16. The Truth Hurts

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    Rue Bennett followed Nate Jacobs outside, she was on a mission

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    Rue Bennett followed Nate Jacobs outside, she was on a mission. And nothing would stop her. But Nate had a lot on his mind. 


     Nate looked around the field, his eyes landing on the familiar blonde, she stared right at him but made no expression as she cheered. 

     'A minute and a half left to go, in what is a very close game. We need a good play.' Nate called the play, the game in motion again. 

   Angel sighed as the fumbled the play. She waved her pom-poms again as she and Maddy shared a bored look.

      And it kept happening. 


      Rue smirked seeing Nate standing outside, she walked up to him silently, leaning next to him. "Why do i feel like you're the reason Fez's house got raided?" 

      "You know, sometimes, when you do illegal shit, bad things happen to you." Nate shrugged. 

      "You've never done anything illegal, Nate?" Rue scoffed, already knowing the answer. 

       "You talking about your friend Jules?" 

"No, actually, I'm talking about your dad," Rue smirked. Nate's face dropped, making her smirk grown wider. 

       "I just wanna make sure you've given it some forethought. I know over the years you've lost some brain cells. I wouldn't want you to say something you might regret." Nate threatened. 

      "What are you gonna do? You gonna ruin my life? I fucking promise you i can do that a lot better than you can." 

        "What do you want, Rue?" 

   "I want you to leave Fez alone. I want you to leave Jules alone. And i sure as hell want you to leave Angel alone. If you ever fuck with them again, I'll destroy your life. Angel already knows everything you've done. I fucking told her. I'll destroy your dad's life. I'll fucking burn your whole shit to the ground. Cause i personally have no problem walking into any police station and telling them that Nate Jacobs' daddy likes to fuck little kids." 

     Nate stared at her for a second, looking her up and down. "You look very pretty tonight." Nate complimented. "Are you sure that Jules told you everything? You know what i like about her? She has these very real dreams. And i seriously think that she's going to achieve them." Rue gave Nate a look, tilting her head.
    "If you look at everyone inside, most of them are going to go on to live these lives that aren't even fucking worth mentioning. But Not Jules. What about you?' 

      "Honestly, i don't really give a fuck." Rue shrugged. 

"Yeah, i gathered that." Nate sighed, "That's probably why you're spending all your time with someone who's going to leave you and won't even remember who the fuck you are in ten years." Rue just stared at him and Nate sighed, "I really meant what i said. You, uh... look really beautiful." 

     Nate spun on his heel, walking back into the dance. 


      "Let's go Blackhawks!" The cheerleaders cheered. Nate looked over, to the cheerleaders, Angel watching Nate. It was the last play and Angel was nervous, so she broke. 

     "Go, Nate!" She cheered loudly. She knew she'd probably regret it, but to Nate, it gave him power, hope. He ran through the players like there was no tomorrow. And a touchdown was made. Nate roared in satisfaction, throwing his helmet down. 

     "Let's go! Let's fucking go! Let's go!" He beamed proudly. "Get the fuck up!" Angel and Maddy stood there with their arms crossed. He looked right to her, but she made no move to smile. Nate's smile fell slightly as Maddy and Angel took off towards Angel's car. 


        Nate sat in his room, holding back tears. "You may have won the game, but you lost control of the team." Lost, that's the word that hung on him. He had lost. "And in the long run, if you don't lead your gonna lose." But he already lost, he lost Angel, and he knew that but didn't want to admit it. 
    Nate sighed, sitting straight up looking up at his father. Nate stood straight up, towering over Cal. He took a step forward, in his dad's face. 

    "You need to take a step back, Nate." Nate made no move, "I said take a step back." Nate moved forward, Cal pushing him down on his bed. Nate fought off his dad, grunting trying to get him off. 

     "Get the fuck off me! Get the- Get your fucking hands off me, you fucking faggot! Get the fuck off!" Nate screamed. "Get the fuck off me!" 

     "Stop fighting." Cal gritted out. 

"Get the fuck off! Get the fuck off!" 

      "Stop fighting!" 

"Fuck you! Fuck you!" 

       "You need to stop!" 

Nate couldn't take all his anger and frustration out on the field, he was taking it out at hom. "Fuck you!" 

      "You had enough?" 

"Fuck you! Get the fuck off me!" 

      "Huh? Keep fighting." Cal urged. Nate pushed his father off of him, falling to the floor in the process. 

     "Fuck you!" Nate panted, not able to catch his breath. He wanted to cry, he wanted to scream. 

    "Keep it up, huh?" 

"Get off!" Nate cried, finally letting the tears out. 'Motherfuck-" He groaned as his father restrained him. 

     "Do you want to keep fighting? Huh?" Nate turned his head, looking at himself in the mirror, and he hated what he saw. "Oh you think you're tough now, huh?" Nate let out a sob, "Huh, come on, Nate." Nate kept sobbing as he tried to get Cal off of him. 
    Nate lifted his head, banging it against the floor repeatedly, even when Cal got off of him. He had lost Angel. Nate let out an angered scream, Cal rushing out of the room. 

     Nate kept going, hitting the floor with his body. He stood up, still screaming, throwing things off his dressers, he turned punching his wall. Nate slid down the wall, still sobbing. 

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