Chapter Thirty-Seven: What Have I Done?

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Then, darkness. Peace. Tranquility.
Hermiones P.O.V
I can't cope with the fact that all of my secrets have just been revealed. And Draco. Someone has him. Where is he? Where is my fiancée?

I fall to the floor and start sobbing, and I see everyone turn away. Like I thought. They don't care about me. At all. It is supposed to be Harry and Ginnys day, and I ruined it. Like I ruin everything.

I feel some arms wrap around me. It's George. I shake him off. That is what got me into this situation. I stand up and wipe my eyes.

"Okay, listen everyone. I know that you all probably hate me, but here is how this works. I know that Harry isn't going to go on his honeymoon until we have found Draco. And I don't want to ruin that, Ginny is still my best friend, no matter if I am hers or not.

The only thing he said was to run and hide. Then, I felt a pressured feeling around my heart and throat. I think someone has him. And I think he might be close to death.

I can feel our bond fading away. Look, I am sorry for everything that has happened with George, but I had no idea that this baby was his, you think I wouldn't have said if the one baby I could have is his. It's a miracle I could give birth in the first place, I have a thirty percent chance of being able to conceive again, and I know that isn't impossible, but it's unlikely.

Draco proposed to me, and we were going to wait until after the wedding to tell you all but I don't think that we will be getting married if we don't find him!"

Everyone agrees with me and we start to come up with a plan. He won't live long. We need to think. Fast

Draco, where are you?
I don't know!
Tell me what you can see
Okay. I can see...........
Draco! Draco! What can you see.
It's the house. The one we were all in before. Come quick please!
Okay. We are on our way. Hold tight. I love you
Love you too.

Harry's P.O.V
I can see that Hermione didn't mean for any of this to happen. She is my twin sister and I have to forgive her. I can't live my life knowing that my parents gave her up to keep us safe, and I didn't try and make up for it. She was abandoned and I wasn't, so I need to repay her.

"I'm in, and not just because of the honeymoon. Your my twin sister, I would die for you and a secret here and there isn't going to change that."

I can see the tears welling up in her eyes but she just shakes herself off.

"He is at the house. The one where it happened!" Hermiones says, gesturing her head towards Ginny. We can't take her back there, after Dean stripped her and left her to burn to death outside. That man has done unspeakable things. And why?

George comes over and he speaks, keeping a distance from us all.
"Guys, Fred is there too! Please help me save my twin. You guys know what it's like to feel like you have lost your twin! I finally got him, he isn't dead, and I know you shouldn't have to get him for me, but what about for mum. Please. If you won't do it for me, do it for mum."

I go over and pull George into a hug. I whisper to him.
"I forgive you. We get Draco back, you make things right, and you be the best dad possible for my niece and god daughter or so help me god I will come over whilst you are sleeping and make sure you never breathe again! Got it?"

I pull away from the hug and pat a terrified George on the back.

Ginnys P.O.V
How can anyone go to that place? Who has him? Why there?

No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.No

No. He can't be out. He can't be. Why does he keep doing this. How does he keep doing it? Again?! Dean. Dean Thomas escaped.

Dean Thomas escaped from Azkaban. I need to find out why. Why did he escape? Why did he do all of this? What made him do it? What caused it? I will get to the bottom of this. Wether it kills me or not. I am going to find out. What went wrong?

What went wrong with Dean Thomas?

An:// I am so sorry that I haven't uploaded, we have been redecorating! Thankyou for all the endless support and lovliness on this story! It means so much. We are almost on 30k reads guys. Sorry the chapter is shorter today, I am trying to pace out my ideas until I get new ones.

I can't believe that I started this story as a naive little 13 year old, and now my birthday is in a months time. It means a lot that you all keep reading my story a couple of years on.

So much twin talk in this chapter. Are any of you twins? I am, and we share this account so she always tells me off for all the emails she gets from your endless support which I am so grateful for.

As usual, comment any ideas or theories because I love to read them and I often get ideas from them.

Leave a vote if you liked it and make sure you wash your hands and stay alert!

Lots of love to you all.

C xxx

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