Chapter 2: Beyond the Goblin City

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   Savannah turned to find a tall man with blonde hair in strange clothing. "Hello my dear" said the man. Out of the corner of her eye Savannah noticed her sister picking up the cane she broke the vase with. Elizabeth slowly approached the strange man from behind. She drew the cane above the mans head preparing to strike. "I wouldn't do that if I were you" the man said turning around. Elizabeth quickly dropped the cane and turned to run. The stranger grabbed her by her collar as she screamed "Leave me alone!" Noticing this Savannah decided that she needed to do something. She leapt into the air attempting to knock the man over. Her attempt failed as she hit the ground hard with a loud "thud". She sat up to find the man had vanished. then proceeded to join her crying sister. "Where did he go?" Savannah asked as she wiped her sister's tears away. Still sobbing Elizabeth replied "I-I-don't know".

   The two continued to stand in silence when they heard laughter coming from their brothers room. Not wanting to leave her sister alone Savannah grabbed Elizabeth's trembling hand and started to walk up the stairs. They abruptly stopped in front of their brothers door. Savannah slowly cracked the door open. There was no one in sight. They both entered and as they neared the center of the room, the door slammed shut behind them. Screaming, the girls ran to their brothers bed.

   The man then reappeared in front of the the girls with a mischievous grin. "Who are you!" Shouted Savannah. She stood up to face the man head on. "I'm Jareth and I'm the one who took your brother". "Where did you take him!" Added Elizabeth attempting to make a threatening face. "He's in my castle" Jareth replied pointing to the window. The girls walked to the window and peered out. Standing before them they saw a mysterious land. "What is that?" Asked Savannah. "It's the labyrinth" replied Elizabeth. Savannah turned to Jareth and noticed that they were no longer in their brothers room. "You have exactly thirteen hours to find your brother before I turn him into a goblin forever" said Jareth as he met Savannah's eyes. He smiled at her in his suggestive ways, but Savannah quickly turned her gaze back to the labyrinth. "Such a pity" sighed Jareth as he looked Savannah up and down.

   Both of the sisters turned once more to find that the glittery man had gone. "This is all your fault!" Said Elizabeth in an angry tone. "My fault!" Shouted Savannah. "Yes your fault, if you hadn't suggested to scare Tristan none of this would have ever happened" replied Elizabeth with a smirk. Savannah stood in silence because she knew her sister was kind of right.

   Walking angrily to the walls of the labyrinth they heard something rumble in a bush. Savannah kicked it and out came a strange little creature. He( or whatever it was) had white hair and a beautiful bag of jewelry. "Now what's you do that for" growled the creature. "I'm sorry I thought you might be Jareth" replied Savannah. "Huh! shows what you know Sarah". "Sarah?" The girls asked with confused looks. "Well that's u'r name ain't it" replied the little figure. "Well um no actually my name is Savannah and this is my sister Elizabeth" said the confused girl. "And what's your name?" Questioned Elizabeth. "They's calls me Hoggle...well whenever I correct them" said Hoggle with a sigh. The two girls looked at each other and smiled.

   "By any chance do you know where the entrance to the labyrinth is?" Asked Savannah. "Well at least you asked the right question" gave Hoggle with a grin. "You gets in there" and a big door opened that wasn't there before. "Well isn't that nifty" said Elizabeth with a laugh. The two sisters and Hoggle entered the labyrinth. They looked left and then right and all they could see was that the labyrinth seemed to run for miles. Elizabeth felt like they would never get their brother back, so she yelled out "Ugh see what you did Savannah?" Savannah was really starting to get annoyed with her sister and snapped "I wasn't the only one to cause this mess. You agreed to scaring Tristan, so this is your fault just as much as it is mine!" Hoggle felt a little awkward in the situation and yelled back "Why don't you just go your separate ways!" He continued "Because even if ya get to the the center you'll never get out again." Taking it into consideration Elizabeth looked at Savannah and said "I'll go left!" Savannah didn't really want to conquer the labyrinth alone but replied with "Fine I'll got right!"

   They both separated in their chosen direction. Savannah stopped and turned to Hoggle "Thanks for that idea Hoggle, we can cover more ground now without killing each other". Hoggle was very surprised because no one has ever gotten his name right on the first try, but since he didn't want to show it he simply replied with "Humph...don't be complaining to me when ya don't know where to go!" and with that Hoggle left the labyrinth hoping that the girl could be just as strong as Sarah.

   Savannah walked on and on until she heard her sister scream. In a flash she shouted "I'm coming Elizabeth!". She ran as fast as she could when she came across a hole in the ground. "Elizabeth are you alright?" Said Savannah in worry. "No I'm perfectly fine...I just screamed to represent how excited I am about this labyrinth" Elizabeth replied with sarcasm. "Can you describe where you are" questioned Savannah. "Well..." Said Elizabeth "I'm in a place that's dark...that's all I can tell you". "Ok hold on ill figure out a way to get you out" Savannah said with a laugh. Just then Elizabeth screamed again "No leave me alone!". "Elizabeth what's happening?" yelled Savannah, but there was no reply. "Elizabeth!" Everything remained quiet.

   Quickly she looked for something to try and free her sister. There were no branches or anything that was of use to her. She was inches away from screaming in anger when she heard a familiar laugh. She turned and there was Jareth. "What have you done with my sister" the girl snapped. "I simply reunited her with your brother in my dungeon" the King said with a grin. He stepped closer to the girl. Savannah knew she could not back up or she would meet the same fate as her brother and sister and none of them would ever get home. "Why are you doing this?" She complained. "I lost something precious to me already and I won't lose it again!" Jareth said grabbing the girls arm. "Let go of me...I'm solving this labyrinth and nothing you do will stop me!".

   Jareth released his grip enjoying the girls determination. "Just remember Savannah" Jareth said losing his grin "I can be cruel". He then began to disappear into the fog. "Well I wonder what he considers cruel" thought Savannah. She knew that standing around doing nothing would not free her brother and sister, so she proceeded to go down the path she had chosen. "I can do this" she said to herself.

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