10. Work Only

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You took a deep breath. It was time to let him go. It was obvious that he still had feelings for her. No one ever gets rid of their feelings for her. You opened the door to his apartment.

He smiled as you walked in. But, as soon as he saw your face, the smile fell. "Can we talk?" You asked, nervously. Yoongi walked over to you with worry all over him.

"Is something wrong?" You pursed your lips. "Can we break up?" You asked with your head hung low. "May I have a reason?" Yoongi said with his arms over his chest.

"I just believe that this isn't going to work out." Your head was still hanging low. Yoongi cupped your chin and gently tilted your head up. "Look me in the eyes and say that."

"I believe that this relationship isn't going anywhere."


"I can't believe that you're going to be seeing BTS every day." Brooklyn was helping you pack for the flight. "Yes, and you are coming with me." You said while trying to zip up a suitcase.

"Of course I'm going with you. I mean, I am your assistant." Brooklyn laughed. "So when's the flight?" You asked, finally getting the last suitcase to close. She checked her watch. "In a couple of hours."

You gathered all of your things. "Help me take all these things to the car." You two rushed to the black car waiting outside of your house.


Yoongi stopped trying to make a beat as he heard a knock at the door. "It's open." He sighed. The door opened and Yoongi's jaw dropped. "W-What happened to you?" Zoey walked in smiling. Yoongi saw the woman's baby bump.

"I became stupid." Yoongi panicked, even more, when he asked, "Is...Is it mine?" Zoey burst out in laughter. "Fuck no! Do you think of it was yours, that I would be struggling to pay my bills?"

He shook his head as he tried to calm down. "What did you come here to talk about?" Yoongi asked, clearly questioning why the fuck was Zoey in his room. "I heard that a special someone is coming back."

Yoongi rolled his eyes. "Stop fucking with me. She would never come back. Especially, when she finally got her life together." Zoey walked over to him. "She told Asher she was coming for a job or something."

Looking Zoey in the eyes. "Seriously?"



The flight had finally landed and you were on the phone trying to find the Big Hit security that was supposed to take you to your new address. As you found the car you nudged Brooklyn to help with the bags.

The driver came out and helped you get all of the luggage into the trunk. You opened the right side to the backseat while Brooklyn opened the left. Both of you were met with someone in the middle.

He waited for the car to drive away from the crowd to pull down his mask. Brooklyn immediately started to fangirl, meanwhile, you wanted to jump and hug him right there.

"So are you going to say something or just sit there and look at me like an idiot." You smiled at Jin's comment. "You are the one person that I missed." You said with a smile on your face.

"I know that's not true. Also, who is this?" He pointed at Brooklyn, who was still fangirling. "That's my assistant, Brooklyn. She's a big fan of you guys." Jin hummed in response. "You went from being our assistant to having one yourself."

He laughed. You guys pulled up to the big house that your boss owned. "Holy shit! This is where we're staying?!" You said while pushing your head against the car window.

"I'll help you take everything out the car, but I need both of you back in here once we're done." You nodded, knowing exactly where you were going.


Yoongi and Zoey were waiting inside of the studio. They were waiting for you to come in. Yoongi had missed you so much that he couldn't think straight. And Zoey never knew how much she needed you to keep her out of trouble.

The doorknob turned and Yoongi stiffened as he heard your beautiful laugh. You opened the door and jumped at the two that we standing before you. Brooklyn, on the other hand, started to fangirl again.

You looked at Zoey with wide eyes. "I was gone for fucking 7 months and you go and get yourself pregnant?" She slowly nodded. You looked at Yoongi and your jaw dropped. "Did you fucking get her pregnant?!"

Both immediately and viciously shake their heads. "Well, I came here to work so..." Brooklyn sat down on the couch and stared at the idol before her. Zoey scurried out of the room.

"I was wondering if-" You cut him off. "I came here to work, and that's what I'm going to do." He sighed and nodded. "Come on. Hear him out." You looked at Brooklyn with a confused face.

"I said that I came here to work. If he has something to say he can tell me after we get somewhere with the song." Brooklyn nodded and calmed down. Yoongi smiled at the thought of being able to speak to you again.


You checked the time on your watch. Brooklyn had fallen asleep on the couch and Yoongi was still struggling. You sighed as Yoongi continued ripping pages from the notebook.

"It's not that hard." He looked at your tired form. "I was supposed to leave an hour ago, but I stayed because you seemed like you really needed help. You have to go out and find inspiration."

You got up and shook Brooklyn awake. You two walked out of the studio, leaving Yoongi to 'find inspiration.' You guys made it to the car that was waiting for you and got in. Brooklyn couldn't shut up about the dream she had.

You, on the other hand, felt sleep coming. Your eyelids felt heavy and you fell asleep with your head against the window.


Yoongi ran his fingers through his hair. It was 3:00 AM and he hasn't left the studio. There were crumbled balls of paper all around him. What can I get inspiration from? Yoongi took out his phone to call you when he looked at the wallpaper.

He smiled and figured out his inspiration. He wrote down lyrics as the words flew throughout his mind. Words about you. A knock on the door made Yoongi stop his inspiration flow.

He sighed. "It's open." To Yoongi's surprise, a familiar face was behind the door. "Um...do you know where Y/n is?" Yoongi shook his head at the man before him. "No, but if you need somewhere to stay, I can help you."

Asher smiled. "Really? I mean, after the way I treated you?" Yoongi shrugged. "I would have to after what I did to you."

"Then I guess we're even."


You woke up to Brooklyn screaming. You flew up off of the bed and ran downstairs. Grabbing a frying pan, you ran to Brooklyn, who was stood at the front door.

Once you saw what she was screaming at, you immediately wanted to send her back home. "God Brooklyn. You almost gave me a heart attack." Brooklyn looked at you then back at the man.

"That's what I'm having right now. Imagine waking up and the first person you see is Suga." You rolled your eyes. Yoongi rubbed the back of his neck.

"What is it Yoongi?" He handed you papers that were stapled together. Your brows furrowed at him. "Are these lyrics." You flipped through the pages as he nodded. Brooklyn let Yoongi in and both of you sat down on the couch reviewing the lyrics.

Although you didn't pay any attention to the situation, Yoongi did. He realized that this was the first time that you sat there and actually paid attention to what he had to say.

This means progress.



D-2!! The songs are sooo awesome. He even collaborated with MAX.

I wasn't expecting this. AAHH!!

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