Chapter 7: Tuesday

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Tuesday. I decided to wear simple high-waisted black shorts and a pink loose crop top, then I remembered all school discourages students to wear shorts inside their premises so I changed it to high-waisted pants, and lastly my black converse shoes.

I went down the stairs and the atmosphere was heavy, and I'm the reason. I decided not to bring any instruments today.

I sat on the vacant seat and silently ate my food. I glanced when I felt someone staring at me, it was the chubby boy; he smiled at me when I caught him looking, I only rolled my eyes and went back to eating.


The car stopped at the main building, dropping me off at the library. It was still quiet inside, in fact, there were no students inside the room.

Mrs. Cherry was arranging the books, removing books that don't belong on those shelves, and putting them in the right places. I heard her sigh as she shook her head in disappointment, muttering something under her breath.

I gently closed the door and went straight to her.

"Good morning Mrs. Cherry!" I think I caught her by surprise. She jolted and held unto the shelves as her right hand clutched her chest.

"Oh my god, Novie! You're going to give me a heart attack." Her hands were on her waist now and her eyes were closed as she shook her head.

I stifled a laugh while apologizing. She went back to work after telling me where my book was.

This time of the day is a perfect time to read. The weather is cool, and the world is still silent that I can still hear the sounds of crickets. I sat near the window and opened it to let the cool wind in, Mrs. Cherry doesn't seem to mind.

A few turning of pages later, students started to go in and out of the library. The world outside started to brighten as if saying "It's another day again".

I stopped myself from reading and watched those people who stayed inside.

One student has a book on her left hand while her right hand was holding a pen. She glanced at the book then scribbles something in her notebook.

One student was reading a book about Physics. He usually looks at the ceiling as he mutters something under his breath then back to the book again.

I glanced casually when a chair was dragged creating noise throughout the silent room. A guy was seated at the nearby table, it was the guy who got hit by my bass. He has this stoic expression as he opened his book. His hair was unruly and -

I pretended to read when he glanced back at me. That was close. Good thing my book isn't upside down, that would be mortifying.

I caught him sighing in my peripheral vision while looking at his phone. Quick as a bunny, he was already gone. I shrugged it off and went back to reading. I'm aiming to finish this book today.

"You're not a student here are you?" I mentally rolled my eyes when a high-pitched barbie doll wasted her time by just asking that question.

Duh! Isn't it obvious? I stick out like a sore thumb in here. Everybody's wearing their blue skirts with their white blouse and necktie, while I'm in a civilian.

I looked up at her. Her long wavy hair cascading on her breast, her eyebrows were shaped just like Nike's logo, totally a student acting like a queen bee.

I smiled at her and answered her question. "Yes, I'm Jefferson Ember's daughter"

"Oh, well nice to meet you," she handed her hand in a Sharpay Evans way for a handshake. I reluctantly took it. "By the way, have you seen a guy with messy hair and a serious expression hiding in here?"

I snorted and gave her an amused smile.

"If I've seen that guy I wouldn't rat him out. He's probably hiding for a reason." My answer made her face turn like she's ready to attack me. Afraid that she might really do it, I gave her an answer. "Anyway, I haven't seen that guy you are describing,"

She rolled her eyes and turned her back to me as she walks away like it's Victoria Secret's runway. I laughed silently in amusement and went back to reading.

Who knew I could piss someone today?

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