet seat. When she was gone Savannah hesitantly stripped from her nightgown and sat in the tub. Once she got her water started she allowed herself to cry. She missed her family dearly.

Jareth's Point of View

   "What to wear?" He questioned himself. He finally decided to go with a dark blue shirt with silver swirls lacing the hems. "Matty better have chosen something good!" He chose her to be his new guest maid because she was a lot like Savannah personality wise. Matty was sweet, but when she got angry... Jareth went to his bath room and slid into the tub. He smiled as he thought of how angry Savannah was when he told her she had to choose. She was very cute when she was angry. Sarah was a thing of the past now to him. Jareth closed his eyes and relaxed.

Savannah's Point of View

   When she was finished with her bath, Savannah wrapped herself with the towel Matty got for her. She went to the door and knocked. In came Matty with a pile of clothing. "Is that all one outfit?" She thought. "Alright here comes da challenge" claimed Matty. Savannah sat down in front of her vanity and allowed Matty to tie her hair up. Matty then left and came back with a corset. "Oh no!" Savannah said laughing. The woman smiled and proceeded to put the thing on. After she was finished Savannah giggled. "I guess women don't like to breathe around here". Matty looked up "You's the only women in dis kingdom other than the goblin women". Well that was comforting.

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