Chapter Twenty-Four: What to do? What to do?

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What did he do? Why is he here, in town, on his own with remnants of tears on his cheeks? Draco Malfoy, what mess are you in now?

Ginnys P.O.V
Me and Draco are now sat in the leaky cauldron with our hands wrapped round some mugs of butterbeer. He tells me about Hermione. I guessed she was pregnant anyway.

He also tells me about her overhearing the plans for bringing HIM back. Him. The one that ruined all our lives on more than one occasion.

I invite him and Hermione to come over and stay with us. I can't tell them yet. Harry knows and he is okay with it but I just hate it. I hate the thought. Hermione is Voldemorts child. And so is Harry........

Hermione's P.O.V.
I run around the room hectically packing a bag as I go. I can't stay here anymore. I can't believe it. He did it on purpose. He knew that his dad was alive and planning on bringing Voldemort back but didn't tell me.

He doesn't love me. I close the clasps on my bag and I am about to apperate away when I feel a strong pair of arms grab my waist. I know who it is instantly and this feeling is lovely. I can't help it.

I turn around. Draco is looking at me. I don't know what to do. I really want to be mad at him but I can't. I just can't.

"Why didn't you tell me, Draco? I deserved to know. I would have supported your decision!"

I can tell he is upset from his face. There are crincles in his eyes. Tears glisten on the surface like icebergs in the water. He blinks them back, not showing weakness.

I instantly feel bad and start to stammer an apology. "I'm so sorry Draco, I didn't mean to upset you. I want you so badly. I love you. I can't loose you to him. Please take me back. Don't make me loose you because of him. I can't. I couldn't cope..."

I get engrossed in the thought and I start to panic and hyperventilate. I can't breathe properly. I clutch my stomach protectively and fall to the floor. Before it can get too bad, Draco is hugging me and I bury my face into his strong, burly shoulder.

He holds me for a while and every so often I hear him whisper things to me.  "Im sorry. I should have told you. I didn't want to loose you. You won't loose me. I'm sorry."

Draco's P.O.V
I wish I had told her. She deserved to know. Now she is suffering because of me. I do t know what to do. I whisper apologies to her but it's not enough. I can never make up for what I did. And the secret I now know from reading the mind of Ginny. What am I going to do?

I have to tell her. It will break us if I don't. But I promised Ginny I wouldn't. What if I just ended it all? Would that fix everything? My guilt would go, that's for sure.

We sir for a while, both mulling over our own thoughts in our heads. I am the first one to speak. "Hermione, Ginny said that we are welcome to stay with her because the house is going to be filled with.... with him and I don't want you any where near him."

I look at her and she is smiling. "Draco, anywhere with you is home, I would love to." I get up and pull her up with me, being careful of her delicate stomach. There is a China doll in there.

I start to pack a bag as Hermione had done. I don't pack much. After all, I won't be here for long.

I finish putting my things info my duffel and grab both mine and Hermiones bags and hold my free hand out to take hers. She takes it and I feel her soft hand rub gently against mine. I apperate to Potter Manor and knock on the door.

Ginnys P.O.V
I am sat on the sofa said g my new book when I hear a knock on the door. I answer it and see a surprisingly happy Draco and Hermione. They must have made up.

I invite them in. Draco gives Hermione the bags to take upstairs and he asks her if she will be okay.

"I'm fine, Draco, I'm not made of glass you know." She replies.

I chuckle to myself. Then, Draco sits down frantically. He looks at me and I sit next to him, worried.

"What's up, Draco?" I question, watching him bite anxiously on his fingernails.

He looks up to me. "Is it true? Is he Hermiones father? Is she related to Harry? Before you ask, I heared you thinking about it the other day. How could you not tell her. What am I going to do. She will kill me if I don't tell her. Oh god!"

Draco's P.O.V
I can't cope with it. I apperate away before Ginny can answer my rhetorical questions. I go where none of them will find me. I search around for what I left here last time. It still has specks of blood on it. I take it to my arm and cut, tears flooding our my eyes.

The pain is so reliving so I do it again and again until my arm is numb. Within a few minutes; everything will be gone. All my pain and worry. Gone.

An// Thankyou so much for reading. It means a lot to me and I can't believe I'm at 5K reads. You guys mean the world to me. Sorry it has been so long since my last upload. I hope you all had a great Christmas if you celebrate it. I will be uploading another chapter soon. Just stay patient with me. Enjoy!

C xxx

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