Chapter Thirty Eight

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Chapter 38

(Louis POV)

It's been more than year since me and Sam started dating. It's hard to believe. Even though I'm only a teenager, I can say now that I may love Sam. People can and will say I'm to young to think that way, but I feel like me and Sam have gotten to know each other too well to let each other go. Sure I may move on some day, but never will I ever let go of her. She was my first love. I begin to walk down the stairs when I hear bickering. Parents. For a few weeks they have been 'quietly' yelling at each other. Somehow I feel like they are planning a divorce but let's hope not. I walk in the kitchen and the bickering stops. I walk towards my backpack and start packing. As I was about to run out the door my dad stops me.

"I need to talk to you and the family when you all get home. So don't spend so much time with Sam after school," he whispers.

I nod and walk out the door. Sam is waiting on the porch bench. I walk up to her and she doesn't notice me. I tap her on the shoulder and she comes out of her thoughts.

"Hey Lou"

"Hey, how are you?" I ask while kissing her cheek.

"I could be"

"I'm fine. I'm just worried about my parents."

"They love eachother. The way they stare at eachother, you can just tell."

"Yeah..I guess" I reply.

"Wanna come over after school?"

I think for a minute, "Sure, but I can't stay late, my dad needs to talk to us about something."

I smile at her and begin walking to school. The rest of way was in silence. It isn't awkward because we enjoy just holding hands and walking to school. High school has been one of the best things that has happened to me. I joined the soccer team and I have a little interest in singing. I even made some new friends. Once we reach the school a bunch of posters are hung outside. A dance.... HOMECOMING. I forgot to ask Sam. I should ask her when we get to her house. During Study Hall I'll go to the Garden Club and get roses.....Oh! and go to the Costume Storage Room and grab a tuxedo. Yes! I don't know how I will ask her, but hey! It's gonna be cool! I'm suprised I thought of that so quickly.

"Bye Lou!" she says, kicking me out of my thoughts.

"Bye Sam," I say kissing her cheek.

I begin to walk to my class and all I can focus on is the plan.


(Study Hall)

"Mrs. Dafran may I go to the bathroom?" I ask lying.

"Take a pass!" she yells.

I run from my chair and grab a pass. I fast walk towards the Garden Club Room. I knew it was on the third floor.... AHA! and it's next to Sam's Study Hall. I run past her room and carefully open the Garden Room door. I am penetrated with the scent of flowers. I run towards the roses and grab a bouquet. I run out of the room and towards my locker looking like an idiot. I carefully place them in my locker and begin running down the long three flights of stairs. I run towards the auditorium and find the Costume Storage room. I open the door to find viking costumes, fairy costumes, even tribal costumes. TUXEDOS! I run towards them and try to find my size. Of course I will return it tomorrow. After five minutes I find my size and walk out of the room. I run to my locker and making sure no one notices the tuxedo. Of course I get glares from Seniors. I place the tuxedo next to the flowers in my locker and walk to my Study Hall. Hopefully Mrs. Dafran doesn't realize I've been gone like fifteen minutes. When I walk into the room Mrs. Dafran doesn't even notice me. I get to my desk and have to wait fifteen more minutes until the bell rings. God help.


School is finally over! My goodness. I walk to my locker and begin packing my backpack. Once I'm ready I close my locker and appears Sam.

"You scared me!"

"That was the point" she laughs.

"haha" I say sarcastically.

"Let's go!!"

We begin walking to her house and I never realize how far we are from her house. I make sure I got the flowers in my hand in a bag and my tuxedo in my backpack. I'm ready.

"What's in the bag?" she asks.

"Oh my mom ordered school spirit wear I think," I lie.

We get to her house in twenty minutes and I'm ready. We sit on the couch and begin watching a movie. I still have no idea how I will ask her, but I am just going to wing it! I realize I have to pee so I pause for a minute before thinking, what if I go to the bathroom, then change, then get the roses, then climb out the window, go to the front door, she answers and I ask her! I am sooo good.

"I'm going to the bathroom," I say before getting up and grabbing my backpack and flowers in the dining room.

I run into the bathroom and forget to pee. I change into the tuxedo and place the clothes under the sink in the cabinet. I slowly walk out and find the side door. I slowly open it and step outside. Once I'm good I fix my hair and clothes and take the flowers from the bag out. I throw the bag in the trashcan outside and begin to walk towards the front door. Once I get there I practice how I am going to ask.

Sam..Will you go to Homecoming with me?

Easy! I ring the door bell. Oh goodness. Here goes nothing! She answers the door and freezes. I kneel to the ground and begin to talk.

"I know you are not a fan of dances and neither am I, but I realize, we only live once and we should try out best to make it worth living once. Sam, we have been together more than a year and I don't plan on loosing you anytime soon. I really enjoy spending time with you... Will you, Samantha Taper, go to Homecoming with me?"

She begins to tear up, "Of course Louis. Oh my gosh."

I engulf her in a hug as she begins to cry. I thought she would say no because it's only a few days away and people plan getting dresses and tuxedos months before. I hand her the bouquet of flowers as I hug her again.

"How did you get past me? I thought you were using the bathroom?" She asks.

"I snuck out the back door.."

"You're amazing Louis."

We walk back into her house and I go to change back into my clothes. I walk over to her and check the time. I should probably go since my dad needs to talk to us.

"Sam, I'm sorry, but I got to go."

She turns around with a frown, "Okay. Text me tonight okay?"

I walk out the door and begin my ten minute walk to my house. I am a bit nervous about what he is going to tell us. It's probably something like we are going on vacation, or we are getting a room done in our house. I open my front door and everyone is waiting for me. I sit down next to Lottie and pay attention to my dad.

"Okay, so me and you're mother have been protesting about this decision, but I-"


OOOOOHHHH CLIFF HANGERRRRRRRRRR. LOL Sorry. For me it's pretty obvious what is going to happen, but I don't know about you guys. So I wrote this months ago before I published it because I just wanted to write this chapter so bad. So yeah. THANK CHU FOR READING! Byeeeee

Shattered//Louis TomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now