13. Las Vegas

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After everything that happened, you believed that you and Brooklyn needed a break. "I can't believe we're going to Vegas." You were packing.

"I figured that both of us could use a girl's day. So why not go and spend some money on gambling." She smiled at you. "Great because I need a break."

You nodded. "I need to be away from Yoongi." Brooklyn gasped. "Why would you say that in front of me?" You glared at her. "Have you not witnessed what's been happening the last week?"

Of course, you didn't tell her that he was coming with you guys. She would have flipped.


Yoongi and Jin were boarding the plane. "You really should've told her that she was sitting next to you on the plane." Yoongi looked at Jin.

"She doesn't even know that we're sharing a hotel room. Jin shook his head. "This is the exact thing that upsets her." Yoongi settled in his seat on the private plane.

"I just want to prove that I'm a changed man." Jin laughed as he settled in his seat. "By lying to her." Yoongi stuck up his finger.

"I didn't lie. I just didn't tell her all the facts." You walked onto the plane with a smile on your face until you saw Yoongi in the seat next to yours.

You sighed and started to put your things in the cabin above. "So, judging from this, we are sharing a hotel room aren't we?" You said as you stuffed your bag in the cabin.

"Surprise," Yoongi said awkwardly. You closed the cabin and settled in your seat. "This is going to be a great bonding experience." You said sarcastically.

A female flight attendant walked up to you. "Yoongi, do you need anything?" Her voice was very fake and flirty. You gave her a disgusted face. "No, I'm fine."

She pouted. "Well, if you need anything. I'm here to help." She leaned over a bit so that her cleavage was showing. "He said he was fine now go see about those two."

You pointed to Jin and Brooklyn. "I was just making sure he was okay." She leaned down even more, showing more cleavage. "Can you just leave me and my boyfriend alone."

The fuck did I just say? The flight attendant rolled her eyes. "Yoongi doesn't have a girlfriend. His eyes have been set on, from what I've seen, a better girl than you."

You moved your face to Yoongi's and kissed him. The fuck am I doing? You felt Yoongi start to kiss back. The flight attendant walked away and you pulled your lips away from Yoongi's.

"I-" You cut him off before he could say anything. "Act like it never happened." Yoongi nodded and looked out the window.


"Yoongi get off of me." Jin turned his attention to you struggling to get Yoongi's hand off of your lap. "What?" Yoongi seemed genuinely confused. "Oh, sorry." He chuckled but left his hand there.

Jin laughed at the situation. He looked at Brooklyn, who was falling asleep. He put her head on his broad shoulder.

You looked at the two and nudged Yoongi to look at them. "We can do that too." Yoongi laid his head on your shoulder and slowly fell asleep.

You didn't bother to move him, knowing how angry he will get. You could tell that Yoongi fell asleep.


You, Jin, and Brooklyn were at a casino close to the hotel. Yoongi was sleeping in the room. "Y/n, what was the stunt you pulled on the plane?"

The question caught you off guard. "I...the flight attendant was being annoying. She kept trying to show Yoongi her cleavage. Like I wasn't there." The other two listened to you ramble.

"And then proceeded to talk down on me like I wasn't the woman he has been talking about for months." Brooklyn laughed.

"In other words, you were jealous." Your brows jumped at her words. "Why would I be jealous of someone who is that desperate?"

Jin laughed. "Because she decided to flirt with your Yoongi." You scoffed. "Yoongi isn't mine. He never will be mine." Brooklyn and Jin looked at each other.

You rolled your eyes and made your way back to the hotel.


As you opened the door, you expected to see Yoongi fast asleep on the bed. Instead, you saw Yoongi walk out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist.

You just stared at him. "Close the door. It's cold." You snapped out of your thoughts and closed the door. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

You sat on the bed, your eyes never left his chest. It had been a while since you had seen him like this. The last time you saw him like this, you were drunk.

"Weren't you at the casino?" He put on an oversized shirt and jeans. "Yeah, but Jin and Brooklyn tried to get me to say that you were mine." Yoongi laughed and looked at you.

"I am yours." That made you snap out of your daze. "You are not mine. I just did that because that bitch was too desperate." Yoongi laughed again.

"All she did was try and get with a single famous man. That's what a normal woman would do." He sat down next to you on the bed. "But you're not single."

Yoongi raised an eyebrow at you. "I'm not?" You sighed. "I need alcohol." You opened the fridge and popped open a bottle of wine." Yoongi grabbed to glasses and sat them down on the table.


"I hope they don't do anything stupid," Brooklyn said while laying on the bed. "It's Yoongi and Y/n. They are bound to do something stupid." Jin came out of the bathroom in pajamas.

Brooklyn laughed. "Why is there only one bed?" Jin started to blush. "I'll just sleep on the floor." Brooklyn grabbed a pillow, but before her feet could even hit the floor, Jin said, "You will be sleeping on this bed...with me."

Brooklyn blushed this time. "You're beautiful, Brooklyn. And from past mistakes, I know to tell the woman that you have a crush on her." Jin's ears turned red.

"At the café, I thought you were just joking." Jin shook his head. "I genuinely like you." He kissed her forehead.

They were two blushing idiots on a bed.


You woke up in the bed completely confused. You looked underneath the blanket and did your usual check.

No clothes. Okay. That's fine. You were probably getting comfortable in the bed. You looked to your side to see Yoongi fast asleep.

You slowly got the blanket off of you and ran to go put on clothes. As you finished putting on clothes, someone knocked on the door.

Brooklyn stood in front of your door with her phone in her hand and a shocked face. You smiled at her.

"Did you marry Yoongi last night?"

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