Chapter 19: In the Years That Passed

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   It had been three years since Jareth had seen her. They had written to one another almost every day. He told her about his times back at the center of the Labyrinth and she explained her times learning "proper etiquette" from Giselle. Since the day of the ball, he had had a difficult time convincing the kingdoms that she was sent back to the above ground, but he believed they finally bought it. Which was why he was writing a letter to the elf kingdom explaining that the girl could return home. Jareth figured that since it had been so long no one would recognize her and think nothing of her return.

   He had already told her that she needed to choose a new name resembling a resident of the underground. After much controversy about what her name would be, they had agreed on the name "Onyx"(Jareth had made sure that Giselle and Enrique began calling her by that name so she could get used to it).

   It was already late at night, Matty had come in to speak with him about Savannah's arrival tomorrow. "Are you sures she's ready to come backs?" Matty asked worriedly. Jareth knew that whether she was or wasn't HE was ready for her to return "Yes, I have everyone believing that I sent her back. She should be safe now, but remember to call her by her new name." Matty nodded and left. Since "Savannah" was no longer with him he had let everyone know that he had a new fiance who was a friend of queen Giselle. All kingdoms seemed happy for him, so he was sure everything would work out.

Savannah's Point of View

   "Onyx!" She heard being called from behind "Are you finished packing!" She sighed before replying "Yes Giselle I am almost finished." Savannah zipped her last bag a plopped down on her bed looking at her home for the past three years. Since then, she had been hard at work studying how to be a queen and the proper way to act as a lady. She had grown taller and thinner since then as well. Her hair was longer and some how, it became curly. The only thing that really didn't change was her crystal blue eyes, but other than that If you looked at her you probably wouldn't recognize her at all. "That's probably why he wants me to come back..." Savannah thought thinking back to the last day she saw him.

   As soon as the carriage took off, her 16 year old self began to cry. Giselle quickly came to comfort her and to reassure her that everything was going to be fine. "You won't be gone long deary." The woman had told her. She laughed to herself "Three years isn't long huh?" She remembered entering the castle. Giselle showed her to her beach themed room at the very top of the castle. When she entered her room Giselle helped her with her things and then left. Since she was left alone she decided to sit in front of her window and study her new terrain.

   She tried speaking to Dumble, but she was to far away to "get a connection". Savannah then remembered the gift Jareth had given her before her departure. She left the window and grabbed the box from her bed. The girl opened the small velvety box reviling a beautiful necklace. It had a crystal ball as it's pendent and vines surrounded it.

   Savannah was brought back to reality clenching her necklace. Giselle already informed her that the story of her return was that she was going to marry Jareth. That was the one thing that apparently couldn't be changed. The queen had explained to her that if her and Jareth were wed then nobody could try and take her if they were to find out who she was.

   "Ok time to visit dream land for we have a big day greeting us tomorrow!" Giselle sang tucking her into bed. The woman's daughter Ella danced into her room. She was now three and considered Savannah her older sister since she was there during her birth. "Up!" Ella demanded flinging her arms around the girls neck. Her mother scolded her and sent her back into her room. "I am going to miss her..." Savannah claimed wiping a tear from her eye. Ella reminded her of Elizabeth which would make her miss her more. "Now now enough of the tears sleep!" Giselle commanded. They both laughed and Savannah said her good nights as the queen left her in the dark. Soon she was asleep dreaming of her true home above ground.

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