9. The Downfall of Angel Rivers

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    You might get the point already, but everyone loved Angel, and she never really knew why

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    You might get the point already, but everyone loved Angel, and she never really knew why. But she had something special and people saw it. Maybe it was her kind hear and how good of a friend she could be. But how much people loved her, gave her confidence.
She never really partook in activates, except singing. She loved to sing. And people loved her voice, but she never went far. Her mom worried about all the sketchy music producers that were out there. 

She never fought it though, but she secretly pursued the talent. Her dad wasn't very encouraging, he'd tell her to shut the hell up, or she was being too loud. 

So she went to school, got good grades, made friends, and then when no one was around, she'd sing.
She wanted to be successful, like her mom. Her mom was a real estate agent, and the top in the county. 

And as you know, her dad was a drunk who could never keep a job. And she realized the different people in the world. 

The ones who ran it, and the ones who mooched of the ones who ran it. But there was a third she soon figured out, the people who silently ran it, and that's what she wanted to be. There was a difference between the ones who ran it, and who actually ran it, the silent ones. 
From a young age, Nate encouraged her to be the best version of herself, the baddest bitch version of herself. 

And they quickly rose to popularity together. Freshman year was the first, and last time they officially dated, he was a good boyfriend, showed her off like every girl wanted to be, bought her small gifts even if she got 'mad' at him for it. She hated him to spend money on her, but he didn't listen and still did it. He was smart. And obviously, he really, really fucking loved her. 
They said i love you after a month of dating, that's how much they loved each other. 
And she fucking loved him, and their relationship. And she was a really, really good girlfriend.

Even though she was already a cheerleader, she let him know she was cheering for him, not the other douchebags on the team. Even if she didn't tell him about her love of drugs.
They were each other's firsts, and that meant a lot to Nate. 

'So, like you really haven't been with anyone else?' Angel shook her head, 'Like...' 

"Nate, you've been my best friend since like, ever, have i ever had another boyfriend?' She sassed. 

Angel was 100 percent his. And that's the thing with Nate, with any other girl, he wanted to own their girls, but with Angel, he wanted an actual person. Like i said, Angel, defied all logic. 
But, Angel was in complete and utter control the whole time and she knew it. So, to keep Nate distracted from ever finding out about her 'problem' she wanted to please him. So she watched porn, just to learn. 
During sex, she'd believe she was an enchantress with her body and always moved it the right way, but they were fifteen and everything she did was magical to Nate. She made Nate feel good about how he fucked, even when he was new at it. 

Remember how she said she wanted to be the one who silently ruled the world? Nate was her world, and she made him feel powerful. even though she was the one who ran him. 

'I got you something.' Nate smiled, reaching over the edge of the bed, pulling a box out.

'Nate...' She whined.

'Amuse me and open it.' He chuckled, she sighed, pulling the top to the small box open and her eyes widened, that's there Angel got her key jewelry from, all from Nate, and this was the first. It was a charm bracelet with angel wings on it. 

And every year, he got her a new charm. She liked tha small things better.

'Oh my god, i fucking love you.' She gasped. 

'I fuckin love you more.' Nate smirked, moving over her again. 

And even after they broke up, they still acted like a couple, she rarely got with other guys, never cheated, she'd make out with a few guys at parties, and had a few hookups, but most of them were to get back at Nate, he could be a real asshole. That's why the broke up in the first place.

'Get the fuck out!' Angel yelled, throwing a pillow at Nate. 

'Come on, enough.' Nate groaned. 'It was a fucking joke.' 

'You don't joke about that shit. If you love someone and you say you want to spend the rest of your life with them you don't tell your friends that you're bored and want to leave.' She ranted, 

This was the first time Nate realized he fucked up.

'If you wanna leave then go ahead and fucking leave, I'm not gonna stop you.' 

'Is that all you have to say?' Nate frowned. 

'Yeah, that's all i gotta say. What do you want me to do? Huh? You want me to cry and scream? I can't do that! If i cried every time someone left, i would never stop crying. So just fucking go!' 

There were times over the years where Angel thought about completely leaving Nate. But she never could, so they always ended up together in some way. 
She didn't care about Nate's sexuality, all she cared about what him, even if that meant her getting hurt. There were times she'd look at herself in the mirror and see Nate's handprints on her arms and she'd just cry. 
And the violence didn't scare her, it was the fact that's she knew no matter what, she'd still love him and want to help him. 


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