Chapter 23: Nothing is as it Seems!

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*Warning, this chapter may be graphic to some viewers thus, viewer discretion is advised*

Savannah's Point of View

"Don't trust him!", Kai's words rang through her ears.

   Who exactly couldn't she trust? Then again, Kai was the one who couldn't be trusted. She didn't even know why he was there, remembering how he acted at her birthday party. Her attention was brought back to Ella who was still crying.

"Everything's ok sweetie!" she cooed as she wiped the child's tears.

"That man is scary Onyx, why did he say that!" Ella said with a sniffle.

   "I don't know if I'm to be honest with you. All I know is that we need to check on your parents and Jareth." Ella nodded at this statement and off they went.

   You would think that she would remember how to navigate the castle but that was not the case. Savannah had gone around the 10th corner before realizing she was lost. However, to keep Ella from panicking, she pretended to know where she was going.

"Is anyone out there?" She heard a familiar voice shout.

"That sounds like William Onyx!" Ella beamed.

She was absolutely right, but where was his voice coming from?

"William!" She called back, but there was no answer.

   At this time, Ella was starting to get heavy on her hip, so she placed her on the ground and asked her to walk with her. Ella smiled and grabbed her hand before guiding her. "Wait who's following who?" Savannah thought.

   It was as if Ella was in a trance. The little girl rounded corners and opened doors as if she had known where she was going (even though that was impossible because this was her first time in the Goblin Castle).

"Ella, we need to go to my room and check on Jareth. Where are you taking me?"

"To William" said the child.

   While Savannah was worried about William, she was far more worried for Jareth at the moment. Savannah let go of Ella's hand before she heard William's voice again. She looked all around but still couldn't see where it was coming from.

"William, keep calling out to me!" Savannah shouted.

   He did as he was told which led Savannah to a vent in the floor. Why the hell was his voice coming from down there? Then a light-bulb came on in her head, he was in the dungeon. Jareth's jealously was really getting on her nerves. Now, she had to go down there and release him because the dungeon was one of the scariest and dangerous areas of the castle. Even she was there as her 15-16-year-old self, Jareth never let her go down there.

   The question now was, how was she going to get down there? Using her powers was still very much out of the question. She knew she couldn't get Jareth involved as he was currently unconscious and even if he was conscious, he would forbid it. That just left her and Ella, but Ella was far to young to go down there. Before she knew it, Ella let go of her hand and dashed through a door across the room.

   "Ella, stop! Where are you going?" She screamed! Ella had never acted like this before; this left an uneasy feeling in her stomach. Her mind rushed to her memories of Dane and instantly she felt this was a trap. However, she had to protect Ella at all cost. With that in mind, she sprinted after her.


   Every time she would catch up to Ella, the little girl would disappear again. "Damn, she's fast for a little elf!" Savannah thought. With every corner she turned and every door she went through, the amount of light grew dimmer and dimmer.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Apr 29, 2020 ⏰

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