Chapter Eighteen: Please, Not Yet.

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She sighs. I have won. I grab her hand and we apperate home. Best. Day. Ever. She said yes. My one true love said yes. I can't believe it. Ginny is going to be my wife. I had no idea of what was going to happen. This was just the beginning...

Harry's P.O.V
It is only lunch time but me and Ginny are not hungry. I have a surprise in store for her. We are staying in a hotel for a few nights. I had no idea that this memorable weekend would be memorable in a bad way. I tell Ginny to pack for a few nights and she runs upstairs.

She deserves this. She needs it. With everything that has gone on. There is much more to come though. But she has gone through so much with me running away, faking my death and everything bad that has happened. She deserves better. The best.

Ginnys P.O.V
I run upstairs to go and pack. I pack a variation of outfits as I have no clue where we are going. I pack cute, posh, nice, casual, swimwear. Anything I can think of.

I go downstairs with my case dragging behind me. It was really heavy. Harry looks at it and raises his eyebrows. He starts to laugh. "What's so funny?" I ask, sweat dripping down my red face.
"Just you. I said pack for a weekend. You have packed for about four weeks." I huff and carry on pulling my case down the stairs.

When I reach the bottom, Harry does a spell to take out all the clothes I don't need, and I grab my now really light case and we apperate. I look up, gobsmacked. We are at the Wardorf in Brooklyn. I have always dreamed of coming here after seeing pictures and things. Now I can.

I look over at Harry, who has a massive grin plastered on his face. He leans down and kisses me like there is no tomorrow. The whole world stops. Its just me and Harry. Nothing could be better. We were going to spend the whole weekend together. Or were we.

Unknown P.O.V
I am exited for today. I get out of azkaban. I get them all. I have the place ready, thanks to my minions. They will all be split up eventually. I will have them all and I can pay them for what they did to me.

I am giving them some names and locations in return for my freedom. Freedom. The ability to do what I want to who I want. I almost forgot what it was like. There is only one I want, but it is better with them all. More fun. My minions better do me proud. If not, there will be consequences for everybody. And that will not end well.

Ginnys P.O.V
We walk into reception and it is even more beautiful than the outside. I gasp as I look at the ceiling. There are intricate swirls and patterns carved into the wood. There is a ginormous crystal and diamond Chandler hanging from it.

Harry checked us in and he grabs my hand, leading the way. We get to a room near the top of the hotel (we obviously took the lifts up there) and he unlocks the door. We go inside and I squeal.

It is massive. It is completely made out of dark wood and it is really rustic. There is an en-suite bathroom and a massive living and kitchen area incase we wanted to self cater. I go into the bedroom and nearly pass out.

It is gorgeous. There is a four poster bed with crisp white sheets. There is a massive dressing table that is also dark oak. This is the best place I have ever been to. There is also a muggles television hooked onto the wall.

"Harry, this is amazing. Thankyou so much!" I say, running over to kiss him. He kisses back. After a while, I deepen the kiss and his tongue searches my mouth, asking for entrance. I grant it and you know where it went from there.

After we are fully dressed again, Harry says he is going for a walk. He asks me if I want to go with him but I am tired so I say no and go for a lie down. Worst. Mistake. Ever.

Hermione's P.O.V
I wake up and I go downstairs. I see a couple of notes and read them. The first one is from Harry. It explains that he and Ginny are going away for a couple of days to celebrate their engagement. Engagement. Ginny is engaged. He was careful not to specify where, I notice.

It is the second note that took me by surprise. It reads

Last Wednesday was amazing. I couldn't believe you had that in you. Are we on again for this week. Say Thursday perhaps. I need you as much as you need me, but be careful because you don't want your fiancée to find out do you. I hope to see you next week and I hope no one else reads this.

All my love, Pansy xxx

What. Pansy. No. Not Ron. I check the note with a spell and it is real. I can't believe it. I am half tempted to to just leave it and see what lie Ron comes up with but instead, I take my ring off my finger and write a little letter saying:

Be careful, Ronald, you don't want your fiancée finding this do you. Oops. Too late. goodbye, Ronald. I really did love you.

I go out and I see Draco. I walk and talk with him, explaining what happened, and then I scream. Someone has taken me. They probably have Ron too.

Rons P.O.V

I go downstairs and see lots of notes on the side. I read one from Harry and my anger rises. Engaged. Although, I am also engaged. Or was, as it appears to be. I look at the next note in shock. I never did anything with Pansy. Why would I. I loved Hermione. She has left me. Her ring is on the side with a slip of paper attached to it.

I scream so loud I think it wakes up the whole house and I fall to the floor and cry, the ring and note falling next to me. I have lost my one true love. I see a mop of ginger hair pick up the notes and realise that it is George.

He gives me a hug and calms me down. I go after Hermione, only to see her with Draco. Then she screams as someone takes her away. I didn't see who. But I know it will be a while before I see her again.

Ginnys P.O.V
I wake up and unpack my case, feeling a lot more energised. I finish with all my stuff and hear a crack, meaning someone has apperate in. I instantly assume it is Harry so I run out, and that is the last thing I remember before everything goes spotty and I fall to the floor, screaming.

Harry's P.O.V

I am on my walk, and I am just about to go home when I hear a familiar scream. It is Ginny. I turn but she isn't here. I apperate back to our room just in time to see her get taken by a person in a mask. I instantly know why I heared her. She is my true love. She will hear my screams too.

I can't help it. I scream and fall to the floor, sobbing. I can't help it. I love her and now she is gone. I don't know how long it will be before I see her again.

An// thankyou all so much for reading. I can't believe that I am number 59 on the ranking list. If you have any ideas, comment them and I will be sure to add them in. If you enjoyed this chapter please give it a vote. It is a long one. Again, thankyou for reading and I hope you stay tuned for Thursdays chapter. It will be a good one.

C xxx

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