19. Twins?!

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Yoongi had been on cloud 9 for weeks after you told him the good news. You, Brooklyn, Zoey, and your mom were planning the wedding.

You were already 8 months pregnant. It's funny how time flies when you're having fun.

"I think I could use another cup of water." As you were about to get up, everyone glared at you. Brooklyn took the cup from you.

"I'll go refill the cup." She went into the kitchen. Zoey was feeding Ashley as she spoke. "You're 8 months pregnant. You gotta relax."

You pursed your lips and nodded. "Where's Yoongi?" Your mom checked the time. You shrugged.


"I didn't think you were this cool, sir." Your dad scoffed. Yoongi looked around the studio in amazement.

Your dad had recently bought a house and moved closer to where you were. He had always loved music.

That was something he passed on to you. "Yeah, I thought that it could be useful if Y/n ever wanted to stay."

Yoongi nodded and sat down on the chair. He looked at his watch and flew out of the chair.

"I'm late!" Yoongi ran out of the studio, sounding like the White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland.


You sat on the couch making the inventions. Brooklyn's eyes widened, Zoey gasped, and your mother stayed calm.

You looked down as you thought that you peed yourself. "Did her water just break?" Your mother nodded.

Yoongi burst through the door out of breath. "Am I late?" Your father soon came running after him.

"Forget about the invitation. I need to go to the hospital." You said in a surprisingly calm tone.

That was before the pain started to kick in.


10 hours later

Your parents were on the edge of their seats waiting to hear something from Yoongi. Brooklyn was pacing back and forth.

Zoey chuckled at everyone's demeanor. "You guys she will be fine. Just, please calm down and think positively."

Jin looked at Zoey in shock. Zoey had finally matured. Suddenly, Asher ran into the waiting room.

"Am I late?" Zoey chuckled while holding Ashley in her hands. "Yeah, a little." He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Damn." Asher sighed out. Brooklyn walked up to Asher. "To be fair, we don't even know if she's had the twins yet."

Asher nodded and sat down. That was when Yoongi ran out into the waiting room. "I'm a father of two." Everyone stood up and cheered.

They walked into the room which was unusually large and looked at you holding the twins in a hospital bed.

Yoongi picked up the baby girl. "This is Yumi." He smiled fondly at her. You chuckled and looked at the baby boy in your arms.

"This is Youri." Everyone gathered around you and the baby. "I still can't believe you had a baby with Yoongi."

You gave Asher a weak smile. "And I never thought that you would get back together with Zoey."

Everyone gasped and Zoey glared at you. "What? They were bound to find out someday." You smiled at Zoey.

Yoongi smiled at you as your eyes drifted down to Youri, who was falling asleep. "Awww, he's so cute." You said as he tried to wake himself up.

Yoongi looked back down at Yumi, who was also falling asleep. He chuckled. "You gave birth to these cuties."

You looked at him. "Yeah, and I'm not doing it again."


Yoongi had run out to get flowers for you when he saw Jungkook with some random girl. "What do you mean you can't do this anymore?"

Yoongi brushed it off thinking that she was family or something. He walked into the hospital with a smile on his face.

As Yoongi opened the door, he saw everyone looking after you when he was gone. "You guys should really go home."

The babies were in nursery and you were asleep. "No, we want to be here fully for her." Your eyes slowly opened after hearing voices.

"What are you guys still doing here?" Your mother yawned. "Because you're not staying here alone."

You sat up on the bed and chuckled. "I wouldn't be alone. I have Yoongi." He walked over to you and pecked your lips.

Yoongi handed you the flowers. "You didn't have to..." He chuckled. "And if I didn't you would be upset."


Everyone had gone home and you were still asleep on the hospital bed. Yoongi's phone rang, waking him up.

"What does Jungkook want?" Yoongi picked up the call and walked out of the room.

"Hey, can you meet up?" Jungkook asked which made Yoongi's brows furrow. "What happened?"

"It's about Quinn." Yoongi facepalmed. Quinn was the girl that ruined Jungkook's life.

"Fine. I'll be there." Yoongi hung up the phone and met Jungkook outside of the hospital.

"What did you want to talk about?" Jungkook was sat on a metal bench outside of the hospital.

Yoongi sat next to the maknae. "What do you do when you want to be with someone, but you also don't want to lose someone else."

The silver-haired man didn't know how to answer that. You left him and that's how Yoongi figured out he needed you.

That was also how Zoey realized what she was doing was stupid. Yoongi sighed, trying to put words together.

"Cut Quinn out of your life completely." Jungkook looked at his hyung in confusion.

"You would be an idiot to lose your model girlfriend." The maknae rolled his eyes. "She never loved me and never will love me."

Those words brought back memories for Yoongi.

You stood up from the seat and looked at him with your watery eyes. "I never loved you and never will love you." You lied to him. You knew he could see past it. Who you were lying to was yourself.

Yoongi snapped out of his thoughts and looked at Jungkook. "There's a reason for you to talk to me about this situation." Jungkook nodded.

"It's because I was in your shoes." Yoongi gave the younger a genuine look. "Just cut her off. I know who you really want to be with."

Yoongi got up to go back into the hospital, leaving Jungkook on the bench with his thoughts.

Why couldn't he give up Quinn? What was wrong with him?


Yoongi walked into your room to see you and a nurse holding the twins. "Yumi didn't stop crying until you got in."

Yoongi smiled at your words. For the longest time, he believed that Zoey was the one he wanted to raise a family with.

He was wrong. What Yoongi really wanted was for you to be the mother of his children. He wasn't in love with your best friend, he was in love with you.

"Are you okay?" Yoongi once again snapped out of his thoughts and smiled at you. "I'm more than okay."


Jungkook was pacing back and forth in front of the closed bakery. He didn't know how to clear his mind.

Jungkook was in love with a famous model, but couldn't stop sleeping with Quinn. I'm such a jerk.

He had finally decided. Jungkook didn't want to hurt her anymore. He waited outside of the bakery till morning.


Sneak peek of the next story I'm gonna post. It's titled Who. This story and the other one are connected.

Also, it's a Jungkook FF if you couldn't figure out.

It's also sad that I only have two more chapters to post and then this is over.

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