10. A Fucked up Party

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         Nate sighed, walking down the stairs with a bag in hand, more specifically, what he had gotten Maddy for her birthday. He sat down at the kitchen island, sighing.

       "What, what?!" Cal called out from the background, drunk.

     Nate rolled his eyes, not fully looking back at his dad, "Where's mom?" Nate asked flatly.

     "Asleep." Cal stated, pouring himself another drink. "Not that I care anymore. I wanna make toast." He slurred, "A toast to Nathaniel. The winner of all winners!" Nate sighed, looking over to his dad. "The king of all kings. The big swinging dick, mr. Big balls! Ah! You are a part of me I will never understand."

       Nate sighed, running a hand over his face. He was tired of listening to his father ramble. "But I take full responsibility for it." Cal continued. Nate rolled his eyes at his father, continuing to write 'Happy Birthday, Maddy' on the tag of the bag.
     "I think I'm gonna go for a drive." Cal sighed after getting no response from Nate. He stood silent for a second, the burst out laughing, placing his glass on the counter next to him, walking off.

        "Wear a seatbelt." Nate sighed.

    "Okay, dad." Cal mocked.

          Nates phone chimed, the boy picking it up, seeing a text from Maddy:

  'What time are you coming? Angel looks bored


        At Cassie's the girls were all having fun, dancing to music, Ms. Howard trying to twerk, the girls laughing and dancing with her.
      Cassie sat on the steps, drinking away her feelings when Bb passed her, walking towards the restroom.

       "Hey, do you think Nates still coming over?" Cassie asked, looking up at her.

       "Uh yeah, that's what Maddy says." She shrugged, still moving towards the restroom. Cassie sighed, chugging her drink. She'd be in the same room as Nate, Angel and Maddy, and she didn't know how she'd handle it.
     She had threatened Nate with telling Angel about her and Nate, and now she didn't know if she would do it, or if she would just keep her mouth shut.

      A few moments later, there was a knock on the door, Cassie standing up to get the door. She sighed, taking a moment, knowing it was Nate. She opened it, smiling at him. "Hi." She beamed.

       "Uh, are Maddy and Angel here?" He asked awkwardly.

     Her smiled dropped, nodding. "Uh, yeah." She moved aside, letting Nate pass. He didn't acknowledge her further, Cassie frowning and downing the rest of her drink. He walked into the living room, seeing all the girls.

      "Hey," he said, looking around, walking over to Maddy, "Happy birthday." He smiled, handing her the small bag, Maddy pulling out a pair of diamond hoops.

       "Aww thanks." She beamed, giving Nate a quick hug. Cassie watched the interaction with a sad look. Nate moved back a step, putting his arm around Angel, pulling her into his side.
      Cassie's eyes started to tear up, Ms. Howard looking over, seeing her daughters expression.

      "How you feeling?"

"I-I feel fine." Cassie lied, not looking at her mother. "Do I not look fine?" Her mom said nothing, Cassie grabbing another drink, rushing to the bathroom. 
      She let out a little whimper, opening her drink and chugging it, tears still in her eyes. She wanted Nates attention and she would do anything to get it. Her eyes drifted over to her swimsuit that was hung in the shower rod, an idea popping in her head.

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