Chapter 3- Just Friends

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Jimin keeps knocking on Tae's door but he doesn't open.

"Tae, I swear to god, I'll break this door if you don't open this goddamned door! One! Two! Th-"

The door finally opens and Jimin sees a face covered in tears.

"Oh my god, Taehyung!"

Jimin walks in and quickly closes the door behind him, taking Tae in a hug. He let's Tae sob in his arms while he just rubs his back softly, providing him all the comfort he wants.

Soon, Tae stops crying and they both and they both sit on the edge of the bed.

"Now tell me, what's wrong?" Jimin asks with worry written all over his face.

"Jungkook... He isn't talking to me. I.. I don't know what to do!"

"You two had a fight?"

Tae explains everything to Jimin and he nods.

"Well, expecting something like this is totally stupid. Not everyone is comfortable with such extreme kink. And BDSM is whole other level. But what surprises me the most is.. He wants YOU to be the dominant one."

"Yeah.. I don't understand that too. I don't know why suddenly he wants that and... And now he even isn't talking to me. He didn't even look at me throughout the dinner."

"Yeah.. I noticed. The dinner was very uncomfortable tonight. Nobody was talking to each other... By the way, where is Jungkook now?"

"I don't know.. Maybe with Namjoon.. That's where he goes whenever he's sad or needs some advice."

"Well, in that case, I don't think there's anything to be worried about. I'm sure Namjoon will knock some sense into him." Jimin reassures and Tae nods.

"Forget about me.. How are you? Yoongi still not talking to you?"

"He wants me to "grow up"."

"I think you should."

Jimin shoots a glare to Tae and he chuckles.

"Well yeah, I think you're over reacting. You know how our fans are. And you know how Hobi is. And you know how Yoongi is. Hobi just wants Yoongi to open up a little more that's why he plays with Yoongi like that.. And people exaggerate that."

"I know, Tae, I know. I know there's nothing between Hobi and Yoongi. I love Hobi and absolutely trust Yoongi. But my jealousy and insecurity is-"

"-useless" Tae finishes the sentence for Jimin and Jimin sighs.

"Tae.. It's complicated."

"I think it's all in your head. Just go and talk to Yoongi, without being a child. Act like an adult. Be a little mature. Try to listen instead of speaking. Trust me, it's not that big deal you two make it out to be."

"Hmm.. Maybe you're right."

They both smile and share a little hug.

"Thanks for coming, Jimin-ah, I feel much better now."

"Thanks to you too, for the advice."

"That's what best friends are for."

Tae smiles and Jimin winks and walks out of his room to go to his own. He was about to open the door when he hears voices and stops.

"I love him, Hobi, I love him so much. But sometimes, he does things that ticks me off. I try my best to put up with his childish ways but at some point, it gets frustrating." He recognizes Yoongi's voice, talking with Hoseok.

"I know. But that's how Jimin is. He IS a little baby. But that's why you love him, don't you?" Hobi replies.

"I do. I love him so damn much, and that's why it's hard to stay angry at him. You have no idea how many times I wanted to slam him against the wall and kiss him till he drops, bit I couldn't because this time, I wanted HIM to realize that he is wrong."

"He'll come around, Yoongi, he loves you. Maybe more than you do."

After a little pause, Yoongi speaks again.

"He needs to understand that our relationship is just like his and Tae's. If I don't question their friendship, he shouldn't question mine."

At this point, Jimin has tears in his eyes. He feels guilty and bad for Yoongi. After wiping his tears dry, he walks in, making Yoongi and Hobi look at Jimin.

"Oh, Jimin.. I.. I was.. I was just talking with Yoongi. Nothing else." Hobi explains and Jimin nods and takes Hobi in a hug, surprising the other two in the room.

"You don't have to explain anything, Hobi. I understand. And.. I'm sorry... For acting in such a stupid way."

Hobi smiles and hugs Jimin back.

"It's okay. It's not me you should apologize to."

And with that, Hobi leaves the room, leaving the two alone in their bedroom.

Jimin looks at Yoongi and scratches the back of his head sheepishly.

"I'm waiting." Yoongi speaks and Jimin sighs.

"Fine. I'm sorry. Happy?"

Yoongi smiles and motions for him to come sit beside him on the bed.

"Come here."

Jimin does as he says and without any warning, Yoongi presses his lips with Jimin's. After a second of shock, Jimin gives in and starts kissing him back.

Yoongi grabs his ass and makes him sit on his lap, without breaking the kiss. Jimin starts grinding their crotches, feeling each other's erection. Yoongi doesn't waste any time and gets rid of Jimin's clothes, followed by his own.

Laying Jimin down on the bed, he hovers over him and starts kissing while slowly inserting himself in him. With one hand on Jimin's penis, other in his hair, he starts rocking.

He keeps kissing Jimin, preventing his loud cries and moaning in his own mouth instead. Jimin digs his nails in Yoongi's back, turning Yoongi on even more and increasing the speed. Finally, Jimin cums and and Yoongi joins soon after.

After planting a soft kiss on Jimin's forehead, Yoongi pulls himself out and lays down besides Jimin. Jimin smiles while still panting and get into Yoongi's arms.

Yoongi cuddles him and soon, they fall asleep in each other's loving arms.

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