Ett fyrfaldigt han/hon leve ...

"Make a wish Morfar," Tilda said as she whispered in Björn's ear as he blew out the candles.

After Björn blew out the candles and everyone got a piece of cake, everyone went around doing their own things and socializing. There was nobody else Björn wanted to be with but Agnetha. However, there was someone else at the party who didn't want to be with anyone but Björn himself. Lena.

Just as Björn was about to head over to where Agnetha was, Lena pulled him aside and dragged him to one of the guest bedrooms.

"Lena, what are you doing?" Björn asked as Lena closed the door and turned on the lights.

"N0thing special, Björn. Spending time with you as always," Lena replied seductively.

"Lena, I'm begging you!"

"Did you miss me, Björn?"

"Lena, I—"

Lena immediately began to passionately kiss Björn. Björn himself raised his arms up and looked panicked as she was doing so.

"What's wrong? Not in the mood?"

"Lena, I don't think we should be doing this!"

"Why not? I'm about to put you in the mood," Lena replied as she kissed Björn again.

"Lena, stop! I'm begging you!" Björn exclaimed as he kept trying to push Lena away but to no avail.

Meanwhile, back at the party, Agnetha was sitting with Benny, Frida, Linda, Christian, Jens, Isabelle, Tilda, and Esther socializing as a family. Agnetha couldn't help but feel grateful that the party so far had been going the way she had planned, along with the entire day in general.

"I'm glad Björn really enjoyed his surprise," Agnetha said with a smile on his face.

"You should've seen him when we arrived at Viggso, Chiquitita. He was emotional. It was his first time there in ages," Benny replied.

"I'm glad he enjoyed himself. What exactly did you guys do?"

"Looked around, ate, hung around for a bit, and played music. What else?" Benny replied as he chuckled.

"If he's happy, I'm happy," Agnetha replied with a megawatt smile on her face.

"He deserves to be happy, Mama. And same with you. You guys belong together," Linda added.

"Oh Linda," Agnetha sighed.

"It's true, Mormor. You and Morfar are soulmates," Tilda replied.

"I'll never understand why you and Morfar divorced. Why did Lena have to ruin it?" Esther asked.

"Esther," Linda replied firmly.

"What?" Esther shrugged. "I'm just saying."

Luckily, Agnetha ignored Esther's comment and they continued their conversation together. Until Benny brought up something interesting considering that it was Björn's birthday today.

"I can't wait to see the video our young fans sent to Björn for his birthday. I mean those exact same fans sent videos for Agnetha, Frida, and I so it's only fair that they make one for Björn," Benny pointed out.

"True," Frida replied.

Just then, Ludvig joined the conversation and sat next to his Papa as the conversation continued.

"What videos?" Ludvig asked upon hearing his Papa bring it up as he joined the conversation.

"Videos that some of our youngest fans always send us on our birthdays. They're very sweet you know," Frida replied.

"Yeah nothing has ever made me cry happy tears than seeing them sending us so much love," Agnetha chimed in.

"You know speaking of those young fans...," Benny said.

"What about them?" Christian asked.

"They write stories about us all the time. It's amazing to see where their creativity and their love for us goes to!" Benny exclaimed.

"Yeah I think I've read some of those stories. I can't wrap my head around some of them to be honest," Frida said.

"Which ones?" Tilda asked.

"Ex, Lovers, and Coworkers for example. And Andante, Andante," Frida replied.

"Our young fans are something else," Agnetha chuckled.

"Hey, where is the birthday boy anyways? I'm sure he's read these stories as well. I mean I wouldn't be surprised if he did," Benny replied.

"I don't know," Linda shrugged.

"I'll go look for him," Agnetha said as she got up.

Agnetha went looking for Björn as she searched around the house. Meanwhile, Björn himself was still locked inside the guest bedroom with Lena, who was still trying to seduce him. He managed to unlock the door but keep it closed as he continued trying to fight Lena off.

"Lena, please stop!" Björn exclaimed.

"Never!" Lena replied back as she continued kissing him passionately and tried getting his shirt off.

Just then, Agnetha finally figured out where Björn was in the house. She opened the door to the guest bedroom and she was in shock.

"Björn, there you are! We —," Agnetha exclaimed as she opened the door and immediately noticed Lena passionately kissing Björn as he tried to fight her off.

Lena was trying to unbutton Björn's shirt as she continued to kiss him and Agnetha caught them on the act. Björn and Lena turned around immediately after noticing Agnetha. Björn pushed himself away from Lena at last as Agnetha stood there in shock. Tears immediately started to flow in Agnetha's eyes as her bottom lip began to tremble.

"Agnetha, I—," Björn said, without hesitation as he tried to comfort Agnetha.

Agnetha ran off in tears before Björn could get to her. He then turned back to Lena, now furious.

"SEE WHAT YOU'VE DONE, LENA! I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY!" Björn exclaimed as he left the guest bedroom and ran after Agnetha. Things couldn't get any worse.

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