8. Pictures

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"Zoey, leave her alone." Zara walked through the living as she heard what she had said. "What? It is true. She is fat." You sank farther in the couch. "She was fat. You think she is fat because you're a stick."

Zara smiled and winked at you. "Why don't you ever take my side?" Zoey fussed. "Because most of the time you are wrong." Zoey turned to you.

"Why the fuck are you laughing?" She asked as you snorted trying to hold in your laugh. Zara smiled even more. "You're funny looking. That's why."

"We're twins, you idiot."


"You look like you saw a ghost, " Zara said to your frozen and shocked form. Her brows furrowed when you didn't answer. Your mouth was hung wide open.

"H-how are you here?" That's not the real question you wanted to ask, but it flew out anyway. "Zoey has been telling me everything that's been going on."

Your frozen body slumps a little after hearing that. "I realized that I'm more needed than I thought. Especially when it comes to you." She smiled and pulled you into the house.

Zoey was sat on the couch fiddling with her fingers. She too didn't expect Zara to show up. She was always the one to throw her off of her high horse.

"I was gone for a couple of years and you two have resorted to shooting glares at each other." You couldn't help but stare at the woman in front of you.

"Well, she brought back this drama," Zoey said, pointing the finger at you. Zara rolled her eyes. "If your stupid ass never decided to bring Yoongi back in your life, this wouldn't have been happening." She said, which made you smile.

"If she wasn't so sensitive about the past this wouldn't be happening." Zoey clapped back. You stood and watched as the two go back and forth. "You're just mad because we are two people in your life whom you can't control."

She really is a professor. Why the hell did she say whom instead of who? "Where is Yoongi right now?" Zara asked since Yoongi was part of the problem.


"Are you serious?" Asher asked as he sat down on the couch next to Yoongi. He had managed to call him over to talk about you. "Yes. We need to fix this before I go on tour." Yoongi said while fidgeting.

Jin got up from the couch, determined. "Yes, we can! We can fix it!" Both Asher and Yoongi looked at each other. "I'm gonna need you to calm down a little before we all turn into building tools," Asher said while holding in his laugh.

"Y/n may be mad, but she will always have a soft spot for you." Jin pointed to Yoongi.


You had spent the night at Zoey's house to catch up with Zara. At 8:00 am you heard them arguing from downstairs. You walked through their arguments and sat on the couch.

The room grew silent after the twins finished arguing. You turned on the tv as the silence was killing you. What you saw on there shocked you.

Zara's mouth was hung open as she stared at the screen. "Holy shit." Zoey sighed out. "Is that you Y/n?" She asked and you slowly nodded your head.

"What the hell were you thinking?" Zara asked confused as to why you were put in the spotlight. Instead of answering her, you called the other person that's on the news.


Yoongi's phone was ringing the entire time the boys were practicing. He finally got tired of the ringtone that was blaring through the speakers of his phone and went to go see who was calling him.

To Yoongi's surprise, it was you. He immediately answered it. "Yoongi the press has a picture of me kissing you!" He almost dropped the phone. "What are you talking about?" He asked nervously.

At this point, all the boys heard the panic in his voice. "At the club. There's a picture of us kissing at the bar." You said in a shaken voice.

"We were in the VIP room," Yoongi replied, seriously concerned for his career and you. He came to his senses and asked, "Can your face be seen in the picture?"

The rest of the members were starting to become worried about Yoongi. You, on the other side of the phone, had to look at the pictures again. Your face was shown in all of them.

"Yes." You managed to squeak out. "Shit." Yoongi cursed and asked one last question. "Where are you right now?" His back is still facing the rest of the members.

"At Zoey's house." He sighed at that response. "Stay there and tell Asher to go there too. Soon there will be a swarm of fans at your house."

Yoongi hung up the phone and turned to his members. "There are pictures of me kiss Y/n at the club." Everyone was confused. Well, except for Jin, he just rolled his eyes. There is what he's been hiding from the rest of BTS.


You were pacing back and forth after the phone call with Yoongi. "What are you so worried about?" Zoey asked while shoving chips in her mouth. Both you and Zara look at her.

"I probably just ruined his career." Your worry turned into panic. Zoey wanted to say something, but the doorbell ringing cut her off.

You ran to answer the door thinking a certain silver-haired man will come and get you out of this situation. Opening the door you saw Asher, who looked like he just wrestled a tiger.

You let him in and locked the door. "Why were there so many people outside of our house?" He asked. You showed him the picture of you and Yoongi.

"Were those people ARMY?" You led to the living room where everyone was placed. "I still don't see what's the problem," Zoey said as she still saw this situation as a gain.

"Being seen kissing someone from the biggest boy group ever is a good thing." You looked at Zoey. Meanwhile, Asher was too busy staring at her twin.

"Fans could attack me for kissing him and attack Yoongi for even being with a girl in that manner." You tried to explain it to her, but she just shrugged.

Soon your phone buzzed, indicating that you had gotten a message.

Yoongi🐱: I need u at the BH building ASAP

You stared at the screen waiting for something else to appear.

Yoongi🐱: A car will come and pick u up. Bring something that hides your face

You knew he was in a rush because he was using abbreviations. Yoongi was always someone that would type out the full word.

You: ok

After you moved out you took everything that belonged to you. You looked at the black cap on Zara's head. "Can I borrow that?" You asked pointing to the thing on top of her head.

She took it off and handed it to you. "What did he tell you?" Asher asked. You showed everyone your phone and Zoey rolled her eyes.

Fixing the hat on your head you asked, "Can you see my face?" All shook their heads. There was a loud honk outside. You took a deep breath and braced yourself.

"Wish me luck." You said as you walked out the door. You speed-walked to the car and hopped in. "Has any fans found your address?" Yoongi asked.

"Asher got mobbed." You nervously said. "We are going to a meeting." You nodded while fidgeting.

You had promised yourself to never see those pouting lips ever again. Yet, here you are 7 years later. In a dating scandal with your ex-boyfriend.

You looked down and saw Yoongi holding your hand in reassurance. He smiled at you.

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