8. Being in Love Fucking Hurts

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   When Angel ran from Nate at the carnival, Nate wasn't too far behind, and when she got into her car, he got in his and followed

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   When Angel ran from Nate at the carnival, Nate wasn't too far behind, and when she got into her car, he got in his and followed. But traffic and red lights cutting him off let her get home a lot faster than he was able to get to her. 
    Angel got out of her car quickly, running down the small path and almost falling down the stairs as she pushed the side door open closing it. 

      It upset her to think about Nate hurting people, she could forgive him for hurting her, but if Maddy was on one, she could hurt Nate, get him arrested. The banging on her door scared her. "Angel, Angel, open the fucking door!" Nate pleaded. "Angel, please..." He said, his voice cracking. 
    She pulled the door open, looking at Nate with teary eyes.  "Please, please don't cry..." 

      "How could you... why would you do that to Maddy?" She asked shakily. "You could go to jail, you could," Angel rambled on. "You can't just hurt people when you get mad! Choking people isn't always hot!" She gritted out. Nate stared at her, the anger rising again at her yelling at him. 

      "God, Nate, how could you be so fucking stupid!" She shouted, raising an arm. Nate grabbed her wrists, pulling her closer to him. She stopped at how tight her was holding her, tight enough to leave bruises. 

     "Stop, just fucking stop!" He roared, squeezing tighter. 

Angel flinched, "Nate... you're hurting me." She whimpered. Nate quickly let go of her wrist, tears coming to his eyes. He moved over to the couch, sitting there. "Maddy went through your phone..." 


"She found all the pictures, and she told me." She whispered, not wanting to make him mad. He stood up and she flinched back, he let out a humorless chuckle, sitting back down. 

      "You're afraid of me..." He frowned, When she didn't make a move to come closer to him, he let out a small sob, "You're fucking afraid of me." 

     "Why were there dick pics on your phone?" She frowned. 

"Angel, please... it's just, it's really fucking complicated" He frowned. 

     "So explain to me."

"I can't, at least not right now." He sighed."Look, I'm going through a lot of shit right now.  I need... please i need you. Promise me you won't tell anyone." 

      "I promise." She nodded. "On my life." 

Nate let out a shaky breath, "I'm sorry i got angry. I am sorry, please don't be afraid of me, i can't have you afraid of me." He whispered, she slowly walked over to him, sitting next to him on the couch. "I'm sorry." he cried, putting his head on her chest. "I love you. Angel, i love you." She ran her hand through his hair, laying back. He followed her, wrapping his arms around her waist. 

      "I got a lot of- a lot of shit going on right now and I'm really confused. I don't know what to do." He whimpered as he laid there with her.


    Nate and Angel had moved to her bed, the blonde quickly falling asleep. The image of her being absolutely terrified when he had her wrist in her hands. He looked down to see a bruise already starting to form. He ran his finger over the area, moving her wrist up to kiss it as if that would make it better. 
     He noticed the time and frowned, he had somewhere to be. He slowly moved hoping not to wake her up. He was going to come back this time. He wasn't going to let her down again. He slid out the door, making sure it stayed unlocked.

     And then he was off. The whole way there he thought of Angel's face when she caught him with Maddy, and it made him sick, bringing tears to his eyes. 


       An hour later, Nate snuck back into Angel's house. He noticed the blonde was still asleep and a small smile came to his face. He moved over to the bed, Angel shifting. She groaned, looking around. "Nate?" 

      "I'm here," Nate whispered. 

"What's wrong?" She frowned, sitting up. 

       "I'm in fucking love with you," Nate admitted. "I love, you, so please, don't leave." Nate begged. Angel moved forward, connecting their lips. Nate pulled her closer. 

       "I love you too."  

But little did out Angel know, Nate, ruined lives. 

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