7. Oklahoma

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           4 Am, a time you'd expect every teenager to be asleep or wide awake on drugs, right? No. At 4 am Cassie Howard's alarm went off, waking her up for the day. She sighed, sitting up mentally preparing herself.
     "Why are you awake at 4 am?" Lexi questioned from her side of the room.

    "Why are you awake at 4 am?" Cassie shot back. She didn't even wait for her sisters response, she just headed towards the restroom to start getting ready for her day.

'Cassie decided to wake up at 4 am that day to get ready for school. She needed to clear her head.'

      Cassie looked at herself in the Mirror, smoothing her eye patches closer to her skin, and making sure the curling rod was tight in her hair. She took a deep breath, looking over all her products, picking up her roller and rolling her face, doing some micro-needling and moisturizing.

'And for those three hours she spent getting ready... she only thought about one thing.'


      To say Cassie wanted to please Nate, was an understatement. She had figured he loved Angel the most, she might as well try and look like her as much as she could. It helped that she was blonde and had blue eyes, but there were some vast differences.
      She tried her best at doing her own winged eyeliner and doing the voluminous curls that Angel could perfect. Her makeup was slightly heavier than usual just to match Angel's normal look, and she wore a lilac body con dress with a white tie shirt over the top, something Angel had worn something similar to millions of times.

       Cassie walked down the hall, seeing Nate and a small smile coming onto her face. Nates eyes moved down to Cassie, his brows furrowing.
     To him, she did look like Angel, but not in a good way, like she had tried too hard. Cassie's face fell seeing the look on his face and seeing him walk right past her. She stumbled a little bit looking like she was trying not to cry.

      Angel turned the corner, seeing Cassie and smiling, "Hey Cass..." she trailed off seeing Cassie's outfit, Cassie straight out ignoring her.

      "What's her deal?" Maddy asked, closing her locker.

    "No clue."


      It was day two of Cassie trying for Nate's attention, once again, waking up at 4 Am, doing the same routine.

'There was also something refreshing about the amount of time she was putting into herself.'

   Once again, Cassie had taken the Angel approach. She has styled her hair almost the same way except brought her bangs down like Angels hair the year before and wore a polka dot set.
     Nate had walked by, not even looking Cassie's direction. Angels eyes followed Nate, her lips falling into a frown. Maddy sighed, closing her locker.

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