6. History

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Yoongi looked underneath the blanket. Great no clothes. He mentally groaned. "Yoongi?" He heard your voice. It was hoarse, but he was able to point it out. "Y/n?" Yoongi took a good look around and realized that he was in your room.

Awesome. I'm naked in my ex-girlfriend's bed. Wait! I'M NAKED IN MY EX-GIRLFRIEND'S BED!! Yoongi turned to look at you. In sync, both of you said, "Shit." Yoongi closed his eyes. He didn't want to look at you, knowing you were nude underneath the blanket that covered you both.

"How did we get to this point?"


Before Sleeping With Yoongi

At the club, you felt that you were having the time of your life. Laughing and dancing with strangers. It was fun until you saw Asher and Zoey at the booth. Zoey was nibbling on Asher's ears and he was enjoying it.

Yoongi suddenly popped up next to you. The smile he had was fallen when he witnessed what you walked into. You had no clue as to why you were angry. Yoongi stomped his way to the bar.

You felt the need to do the same. Next thing you know, you were kissing a drunken Yoongi at a bar. He called a driver from the company and you two left the ex-lovers at the club.

In the backseat of the car, Yoongi was touching your thigh. He pulled you into your room and pinned you to the wall. After that, your mind went hazy.


You got dressed while Yoongi still had his eyes closed. You looked in the trash can. When he opened his eyes he was confused over what you were doing. "Why are you looking in the trash?" He asked, voice laced with confusion.

With your head still in the trash can, you found what you were looking for. You smiled in relief. "I was looking to see if we used this." You held up the foil. He smiled and your face turned serious. "You need to leave before Asher see's you." The door swung open.

"Too late," Asher said walking up to you. He gave you the 'I'm so disappointed in you' look. "Don't look at me like that." You said with a weak voice.

Asher helped you up from your trash can. "Why is he here?" He asked demanding to know. You wanted to ask were Zoey was. And that's exactly what you did.

"Where's Zoey?" Asher pursed his lips. You scoffed. "I knew it! You slept with her, didn't you?" He slowly nodded. "Hypocrite." You said. You stormed out into the living room, to see Zoey in Asher's favorite shirt.

Asher ran after you leaving Yoongi naked and dumbfounded on your bed. Zoey's eyes met your angry ones. "Do you have to sleep with every man that comes your way?" She rolled her eyes. "You've practically slept with everyone I've slept with," Zoey said nonchalantly

"That's because I was dating them!" You yelled ignoring the lingering headache. "Can you shut up? Your voice is annoying." You did as told. You grabbed a jacket and walked out the door, but not without slamming it shut.

The boys looked at Zoey in disbelief. "What? She was being annoying, no?"


You were banging the door a tear rolling down your cheek. Jin opened the door half awake. He saw your crying form and all alarms in his brain went off.

"I did an oopsie." You said. He let you in and gave you tissues. You sat down on the couch. Jin stood in front of you. "What happened?" His tone was soft. "I slept with Yoongi."

Jin sat next to you. "Holy shit." He said and wrapped you in his embrace. "Asher slept with Zoey." Jin sighed. "Holy shit."

"And when I tried to confront Zoey, she just gave me a smart remark." Jin started rubbing your back, so you cried even harder. "No one took my side. I just left."

Jin nodded. "You can stay here as long as you want. The boys won't mind."


"She hasn't come back yet," Asher said pacing back and forth in the living room. "Would you stop worrying. Y/n is a smart girl." Asher stopped pacing when the door opened.

Jin had his arm around you. Both of you ignored the three in the living room and head to the door with a purple heart on it.

Everyone in the living room looked at each other with disappointed faces. "Did history just repeat itself?" Yoongi asked and the other two nodded.

"We better leave before we hear things we don't want to hear," Asher said. Zoey shook her head. "I feel like if we stay, we will learn a lesson.


"I needed that," Jin said breathlessly. He looked at your angry form and thought it was the hottest thing ever. You looked at him. "Not more than me." He grabbed the broom. There was glass smashed everywhere. "You know, breaking things is the best way to release your anger."

Both you and Jin had similar problems. He also liked you, but he knew about the history between you and Yoongi. You laughed.

He chuckled and both of you walked downstairs. Zoey looked confused and Asher looked uncomfortable, while Yoongi looked normal. You said goodbye to Jin and turned around to the living room.

"What happened to you guys?'' You said in a better mood than earlier. "We heard everything you screaming," Zoey said in a weak tone. "What do you guys think happened when we were up there." You looked at everyone in the living room.

"Were you just breaking things against the wall?" Asher asked without comfort.

You laughed. "Yes, I was angry." Everyone nodded. "To be honest I didn't mind your screaming," Yoongi said grabbing the cushion and putting it over his lap.

You clapped and everyone jumped. "People who don't live here have to leave." Both Zoey and Yoongi groaned. They got off the couches and made their way to the door. You were pushing them to leave and eventually you were only left with Asher.

"We have to talk."


Yoongi put on his mask and walked Zoey to her house. Both regret ever going to the club with you and Asher. "I'm sorry for what I did," Yoongi said through his mask. Zoey looked at him. "Why are you sorry. It's not like we're dating or anything."

Zoey didn't know it but Yoongi was hurting at her words. "But if it helps, I regret my decision to sleep with Asher." She sighed out. "When are we going to get over the past?" Yoongi asked genuinely confused over the fact that they haven't learned their lesson.

"When Y/n lets go of it," Zoey said as they approach her house. "And when's that?" Yoongi said wanting to get over what happened 7 years ago. "Probably never." She shrugged and took the key from underneath the welcome mat.

"The next time you have free time, we need to talk." This is the most mature Zoey has been in a while. Yoongi nodded and pursed his lips. Everyone has learned from this incident.


Jin walked in looking a mess. His hair looked like he had just gotten in a fight with a cat and his shirt was half tucked in. The boys looked at him all confused.

"Where is the new assistant?" Hoseok asked. "Um..." Once again, Jin was at a crossroads. What am I supposed to say? We were just going crazy by breaking anything that reminded her of Yoongi.

"She doesn't feel too well." Jin lied. Everyone knew he was lying, after all, Jin was a terrible liar. "Okay?" Namjoon said while squinting his eyes trying to see through Jin.

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