Chapter 2: Sunday

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I woke up when I felt the car stopped. I looked around and nothing seems familiar to me. Are we there already?

We're in a subdivision. The houses look the same one way or another, the only difference is the color, the gates, and perhaps almost everything — except for the style of the house, they're the same.

"We're here!" Dad announced as he looked at the yellow house. The building was too bright for my liking, I mean yellow? Seriously? Who on earth would want to paint their house yellow? It sticking like a sore thumb, and it also looked like poop!

I did a once-over and dam! It really is ugly. The windows had plain red grills like you're being imprisoned if you are inside. The door was brown, well at least the door was beautiful, however... it added to the poop theme of the house. I looked up to see the gutter of the roof, and it was green, now I don't know if it's a mango or a corn. The garage was empty, and their gate was black but it's too plain.

I spun my head towards the front door when I heard the screen door banged, revealing a woman just the same age as my mom. She had a welcoming smile as she looked at me. Her arms were spread wide, does she want me to hug her?

I just gave her my stoic expression, but still, her smile never faltered.

"So you're Novie. I welcome you to our humble abode." She said and gestured for me to come in. My dad was just behind us carrying my bags.

"Wow... your house is ugly," I muttered under my breath. Her smile faded, she looked at me with confusing eyes. I shrugged, it's not my fault if they heard it or what.

"Novie." My dad said in a warning tone, I sighed and shut my mouth while she gave me a tour inside their ugly house.

They had a 32-inch smart T.V. in their living room. Their blue long couch was placed near the window while two single couches faced the long couch and the other two were placed parallel to the television.

"Mom?" I glanced behind me and saw two wicked children coming from the kitchen. The girl was about 11 years old while the boy was about seven or eight years old. The woman turned her attention to her children.

"Hey sweetie, I'd like you to meet Ate Novie." She said and pulled me gently towards her. "She's your Uncle Jefferson's daughter."

The girl shyly smiled at me, her straight long hair covering her face. The little boy gave me a beam, and hugged me from my legs, just like a tarsier. I didn't know what to do, I don't want to make my father mad. Although I'd like to see this boy cry, that would be lovely!

It's difficult to walk when there's a tarsier clinging unto you. When they're not looking I glare at the boy and roll my eyes in hopes that he would finally get off from wrestling my leg.

As much as I want to hit this kid on the first step of the stairs my conscience and guilt would eat me up. I sighed and bend a little.

"Look, kid, can you just get off my leg? I don't want to get scolded if you cry because I intentionally hit you with the steps." He got scared I guess since he quickly got off from my leg and went back to the kitchen with his evil sister.

The second floor looked boring. There were four rooms, two facing the other two. They opened the door on the right side and we went inside. The room looked empty, it's not that small and not that big also. It's... just right.

There's nothing in here except for a bed and a small cabinet. The bed was already made, pink pillows and a pink bed sheet with little flowers. I took the blanket that was on top of the pillow, it was soft and pink.

"Do you like it?" The woman said, I don't know who she is actually, and I have no intention of knowing her. "Your dad told me you like the color pink."

I nodded like an innocent kid and sat on the bed. Dad placed my bags on top of the bed, while my bass and amplifier was already placed beside the cabinet. The woman left already, leaving me with my dad.

"Are you okay here?" He asked, concerned. I don't have any energy to piss him off so I just nodded. "I'll leave you here for a while. Why don't you sleep first and I'll wake you up for lunch." I nodded again, he kissed my forehead before going outside.

I lied on the bed staring at the white ceiling. My grandparent's ceiling was white too.

I miss home.

I stood up and placed my bags in front of the cabinet. I'll unpack later when my atermoiements are gone. I took my bass out of its bag, and plugged the cord inside the amplifier.

I started playing some random Christian songs since it's Sunday, and I didn't get to play in our church today.

I miss the PAW team.


"Novie?" I opened my left eye to see who it was. It was the woman. "It's lunchtime already."

I sat up and rubbed my eye to shoo the sleepiness away. I turned on my phone to check the time and it's already one-thirty.

"How can you say it's lunchtime when it's already one in the afternoon?" I asked.

"Well, it's late lunch already." She rephrased and giggled. Eww! "By the way we heard you playing."

I stopped and looked at her. "Did it cause any trouble?"

She shook her head and smiled. "No, I just want you to know, you were amazing playing your guitar just like your father."

I don't know what to say. To be honest, I hate compliments. I feel like when somebody's complimenting me I won't be able to play well.

"It's a bass, not a guitar. A guitar has six strings where the bass has four and is an octave lower than a guitar. Know their differences." I said and left her there.

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