CHAPTER TEN - Behold, the love of my life

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OC is my baby, Naruto is Kishi's. I am just his designated babysitter <3 

'...' Inner 

'...' Outer 


I was ready to keel over. 

Puffing, I raised my trembling head as I peered over at Lee. "How," I wheezed, coughing as my lungs desperate tried to remember how to breathe, "are you still fine?" 

The energetic green blob of youth simply looked over at me and grinned. "It's alright, dear Sakura-san!" he yelled, only slightly out of breath. "You'll get used to this training soon enough!" 

"I sense great youth in you, my child!" Gai laughed boisterously. "Another fine fighter in the making!" 

I groaned. 

I had been sparring with Gai often for the past two years. But for the past few months, I'd been training my taijutsu extensively with Gai and Lee. Intrigued by my apparently "unique" style of fighting, Gai had taken the liberty of tracking down where I lived. Meaning, one morning, he appeared in all his green youthful glory in front of my door. 

Mebuki looked torn between smacking him on the head and standing dumbfounded, as Gai rambled on and on about how I had the one of the most youthful potential he'd seen in years. 

"Truly, miss, she is a strong youth!!" Gai practically screamed. "Please let me be her sensei for life!!!"

His question—more like a statement—was met with a blank stare. 

I, on the other hand, got some ideas. 

After a few more minutes of explanation from my end as to how we met, who he was, and how I wished to become a strong kunoichi and therefore needed to be at least proficient in taijutsu, Mebuki finally relented. 

Kizashi just kept eating his eggs and sausages at the breakfast table, pretending not to be a part of the whole fiasco. 

And now here I am.

Utterly regretting this entire thing. 

I huffed and pulled my strained body onto its feet. "I'm gonna go get some water," I panted. "You want any, Lee?"

Lee shook his head. "It's alright, Sakura-san!! I am not only training my body, but also my mind! I must become stronger in all aspects! Some thirst won't stop me!!!" 

"You're going to get dehydrated and die," I pointedly muttered, earning a shocked look from Lee, and dragged myself out of the training grounds to get to the water fountain. 

'Good work today.'

'Shut up. You didn't even have to experience it for yourself.'

Inner cackled. I rolled my eyes. 'Sassy as always, huh, Inner?'

'I try my best.'

It took every fibre of my being not to dash my brains out onto the concrete wall that bordered the sidewalk in an effort to give an ass-whooping to this annoying piece of-- 


As I rounded the corner, I collided with someone. Already tired and weak in the knees from training, I promptly fell back on my butt. The person who'd run into me only stumbled back a few surprised steps.

"Are you alright, young girl?" 

I froze.

That voice.

I'd know that lovely, smexy-smokin'-hot-grill-my-potatoes-pLEASE voice anywhere.

I jumped up and tackled him in a tight hug. "Kakashi!!!" 

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