Chapter 4- Regrets

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Jungkook wakes up with a throbbing headache. He realizes the uncomfortable position he is in and shifts, but there's no room for that. He slowly opens his eyes and recognizes the room. Namjoon's studio.

"Shit!" He quickly sits from the couch he was laying and spots Namjoon sitting on a chair, head hung low and caressing his forehead.

"We made a mistake, Jungkook"

He speaks, not being able to look at him without feeling guilty. Jungkook quickly gets dressed and walks out in panic. Before opening the door to his own bedroom, he wipes his tears and then enters.

Taehyung is still sleeping, unaware of everything that happened. Jungkook feels burdened with the guilt and goes to lay down next to him. He spoons him from behind, awakening him.

"Kookie?" Tae whispers, half asleep.

"It's me, baby, it's me." He hugs Tae tighter, making him smile.

"Kookie.. I'm sorry.. Maybe I don't try to understand you sometimes... Maybe it's all my fault.. I just.. I really don't wanna fight anymore.."

Jungkook tries his best to stop the tears threatening to come out. He slowly shakes his head. "I'm the one who should apologize. Tae.. I.. I love you so much. I love you the most. You're the most important person in my life. Can you.. Can you please forgive me? I.. I swear I'll never hurt you ever again. I'll never ask anything from you. Never. I promise."

Tae gets a little confused as to why he's being too serious but nods anyways. He's just happy that things are back to normal between them. "I love you too, Kookie"

Tae turns around and kisses Jungkook, who kisses back with the same passion, but suddenly the image of last night appear into his mind and he stops.

"Wh.. What's wrong?" Tae asks worriedly.

"Nothing... I'm just tired.."

Jungkook lies and Tae nods. He takes Tae in his arms and closes his eyes.

"By the way... Where were you last night?" Tae asks, making Jungkook shift uncomfortably.

"I.. I... Namjoon and I.. We're talking.. Just.. Just talking last night.. At his studio.. That's all."

Tae smiles. "Jimin was right when he said Namjoon would definitely knock some sense into you." Tae grins and hugs Kookie to finally feel his warmth after a lonely night.

Jungkook on the other hand, keeps thinking about Namjoon. He knows he fucked up. He knows what he did was absolutely wrong. He cheated on Tae. With Namjoon of all people. He knows he'll have to talk to Namjoon soon.

Jin knocks and enters Namjoon's studio, with a plate of sandwiches in hand. Jin's aware that Namjoon didn't have proper dinner last night and since he was sad, he'd probably be drinking all night. He knows Namjoon gets hungry whenever he drinks like that.

"Namjoona?" He speaks softly, gaining his attention.

But Jin gets shocked when he sees him. His eyes red and puffy and cheeks all wet. Looking at Namjoon like that breaks his heart. He quickly sets the plate aside and kneels down in front of Namjoon's chair, hugging him tightly.

"What happened? Are you okay?" jin asks, worry written all over his face. Namjoon hugs him tight against him as guilt drowns him.

"I'm not okay, Jin... I.. I made a mistake! I made a horrible mistake!" Jin rubs his back, in a soothing way.

"That's no big deal, love. Everyone makes mistakes. It's just a proof of being a human. It's okay.. Relax... Just focus on how to make it right. That's all that matters."

This makes Namjoon feel even more bad than he already does. He pulls back and wipes his tears.

"Jin.. I'm sorry.. Please forgive me."

"You're sorry for what?"

Namjoon's first instinct was to tell the truth.. But the truth involves three more lives. Three more people. Three more people who were important to him. So he decides to lie instead.

"I'm sorry.. If I ever hurt you. Intentionally or unintentionally. Jin, I love you. You're my everything, you know? You're the reason I'm still alive. I can't lise you. Ever."

Jin smiles and nods. "I know. I love you too. And I'm sorry too about yesterday. Maybe I actually over reacted a little.. It's just that.. I'm always hungry for your attention.. And I get upset when I don't get it."

"I'm all yours, Jin. All yours. From today, you have all of me. You can do whatever you like to me. I won't say a word and oblidge."

Jin grins. "What a sudden change, huh? I like it. Let's do it then. From now on, you're the slave of this handsome guy right here."

Namjoon chuckles halfheartedly and hugs Jin back. But the guilt doesn't leave him. He knows that he needs to talk to Jungkook about this and solve the matter.

A/n- VOTE please? :)

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