5. Can't Disrespect Your Boss

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"Will you go out with me?" He asked right after he had whipped your ass at basketball. "Wow...that was blunt." Yoongi blushed and didn't know how to react. "You better take me to someplace special." You said shooting the ball to the hoop and failing terribly.

"Wait! Is that a yes?!" He asked in a tone higher than his usual one. You shrugged and he smiled. "Why are you asking me out anyway? I thought you liked Zoey." Yoongi had to find a way out of his love for your best friend.

The other night Asher found out and they fought. Yoongi thought you were a nice girl and he knew that you liked him. "I don't like her anymore." He lied.

"Why did you say yes? I thought you liked Asher." You shrugged grabbing the basketball. Of course, you thought Asher was cute. Anyone with a right mind would think so too. The thing is, you never wanted to date him.

"I thought he was cute, but I would never date him." Yoongi nodded and you smirked. "Please don't take me to a restaurant I don't know how to pronounce."


"It is too early for this." You mumbled to the super energetic Asher. "I don't care. He's gonna put you through hell." He said. "I know, but I have to do this." You said after hearing the honk of a car outside.

Asher pulled you into a hug and kissed your forehead. "Just...be careful." He said and then pushed you out the door.

The black van was waiting outside. You saw someone in the car. It wasn't who you expected. You got into the van and sat next to the man. "Hey, Jin."

Jin pulled down his mask and said, "I'm so sorry for what's going to come." Those words made your fear even worse. "What does that mean?" You asked as the van started to drive off.

"Yoongi was only nice to Zoey because they were sleeping together." One thing stuck out to you. The word 'was'. "What do you mean 'they were sleeping together'?" You asked and Jin rolled his eyes. "He said that Zoey ended things between them, but we're driving to pick him up from her house."

Of course, the boy could never stay away from Zoey. The car pulled up to your old house and there was Yoongi doing the walk of shame. He opened the door and hopped in.

You felt uncomfortable and decided to switch seats with Jin to avoid being touched by him. Yoongi rolled his eyes. "I took a shower." He sighed out.

You nodded and gave him a weird look. "That doesn't mean you didn't do things in the shower." Jin did his iconic windshield wiper laugh. Yoongi sighed again. "Before we go into the practice room I need to talk to you." He said to the older.

The van came to a stop and you guys were outside the Big Hit building. Yoongi got out of the car and smirked. He helped you out and said, "I will make your life a living hell."


Everyone was staring at you. Everyone remembered you. The question was: Why is she here? The entire maknae line stared at you in confusion and the hyung line was confused as to why you took the job.

"This is our new assistant," Yoongi said patting you really hard on your back. On the inside, all you wanted to do was scream at him. You couldn't, so you let him do it. "Why are you working for someone you hate?" Hoseok asked.

You knew that everyone thought that you were trying to steal Zoey's job. "I needed the money...but there were other jobs I could've taken." You looked at Yoongi, who was plotting against you. "I know I didn't have to fire her."

You nodded and Yoongi smirked. "But she does have another job to do." He said waiting to see how you would react. You scoffed. "Asher's doing awesome at his job." You lied.

"You're not doing anything with Asher." Yoongi pointed out. "How do you know that?" You smirked and Yoongi rolled his eyes. "Anyway, we have a performance to get to," Namjoon said while clapping his hands.


The boys come back from the performance sweaty and out of breath. Yoongi walked in smirking. He pointed to a water bottle and then pointed to his mouth. He sat down in a chair and waited.

You picked up the water bottle and walked over to him. Yoongi opened his eyes and pointed to his mouth. "What the fuck do you want me to do?!" You asked clearly frustrated. Yoongi smirked.

"I want you to pour the water for me." You poured the water down his throat. Suddenly, you felt hands wrap around your waist. You carefully stopped pouring the water for him and slapped his hand away.

"If you try something again, I won't hesitate to beat up that pouting face." You said walking away from him. Yoongi smirked again. "Watch how you're speaking to your boss."

"I need to go to a party." You said gathering your things and getting ready to head out with the boys. "I'll take you up on that offer." You growled in anger at the man that said that.

"Sure. Why not?"


You and Asher were sat on the couch waiting for Yoongi. Asher couldn't stop staring at you in a skin-tight red dress. It sparkled and accents your breast. The fact that Asher couldn't take his eyes off of you creeped you out.

You started to turn red. "You can stop staring now." You said and he immediately went red with you. "I..." Asher took a deep breath. "The last time I had seen you in that dress was on the second date with him."

You pursed your lips. "I was going to burn it, but then I realized that it was the perfect club outfit." He chuckled. "Why is he coming with us?" You huffed out a big breath. "Because I can't disrespect my boss." He nodded.

"Why? Do you feel like something bad is gonna happen today too?" He pointed at you like you just read his mind. "Yes! I thought that it was just me!"

The doorbell rang and Asher got up first. You got up and pulled down your dress a little. You walked over to the door smiling, but once you saw who rang the doorbell that smile fell.

"I'm going with you guys!" Zoey said, giddy with excitement. Her fists were balled with happiness, while your's were filled with anger. You pushed past her and hopped in the car.

Yoongi was in the driver's seat with a smile on his face. "Fuck you." You said while sulking in the backseat. "What? I just invited a plus one." Your upper lip twitched. "Also that dress looks familiar." Before you could answer, Asher and Zoey got into the car.

"Off to the club!" Asher yelled and pointed ahead. Maybe this was the bad thing that I was waiting for.


Of course, you got the VIP treatment. Yoongi led the way while holding Zoey's hand. "Is he ever going to realize that she is using him?" You asked Asher who seemed to be distracted by your curves.

"Huh?" He asked practically drooling all over you. "You need to stop looking at me like that." You said sitting on the black couch. Asher sat next to you and finally peeled his eyes off of your ass.

"Right." He said while rubbing the back of his neck. Somebody came around with shots. This is what you needed.

You got up and called the guy over. "Everyone take a shot!" You yelled so everyone could hear you over the music.

Everyone took a shot off of the tray and cheers. It burned the back of your throat, but it's what you needed.


You rolled over on the bed. The minute you opened your eyes you felt an immediate headache. You looked around the room you were in.

This is my room. You started to make a mental checklist. You looked underneath the blanket. No clothes. Okay, no need to panic. You finally decided to look at the other side of you.

A man with silver hair. Okay. A MAN WITH SILVER HAIR!!! "Yoongi?" You asked, your voice hoarse. It sounded as if you had been screaming all night.


In unison, both of you mumbled "Shit!"

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