Chapter Twenty Nine

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Chapter 29

(Sam's POV)

Louis is such an idiot. I could see his shadow in the tree even miles farther from where I was. I heard his feet run off, so I'm guessing he won't be coming back for the night. I read the poorly decorated invitation about New Years. Me, him, Stan, and Lily all in the same room won't work out well. Lily and Stan like eachother so we have been trying to get them to date, they just don't know they like eachother.  I keep reading the whole invitation, I can probably go...right?

I call my mom and tell her about it all, "Mom, Louis is having a small sleepover party on New Years you think I can go?"

"Clean up around the house, catch up on any homework due when you get back to school, then sure! Be safe though...."

"Thanks mom! Love you!"

I hang up with a smile on my face. She didn't even ask who else, if anyone else, was going to be there. Since me and Louis have started dating, my mom has slowly started to trust him. At first she didn't like the fact of me dating someone, but now, she realises it's young love and to just leave it. Tomorrow is December 30, so I have a day to get my things together to be able to go to his 'party'. I turn around and look at the time, 10:48 pm, maybe I'll start tomorrow. I grab some pajamas and change into them. My house was really warm and cozy. I climb into my bed and turn off the purple lamp on the bedside table. As soon as I closed my eyes I feel into a deep sleep.


I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I lift my head from the pillow to see Louis is calling me. I sigh really loudly and press answer.

"You realise you could've waited until it wasn't 7 in the morning right Lou?," I ask.

"It's an emergency...I had a question....."

"And it is....."

"Can you and Lily come to the sleepover tomorrow?"

I quietly scream to myself before answering, "You called me just for that? To find out at 7 in the morning if me and Lily could go to your party tomorrow. It could've waited."

"Well...Can you come..oh and Lily too?" he asked softly.

"I can...I didn't ask Lily yet but count her as a yes."

"Good! Stan said he wanted to ask her out tomorrow night. So like hangout before and talk to her about Stan. I don't need Stan crying on New Years. Oh and can you bring some sparkling apple juice or something like that? Thanks! Byeee!"

With that he hung up before letting me reply. He wants me to get things for this? I groan and get out of bed. I walk towards my dresser to get clean clothes and head to my shower. The water is hot so I quickly shampooed, washed my body, face, and then got out. I changed into my clothes and started brushing my hair. Since it was wet, it wasn't that bad. It went a lot quicker than brushing it when it's dry. I grabbed some 'emergency' money my mom gave me and began to walk to the grocery store. All the stores will be closed tomorrow and New Years Day, so today is the day to go. I walk in to be greeted by some work person holding pounds of pasta noodles.

"Good Morning!" I say to the lady.

"Morning..Happy New Years!" she said before walking away.

I look at the drink section of the store to find Sparkling Apple and Grape juice. I grab two of each and walk to the check out line. I found a bag of candy and grabbed it, I need something sweet to eat when I'm alone!

"Hello Darling," this older woman said.

She grabbed my items and scanned them. I saw on the screen the price of everthing added up.

"Thirteen dollars and seventy three cents!"

I handed her a twenty and grabbed my stuff. She gave me the change, but I gave her back the five dollar bill as a tip. Doesn't usually happen, but I felt nice today I guess. I walked back into the freezing cold air and began my way back home. I listened carefully to the sound of my boots hitting the snow and crushing it below my feet. People were walking by staring at my two bags of things. I made sure not to break the glass the drinks were in, or else I would be screwed. My house was maybe a ten minute walk from the grocery store, and I'm already five minutes into the walk. I walk through the park to see little kids and their parents ice skating or just sitting and having hot chocolate. I'm dissapointed I can't spend it with my parents, but what can I do about it? I'm only human.

WHERE HAS THE TIME GONE?!?! I haven't been on in forever! Okay, hate me, hate me, school sucks. I'm getting so stressed out with all of this. Tests, exams, homework, PEOPLE! I'm really giving up on myself and it bothers me. I literally want to sit in a corner and cry right now. Why am I telling you this stuff? Aw whale. SOOOO Whatcha gonna be for halloween?? I'm being smASH (5SOS) woot woot! My two other friends are going to be mike-crowave and cal-pal. We're probably not even going to spend it together.... ANYWAYS BYYYYEEEEE! OH AND HAVE A FUN HALLOWEEN AND BE SAFE AND YEA. DON'T GET SICK FROM ALL THE CANDY! HAHA OKAY BYE.

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