3. Out of Body Experince

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'Nate Jacobs was in love. Again. He didn't know how it happened, he didn't know why it happened, but the same feeling he had when he stared at Angel, he swore he felt it again. And it felt so fucking good. But, it was complicated.'

Angel stared at a bloody Nate, her heart racing. She looked over at Cassie who had tears rolling down her face, her brows furrowing. Nates hand brushed against her once again, more blood staining her dress.

"Maddy, take the fucking keys!" She huffed, the brunette snatching the keys out of her hand, the group rushing out of the house and down the driveway to the blondes car. They slide him into the backseat of her car, Cassie pushing her way into the backseat with Nate.
She frowned, moving towards the passenger seat, shutting the door quickly.

In the backseat, Nate clenched Cassies hand, the dirty blonde squeezing his hand back.

'He didn't know what it was about Cassie, maybe it was the fact she looked somewhat like Angel, maybe that's what allowed him to fully surrender himself. With Maddy, it was always a game. And with Angel, he was always losing her. With Cassie, it was the opposite, he hadn't lost her and there was no game.'

Angel rushed beside the gurney, holding onto Nates pinky. Tears threatening to spill from her eyes, but she wouldn't let them, not in public at least.

'He wasn't perfect, he knew that and he knew he had some issues. But maybe the reason he had those issues is because Maddy brought out the worst in him, and he could never keep Angel long enough for her to bring out the best. Maybe if he had met Cassie instead of Maddy sophomore year she would have brought out the best in him too.
He knew he overlooked Cassie because he already had the blonde he wanted at the time, but now, Angel was, once again, gone. Now he looked right at Cassie. She was so much like Angel, everything he wanted, somewhat.'

Nates fingers trailed her naked body, following every curve she had, her hand interlocking with his. He leaned down, kissing her softly, when he looked up, he saw her. His Angel, but when she moved on top of him, she changed. It was now Cassie, smiling down at him.

'He knew it was soon and odd to say, but the life he had imagined with Angel, he could also see it with Cassie. She could be a second home for him, and he could fall in love. Cassie was intuitive and emotional. She was sensitive and vulnerable. She was also a strong powerful woman.'

'I don't want to weird you out or anything, but, I can imagine starting a family with you." But when she turned over, instead of Cassie, it was now Angel once again.

'He could only imagine the family life he wanted with her. With Angel. Nate began to wonder if he had brain damage. How would he know? He knew he would do a better job than his dad.'

Nate sat on the pool chair, rubbing lotion onto a seven month pregnant Angel while she read a parenting book. "Why are you reading that?" Nate laughed, kissing the side of her head.

"I don't want to fuck up her life." She said semi-serious, flipping the page in the book.

"We're not our parents."

'He knew he wouldn't fuck up his kids life like his dad did. And the way his granddad fucked his dad up. '

Angel laid on her side, looking over at Cal Jacobs who was making direct eye contact with her. "Your dad's creeping me out." She frowned, looking over at Nate. Nate looked over, glaring at the older man.

'Except his dads a fucking idiot. He couldn't even control himself. And it jeopardized everything his family worked for.'

"Angel, wanna come for a swim?" Cal questioned.

"Leave her the fuck alone." Nate spat, sitting up. "Come here." He said softly, pulling Angel closer to him gently.

'Sometimes... he just wished that his dad would drop dead of a heart attack, and be free of him.'

Nates eyes fluttered open, the out of body experience basically over.

'But there's no point in fantasizing about a life with Angel when he had fucked up, and especially fantasizing about a life with Cassie when Maddy had that disc, and knowing what Angel would do if she found out about him and Cassie.
If he could start over, what would he wish? Where would things go? Who would he be?"

Angel watched from the hospital door, frowning as Cal prayed over him. "You know he doesn't really believe in god, right?" She sighed. Crossing her arms.

Cal turned to her, a small smile on his face. "It's funny really." Cal chuckled. "You say he doesn't believe in god but he clearly has an Angel." He smiled, referring to her.

Angel frowned, shaking her head. "No he doesn't." She whispered. And as if Nate had heard her, his back arched high, his heart monitor going off, her heart rate picking up as she grew nervous,

"Nurse! Nurse!" Cal shouted.

And in Nates coma like haze, his mind went back and fourth from his fantasy life with Angel. To his shitty real one.

Angel held onto Nates hand tightly, screaming in pain as she pushed their daughter out.

Angel held a hand over her mouth, keeping her cries in as they bagged Nate, trying to get him to breath, his body lurching up and down, seizing.

Angel screamed one more time, Nate encouraging her to keep pushing. "I can't, I can't!" Angel cried, "I can't do it!"

"Yes, yes you can baby, keep going. She's almost here, I can see her head, keep pushing baby, keep going." Nate soothed. Angel nodded, pushing one more time, letting out a cry.

And then Nate heard it, silence. And a baby crying. A soft smile graced his face. His eyes closing.

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